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Posts posted by KevinStorm

  1. Just out of interest Kev, were you going for an accent or is that just your natural voice?

    It's not my real accent. In another project with the same film group, which is sort of a sketch comedy show, my first appearance was as a character named Corey "CL" Lieberman, who is basically a wannabe-pop star that thinks he's a lot more famous than he actually is, and he pretends to be "gangsta" and "hood." People that have seen the sketches love the character, to the point where in two other sketches I wrote and directed for the show, where I play an FBI agent in one and a health insurance CEO in the other, people that saw them thought I was Corey Lieberman because it's all they'd seen me play. So, the basic idea I went with in this film is that I wanted to play the complete opposite of Corey Lieberman and show some diversity, so I decided to try a British accent.

    This is more like what I really sound like, where I play the FBI agent(I wrote and directed this one for a class):

    And this is one of the CL episodes, if anyone wants to see that:

  2. You guys are awesome. I've always found the best way to improve is to find out what's wrong with stuff we make, but hardly anyone ever wants to tell us.

    EDIT: Wait.

    But what really made me stop watching, was when in the background, you could hear the director telling the lines to the actors, who were just repeating them... wow.

    Where was that?

    About 1:50 into the film. The black guy goes to talk, and the director is saying the lines in the background, and he's repeating them.

    No he isn't. That's my character in the background talking to him. It sounds off because the microphone on the camera was pointing away from me. There actually aren't any lines. We just go with outlines and make up the specifics lines as we're shooting. It's a lot easier than memorizing whole scripts.

  3. You guys are awesome. I've always found the best way to improve is to find out what's wrong with stuff we make, but hardly anyone ever wants to tell us.

    EDIT: Wait.

    But what really made me stop watching, was when in the background, you could hear the director telling the lines to the actors, who were just repeating them... wow.

    Where was that?

  4. Since last summer I've been working with a local film group just for fun, mostly as an actor, but I've also written and directed a few short things as well. Last fall the guy that basically runs the thing decided to make a horror/thriller type of short film, and it was released "officially" at the end of last month. Now it's been put on youtube since making DVDs takes so long, and I thought I'd post it here for your viewing and/or feedbacking(is that even a word?) pleasure, seeing as I've come to respect EWB's tendency to be brutally honest about everything.

  5. ok i just downloaded the game after I paid, I hit run and it brought it up, but is there a way to put a minecraft icon on my desktop?

    Find the minecraft exe file(Which I think is in C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft on Windows 7), right click it, and create shortcut.

  6. In my 2nd world I've been playing for about a month (in-game time) and have nothing to show for it. 22 Iron and 20 coal a few redstone.

    Mostly due to dungeon I found just inside a cave. I didn't even deactivate it. I sealed the entrance and dug around to the boxes and stole the contents :shifty:

    I've been killed several times by creepers but have caught about a dozen in my water trap and I now have 18 sulphur :D

    Did the game get a bit harder with the Beta update or do I just suck more?

    I keep getting raped by spiders and Skeletons whenever I enter a cave so I don't do that too much at the moment :unsure:

    I think it did get harder. Creepers and zombies don't bother me so much(unless they fall on top of me; a zombie did that and killed me instantly), but spiders and skeletons seem way over-powered.

  7. I just finished my greatest engineering project so far in this game. My main home is in a flooded cave which is beside a lake, and Sousa's diary has inspired me to try exploring some of the world by boat. The problem is that the lake near my home is rather small. So what do I do? I build a massive fucking canal through the land. Pictures in the spoiler tag.





    That's a canal with 2 90 degree angles, carved straight out of dirt, sand, and stone, flooded one block deep, with a glass roof so mobs don't fall on me while I'm sailing through it. It also has those stone blocks with torches to light the way.

    Next I have to build a smaller canal across a much smaller space of land, and then I'm on the high seas, ye mateys.

  8. This trailer has me more interested in the game than anything I've actually heard of it before now. It's nice to finally know something about it other than talk of how it's revolutionary with little evidence as to if it actually will be or not. Like I said, I'm hoping this is more sandbox than Heavy Rain inspired, because after Red Dead I have a lot of faith in Rockstar to develop a decent sandbox game that's not set in modern times.

    Holy shit that looks like a film trailer.

  9. FIFA would be better because it has all the official kits and players so you'll recognise more about what's going on. Pro Evo has the wrong names for English teams and a lot of the international and English teams don't have proper kits. I'm one of the (small) group who think Pro Evo is a better game but FIFA is licensed and when you're starting out then that can help. Pro Evo seems to assume that you know stuff about the sport.

    I don't actually watch soccer, though, so I don't know if that would make much of a difference to me.

  10. I actually figured out what the problem was. The water was flowing because there was no "source" block in the spot it was flowing into. So I dropped a "source" into that block, and my little watery cave is all calm now.

    ...Aside from getting half of it blown to shit from creepers or being attacked by spiders 2 at a time. I'm currently re-doing my water elevator and front parapet in brick.

  11. How do I change a "flow" water block into a "source" water block? My little watery cave has currents running all over it and I don't know how to stop it.

    Put another source next to the original source. It'll create a source block in the middle. If your watery cave has currents running all over it, though, you should block it off at the source.

    That's the problem. There isn't really a source. Just sections where currents are going all over the place. And if I block it off and then re-fill it, it turns back into current.

  12. I can instantly tell who here has definately not played WrestleMania The Arcade Game. Those of you who are guilty of this - shame on you.

    I owned it on Sega Genesis. It was kind of fun, but I also thought it was too silly. Felt more like Mortal Kombat than a wrestling game.

  13. I started a new world and, inspired by Sousa, I found a little cove and decided to build an awesome underwater network of tunnels and caves. It's not going well. I suck tremendously at building under water.

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