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Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

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Posts posted by Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

  1. Maaaan, had the mob not killed me I honestly think I could have wormed my way to the endgame and won this son of a bitch. I was doing so well playing the part of the helpful townie that I wound up drawing their attention in the process though :(

    Still though, I had a lot of fun in the process. This role was great, the ability was awesome and my only wish was that I couldn't be nightkilled, because had that been another ability I would have won this thing >_>

    You would have won the thing? Pffttt... I had the town wrapped around my fingers and would of won the thing easily if I wasn't killed by GoGo. Has an individual ever won a mafia game(not an individual who can win with anyone but an individual that can only win by himself)?

    Also Norro I think you might be thinking what I am thinking about who is GoGo's partner bceause I think it is obvious as well. I wish this game would hurry up and finish because I am interested in the roles and the night action recaps.

  2. Whew, I don't know if there is anything like the feeling of coming back at the last second of a game. I have started a game as Kansas City and through some trades have made the team stacked at Striker and have a pretty good Defensive Line but my midfield is a weak area. My tactics are set to where I get the ball down the field real fast and just let my amazing strikers have shots on goals as usually I end my games on the low end in possesion time but the very high end on shots on goal.

    Well anywho I was playing Chicago and my star DC got redcarded the game before(he was redcarded in the first ten minutes but we went on to win 2-0.) so he was suspended but I had some talent that could fill his spot. In this game we were tied at 0-0 at halftime but Chicago scored right away in the second half. They then scored again but there were offsides so it didn't count. Well I decided I needed to score as my team haven't lost yet and I didn't want to starts. I changed my 4-1-3-2 to a 4-3-3 and hoped to get a chance to score but I wasn't lucky and was running out of time so around the 84th minute mark I changed my tactics again to a 4-2-1-3 and at 89:59 the striker the I subbed in scored a goal tieing the game for me and giving me a point out of the game. I almost scored again in extra time but I hit the bar but I was very happy to still be undefeated.

  3. Rented this tonight and I'm loving it.

    Started an (offline) dynasty with the Georgia Bulldogs (99, so what :shifty: ), two games in so far but 2-0. Just finished a game against Central Michigan, very very close the whole way through, with each team leading by a touchdown at different times but the other tying it up.

    Comes down to the 4th quarter and CMU is leading by 1. They keep being assholes and letting time run down as much as they possibly can between plays, but once they pulled the trigger, I stopped them every time. Finally, with like 30 seconds remaining, they get off a passing play and, in the nicest replay ever, one of my guys intercepts it along the sidelines, running it straight down for a gamewinning TD, me not even caring about the field goal afterwards. Such a great feeling shoving it in their face for being cocky with time.

    You do realize that's the point right?

    Yep, it's a smart strategy. Doesn't make them any less of assholes for doing it though. :shifty:

    I'm curious as to how much you must suck to have the highest rated team in the game and still be going neck and neck with Central Michigan all game. Ya' shouldn't have been all that shocked by losing to South Carolina. I say another SEC loss may be in your future if you struggled with the CMU Chippewas.

    It is call Sliders and difficulty level... I mean some people like a challenge and don't just play the game on Varsity.

  4. Quick question. So I am playing is a greek house and invited someone to pledge. They finished their pledge period but haven't moved into the greek house. How do I get them to move into the Greek house?

  5. I thought this movie was horribly subpar. The script was in major need of fixing and as most people mentioned none of the Jones ever felt in danger.

    The thing about the previous three movies is that the script was believable enough for one to buy into the weird things like face melting but this one the script and the direction made the movie just feel unbelievable. A lot of the time during the movie I would be watching a scene and just having to blurt out to myself "Come on."

    In the warehouse when the metal in the gunpowder is attracted to the chest from across the warehouse but when they open the chest the magnet is only strong enough to lightly pull on their dogtags and doesn't effect their guns at all. Come on.

    Indiana was able to ride in the Fridge for miles and the door didn't come off and he was able to stand and walk afterwards with no problems. Come on.

    In the jungle when they blew up the tree cutting machine yet they were able to then drive around for 15 minutes into the uncut desert and not have a single problem. And how the blade ripped apart the front of a few veichles yet they were all able to drive away. Come on.

    Mutt's adventure with the Monkey's and then the Monkey's attacking the Russians afterwards but no attack Mutt who invaded their tree. Come on.

    The Ants I didn't mind to much except for their ability to make that pryamid and having superior vision to know where to go to get the humans. Come on.

    The driving the jeep off the cliff and onto the tree and the tree bended and not break from the superior weight. Come on.

    All the other unreal things that happened in the movie but I am to tired to list. Come on.

    Overall a 4/10. The action was alright in parts but there were many scenes where I was unable to suspend my imagination.

  6. My DT, Hugar Twriker is playing good currently which is such a great feeling because at the start of the year he was having some troubles. Over the off season I got tired of checking the fourm and in the first two games my DT got no tackles(even though other teams couldn't run on us and I didn't build my guy for stats but to eat up o-line for others to break thru for the tackles.) and I was traded. With this new team I am tearing it up with 20 tackles in the last 8 games with 11 of those tackles for loses. I also recently got my first pass defended and this past game got my first two hurries. Looking back at the team I got traded from the two starting DT's don't even combined to my stats as well as having a crappy record. The have a 2-8 record while my current team has a 6-5 record with a 3 game win streak.

    My OG Hugo Blockins has been traded so many times I don't really even care about the team I am on now. They are one of those guys with the farm systems and the current team I am on I am getting only about 15 plays a game and even when I made mention of it when the GM was trying to get me to sign a new contract it didn't improve. Funny to note though is the current team I am on is getting blown out every game and even with my limited play times I am usually walking away with more pancakes then some of the starters(Well I get 1 and they get 0). I have decided that I am going to sit out the rest of my contract(expires in 11 days) then test the Free Agent market. The only problem is as I have plenty of stamina after the games and therefore can train at normal and intense and signed for a really low amount that my player can not afford the lvl 8 equipment upgrades so I have to wait till the new contract to upgrade my player.

  7. Damn it I am out of the game. Probably better for the town as I have to atleast be in contention for LVP as I played a awful game. Thought I had the game on lock down twice only to be horribly wrong twice. Also Sousa I didn't steal that list from you, I had my list that I was keeping up with in word with all of these pretty colors and everything. In fact I am pretty sure that I posted parts of my list earlier and that you made a comment on the list as I posted you under the not 100% clear list.

  8. Hamton.jpg

    Was expected to be Relegated at the start of the season but thanks to getting Chelsea as a parent club and them loaning me Sergio Tejera I was able to slip into the playoffs and made it to the finals only to lose on a injury time goal.


    Had an amazing year and finished the season on a hot streak but Dorchester won their last seven games not letting me pass them. Sergio was with me again for this year and won another player of the year. Lost in the first round of the playoffs after Lewes injured three of my starters in the first game.

    Sergio has left my team and no player on my Chelsea parent club wants to be loaned to my team so looks like I am shit out of luck. I have several good players so with some good and talented young back ups so I am hoping I can do well this year but if I don't it isn't the end of the world. I am expected to finish 9th so hopefully I can live up to that.

  9. Alright, I am having a problem, in my Football Manager 2006 game with Chester how the hell can I get the work permit as every American I try to sign, as I found a couple decent ones, keeps getting denied a work permit. How do I get them to stop being denied?

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