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Posts posted by KevinStorm

  1. I have a Yamaha keyboard that I can hook up to my computer with a MIDI to USB cable and play around with programs like Reason. It works pretty well, though it doesn't have a pitch wheel that will work with Reason.

  2. Two weeks ago my dad bought himself Black Ops for his birthday. Now, I've finally caved in and started it, not even touch the game at all before hand. I've done the first 2 missions or so, where you jump from the back of a truck to a train that is about 100ft away. Ughhhhh.

    In this time, I've killed Castro, carried & used a minigun, fired cover from a plane, brought down a chopper with a harpoon and much more. Ugh. I'm just gonna milk it for all the trophies I can and be done with it.

    Christ, just don't play the fucking game if it's such a hardship.

    I'm weak. :shifty: And my issue was just all of that happens within the first two levels of the game, there's no pacing.

    That was kind of my problem with it. Felt like it was written by someone with severe ADHD.

  3. I played a lot of multiplayer with them! Everyone else stops playing the games a month after release....while Fitzy, Eddie and I played tons of MW2 (and to a lesser extent, Black Ops)

    If you had it on PS3, I'd play.

  4. The single player in MW2 was great :/

    It was, but it was too damn short.

    EDIT: Which brings me to another gripe: when developer companies make half a game because they want to make a "sequel" later.

  5. online additions to games that dont need online. Bioshock 2, for example.

    I'll go the opposite way here: games where the single-player portion is half-assed and obviously just an after-thought because the developer wanted to focus on multiplayer. Hello, COD: Black Ops and MW2.

  6. So did anyone who didn't like GTAIV pick this up? If so, how'd you enjoy it? Is it worth getting if I wasn't so keen on Heavy Rain or the last few GTA games? I liked Red Dead if that's at all helpful. I want to get a new PS3 game, but I'm just still not sold on this yet.

    I got very bored with GTAIV very quickly. LA Noire is pretty good, I think.

  7. So this is the newest project from Danger Room Studios, a film group I work with(acting, writing, directing, whatever). It's a spinoff of an original comedy series called "Triflin' Friends." It's starring Perrish Goggins andPorche Young, who were in the original series, and me. The basic premise is Perrish's character, Morris Jackson, loses his job and comes to live with my character, Billy. Hilarity ensues.

    Here's the series premiere: Doin' Hard Time

    And this is episode 2 which just released today: "Ineption"

  8. Those of you US chaps and chapettes who pre-ordered LA Noire for PS3 - does the pre-order DLC content work without the PlayStation store up?

    I want it on PS3, but I may have to go 360 since I'm an impatient bastard.

    Trying to go to the PSN Store crashed the game on me.

    I'm a little ways into the Traffic desk myself. It's pretty fun so far. I'm decent with interrogations, last case I got 6/8 right. It does feel like a typical Rockstar game with better graphics, though, so hopefully something changes later on to make it a little less cookie-cutter.

  9. I've wept softly and made pining motions towards the PSN because I really want to play MAG lately.

    Other than that, I started a new game of Valkyria Chronicles and am contemplating starting a new game of Disgaea 3.

    MAG was one of the first games I got when I got my PS3. But for some reason, I just can't get into it.

  10. This really is gonna be a beast of a game. Can't wait for it, Rockstar have never let me down and I don't think they'll do it this time looking at the trailers.

    Also lol Xbox and their outdated technology :lol:

    Maybe right now isn't the time to knock the Xbox... you know, considering the gargantuan security problem the PS3/PSN just had?

    So Sony is a lazy-ass company with a shitty network. Doesn't mean the PS3 itself isn't superior.

  11. I don't think it's an issue of "good" vs. "bad" hacking, more just negative response vs. relative indifference. I don't think the majority of people are too fussed about people jailbreaking iPhones, modding consoles, or cracking software - but they're pretty universally opposed to identity theft.

    Tell that to Apple, Sony, Microsoft, and every computer software development company.

    Yes, you're right, they are the majority of people.

    They're the ones with the money, and they're the ones suing people, so they might as well be.

  12. I don't think it's an issue of "good" vs. "bad" hacking, more just negative response vs. relative indifference. I don't think the majority of people are too fussed about people jailbreaking iPhones, modding consoles, or cracking software - but they're pretty universally opposed to identity theft.

    Tell that to Apple, Sony, Microsoft, and every computer software development company.

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