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Posts posted by KevinStorm

  1. Monthly fees are $15, less if you buy 3 month or 6 month packages.

    I'd really just prefer KOTOR 3 instead of an MMO.

    Prices seem pretty good to me. I'm pretty happy to pay £40ish for 6 months, considering most games that take me about 10 hours to beat cost the same. And yeah, I'd like KOTOR 3 too, but this seems pretty great. It'll be nice to have a KOTOR that you can play with others with a lot more story options than just the one you play through in KOTOR, great as the story was.

    It isn't just $x for six months. It's $60 for the game and the first month, THEN $x for six months. So if it turns out to be like WoW where I try it for a couple of hours, quit because it's so boring, and never touch it again, it's $60 wasted. I've yet to find an MMO that could hold my attention.

  2. Ok, so I just got Modern Warfare 3 and while I'm enjoying it, it's going to take me a while to learn all the ins and outs of the maps and such and I'm really thinking hard about picking up a new game to help keep myself from burning out on MW3.

    Anyway, I want to pick up either WWE 12, Skyrim, or NBA 2K12. I'm in the boat of that I love the WWE games for about 2 weeks to a month before they wear out on me and I loved NBA 2K11 but that's the first basketball game I've enjoyed in a long time. As for Skyrim, I've never played an Elder Scrolls game but I love RPGs and enjoyed FF12's battle system, though I'm not sure if it's even anything like that.

    All three of them are fun. Probably would get more play time out of Skyrim. NBA 2k12 isn't much different from 11, but the changes in it are good ones.

  3. Finished my Create-a-Story today, can't upload it though. Damn servers.

    Had an awesome Rumble in WWE Universe though. Sheamus (me), Orton, Nash and Miz were the final four. I eliminated Orton quickly, but the three remaining guys just kept going back and forth. Finally got a finisher and eliminated Nash, then went for Miz, but he used a finisher to break it and easily dropkicked me out of the ring since I'd been in forever. Miz wins, going to face CM Punk at Mania... except Punk lost the title to Nash in the Elimination Chamber. The plot thickens.

    PS3 or 360? If you're on PS3, I'd like to try that story out.

  4. Another question :shifty: Do guys come out with belts that aren't even in Universe? For example, if Big Show was assigned the Hardcore Championship, would he wear it for his entrances even if the belt wasn't assigned as a Universe title?

    Edit: Also, one last question. Can you turn commentary off in Universe mode? So that there's zero talking during matches AND cutscenes? Obviously I still want Justin Roberts to have his voice.

    The reason I'm asking all this is because I'm planning on totally nerding out and recording my game for YouTube, with my own commentary, and edited together to fit like a real episode of Raw. Story designer is still in the game right? My plan, though it probably will never come into fruition, is to make sense of what the game throws at me and upload it for people to watch as episodic television :shifty:

    Not gonna lie. I'd probably watch that.

  5. I hate this game. Way too hard and all the other guy ever does is whip me into the corner and do lame chain grapple moves like he is AJ Styles trying to impress ROH fans. It really sucks.

    Glad I'm not the only way. I managed to beat Del Rio on Normal last night with CM Punk just barely. Didn't even hit a finisher. The AI reverses way too easily, and for some reason, when I go for a grapple I end up in a headlock instead. Can't figure out if I'm being reversed out of nowhere or if it's bug, but it happens a lot.

  6. Good god I suck at this game so much. Haven't won a match yet, and have been completely squashed a few times. What's the point in making guys get up for moves faster if they just get up all groggy and shit? I can't recover fast enough to do a move before my opponent is already doing another move on me.

  7. I'm starting to think the road to Winterhold is dangerous. First I had to battle a dragon, then I got attacked by an assassin, and then a Snowy Sabre Cat.

    On the way to Winterhold, I ran into a fort that had been taken over by two Necromancers that fucked me up a few times. Finally I just said screw it and charged past them on my horse.

  8. I have never played any games from this series before but everyone has been raving about this so much that I am tempted to get it, do I need to have played the past games to enjoy this or can I jump straight into it?

    Each game is a self-contained story, so you don't need to play any of the others. Hell, if you tried playing all of them, you'd never catch up with the series.

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