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Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

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Posts posted by Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

  1. Rereading the first lynchpost...wow, that was hideous. I apologize for that one, holy shit. It wasn't that bad before I posted it :pinch:

    Hopefully the second one was a bit more palatable.

    As for Judge's comments, they're very well-thought-out and that's the kind of thing I appreciate.

    To discuss the point; Hajjhowe started the bandwagon on himself. While he most likely did it to try to earn protection (which succeeded, by the way), he also ran the risk of ending the game for himself should he have turned up mafia. That was the checks-&-balances behind to the vote-to-lynch-self option; it might earn you a protection, but it might make the rest of the PB angry because you're not being the least bit constructive (and that could cost you later on in the game as well as the MCS), and it just might kill you and end your round early.

    Plus, using up your protection early could hurt you later, because as the numbers dwindle the odds of you being hit go up, and it would be nice to have that protection available near the end.

    The other point...might be sound, might not be, that's going to take time to find out and prove.

    I'm assuming/hoping that 15 players aren't going to get in a big-ass MSN chat and decide to team up. What they'd agree to do I don't really know, as there's nothing they could do but vote for each other one by one; and even then they're risking that one member on the grounds that he may be mafia and would therefore die, as well as having 14 members available for the random deathstrike as opposed to 1 protected from it.

  2. Sign me up...


    * First one to post in the sign up thread(other than you.)

    * Decent record with mafia and already won a few.

    * Atleast I think I gave you a good role in Alphabet Mafia and was sad to see you die the first day.

    * When mafia member with a kill I have never targeted you the first night as I would rather see 'play you' than 'kill you'.

    * Been around the cube forever.

    * Sexual Favors.

    * Always been active in mafia.

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