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Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

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Posts posted by Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

  1. Harry Potter books are evil because of a convo I just had with my friend.

    Me: Hey, whats up?

    Him: Nothing, just finished reading the Harry Potter book.

    Me: Umm... Okay, what are you doing tonight?

    Him: I don't know.

    Me: Let's go get laid.

    Him: Nah, I think I am going to reread the Harry Potter Book.

    Me: :huh:

    Harry Potter Books are EVIL!!!!!1!!

  2. I thought that it was a good film, but a few things kept bothering me. The first one is that the author(Don't know if it was H.G. Wells or the author of the screenplay) did not completly understand what humans would do. For example when Robbie has to see the aliens. Why Tom Cruise is holding Robbie down, Sarah(is that the sister's name) was grabbed. Now if Robbie loved her(like they showed throughout everypoint before this.) he would go try to help his sister, but no he goes off. Just wrong.

    Something else that really aggravated me was how they always had the best luck. Always having driving lanes and being the only ones that make it to the shore when they were in the water.

    Also the ending was weak. I think in the radioplay(been years since I read it) that we read about the guy sneezing on one of the head to give the aliens their cold. Also, how was the house in Boston(I would think the city would of gotten destroyed.) still standing? How are all of the people still alive. And how did Robbie get there perfectly fine.

    Hugar's rating was 7/10 for if you see it in a movie theatre and 5/10 if you see it at your house(As you need the big screen for all the effects.)

  3. Boy Meets World- Greatest TV show ever

    The OC- Great great Tv Show


    Family Guy


    Full Metal Alchemist


    Case Closed

    Dragon Ball Z

    [insert your fravorite show here]

    Now how can you beat my list.

  4. But wouldn't it act faster considering that the people already drank the water? What I didn't get was why was the boy not scared of Rachel? Something that I found amazing though is the only two people that you are sure died in the movie is the parents and Chill. Everyone else might be alive.

  5. I think adult swim played #4 of Champloo last saturday...

    I have a question about the other two new series they have on Adult Swim. It is to early in the series for me to decided weather I should like Paranoid Agent or s-CRY-ed. What are other people's take on these?

  6. Okay, quick question.

    I was interested in getting Full Metal Alchemist series on DVD so I was looking at my local BestBuy and noticed that only two DVDs are out and they each have only 4 episodes on them... Now I watched all the episodes Adult Swim has played and I ask... What up with that?

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