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Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

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Posts posted by Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

  1. In your system you only reward the select few. So the select few will be showcased on TV and will get the majority of the recruits and continue on being in the select few, but in the current system it rewards a decent season with a game on TV so the next year they can get better and better.

    Your playoff system is killing tradition, which is one of the biggest things in college football. Also the pollster obviously felt that a 11-1 team and two 10-2 team deserved to get in ahead of a 10-3 team and a 9-4 team. I have no idea why. Oh wait maybe because they think they are better.

    What is your playoff system trying to prove? The best team in college football? Well if your conference champ Houston wanted to prove they deserved to be in the hunt, maybe they shouldn't of lost to 6-6 Miami, 6-6 ULL, or 8-5 Southern Miss. Or if Central Michigan wanted to have a shot, maybe they shouldn't have lost to BC, Michigan, Kentucky, or Northrn Illinois. With this system every game matters and I do not see how taking that away from college football would help college football. Sure maybe they need a plus one and hopefully they will fix it, but until than this is the system we have and thank goodness we have this system and not yours as I would be weeping if we had yours.

  2. I think I have only been in 4 mafias that were completed. In simpsons I died the first night. In The Office I died near the end but gave the evidence against GoGo. In Firesale I was indiv. and I survived to the end. In webcom, I survived for a long time even though I fucked up. I eventually died but my team won so my mafia record is: Four Mafias, eliminated Three Times, Won Twice. Surely I am the greatest.

  3. Wow, that is a pretty good list for sign ups. I was going to go through it and try to figure out some people who aren't active in the other mafias they have been in put am to amazed by that list. I really want to be in this so I guess the only thing I can do is hope, also there better be a Hugar character in this with amazing Necro abilities. After all Hugar is a Diary Cube legend. Just not many people now that :(

  4. Sport Awards

    * Game of the Year

    Monday Night Football Saints vs. Falcons(The emotions were just magical)

    College Football National Championship Texas vs. USC

    * Team of the Year

    St. Louis Cardinals(Baseball)

    Texas(College Football)

    * Male Athlete of the Year

    Peyton Manning

    Bennie Brazell(Track)

    Dwayne Wade

    * Female Athlete of the Year


    * Coach/Manager of the Year

    Tony La Russa- St Louis Cardinals

    Bill Cohwer-Pittsburg Steelers

    * Rookie of the Year

    Marcus Colston- New Orleans Saints

    Chris Paul- New Orleans/Okalhoma City Hornets

    * Play of the Year

    Edited in later when I can think of one

    Video Game Awards

    * Game of the Year

    NCAA Football 2007

    Final Fantasy XII

    * Best Soundtrack


    * Best Graphics

    Final Fantasy XII

    * Best Console Game

    NCAA Football 2007

    Final Fantasy XII

    * Best PC Game


    Television Awards

    * Best Drama


    The OC

    * Best Comedy

    South Park

    The Simpsons

    Colbert Report(Does that Count)

    * Best Mini-Series or Made for TV Movie


    * Best Actor

    Stephen Colbert-Colbert Report

    Jason Lee-My Name is Earl

    * Best Actress


    * Best Supporting Actor

    Adam Brody-The OC

    That Japanesse Dude from Heroes

    Neil Patrick Harris- How I Met Your Mother

    * Best Supporting Actress

    Hayden Panettiere-Heroes

    Film Awards- I am going to wait to fill these in.

    * Best Picture

    * Best Director

    * Best Leading Actor

    * Best Leading Actress

    * Best Supporting Actor

    * Best Supporting Actress

    * Best Screenplay

    * Best Score

    * Best Special Effects

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