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Posts posted by KevinStorm

  1. Just bought it today. Story mode is pretty cool. I've always wished there was something like this in an MK game.

    Does anyone know where I can read up on the story before this game? I've never really learned all that much about it, and I have no idea about a lot of what's going on.

  2. You need to spend your monny. By the end you are running on sixbase, with 10k minnerals sitting on your bank acount while his army size still is almost on par. You could have build 200 Marins with that, his two tank two BC army combo of doom would not have stood long against it.

    Also, he did not do anyting evil. Sometimes you get people that rebuild their base 10 times wen they already lost... he just turtled and went for high tech units. Thats pritty standart terran play even if executed on a beginner level. (not that i am a Master or anything)

    Rules that will make you silver or even gold league very fast. Obviusly there are always reasons to abondon or bend these, but for a beginner:

    1. Learn buildorders.

    2. Allways have all your monney spend at any time.

    Towards the end I did lay back on him, but it was mainly because I had no idea how he hadn't quit yet. I probably should have just spammed a bunch of banshees and vikings and just wiped him out.

  3. 1 base Battlecruiser? How did you let that happen? You should be attacking him way before that.

    I was. But, since it was a newbie map with the big rocks blocking the bases, I tend to focus on harrassing attacks early on, usually either medivac drops or banshees. I was hammering him with those attacks, though, which I think is why I managed to stop him from expanding. He was spending a lot just to build missile turrets all over the place. Then, when I attacked his front finally with ground forces, he lit me up with siege tanks.

    I don't think it was too hard for him to pull that off, considering he wasn't using any resources on actually attacking me. So he just sat there and built a lot of shit.

    EDIT: Uploaded the replay if anyone wants to check it out. http://www.sc2replayed.com/replays/149032-1v1-terran-novice-kulas-ravine

  4. I just won a game against a guy that went about 45 minutes longer than it should have because, when I had him cut off from expanding beyond his main and his natural and both of those were completely out of resources, rather than just give up, I had to batter him over and over again until he couldn't rebuild anymore.

    Fucking turtle.

    I do this sometimes, but only with people I know. At a certain point in a ladder game, you know you've lost, so dragging it out is pointless.

    This wasn't even a ladder game. I'm still playing the beginner matches before you actually get in to the ladder.

    It dos not happen to often, but wen it dos i usualy just enjoy the fact that i was good enough to piss him of.

    But with full map control you should have had this a lot faster, or did he actualy take part of the game with a mobile army harrassing you?

    He just sat there and turtled the whole game. Never attacked. Just defense. He had built so much shit in his main+natural that it was difficult for me to get a foothold, and he apparently had a lot of stockpiled resources so he'd rebuild whatever defenses I took out. Turned out later on he also had another expansion on the other side of the map, but it was just a command center, a few SCVs, and some defensive units. I took that out and he kept trying to rebuild it, so I sat on it, and finally had full map control. Then I just built up a fleet of vikings(because he had a ton of battlecruisers), and started cranking out Banshees non-stop. I would push forward, blow up some shit, pull back for reinforcements, go in again almost immediately, and then it was pretty obvious he had no other resources because he wasn't rebuilding anymore. Then he finally quit.

  5. I just won a game against a guy that went about 45 minutes longer than it should have because, when I had him cut off from expanding beyond his main and his natural and both of those were completely out of resources, rather than just give up, I had to batter him over and over again until he couldn't rebuild anymore.

    Fucking turtle.

  6. I'm looking to pick up a baseball game this year, but I absolutely SUCK at pitching. Always have.

    The pitching system on 2k10 was the best part of the game. Hopefully The Show steals it, as The Show is a better game, but I disliked the pitching.

    The system in The Show isn't similar to the one in MLB 2K except that they both use the stick. With The Show, you pick you pitch, lock in a location, then go back and forth on the stick. It doesn't have the gestures that makes 2K pitching fun.

    I know that from The Show 10, but I recall reading something about how 11's pitching was going to be changed.

  7. King Ellis World is excellent.

    My game crashed while I was mining coal, and when I loaded it back on, it started back with me inside a stone wall. I died.

    Try loading your own world instead!

    Here's what happens when we enter KevinStorm:



    I did. It's pretty snazzy. Nothing but cliffs. How does this seeding thing work?

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