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Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

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Posts posted by Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

  1. 1. Alyson Michalka

    2. Alyson Michalka

    3. Alyson Michalka

    4. Alyson Michalka

    5. Alyson Michalka

    6. Alyson Michalka

    7. Alyson Michalka

    8. Alyson Michalka

    9. Alyson Michalka

    10. Alyson Michalka

    Haha at the time I posted this there was no rule declaring that you could only vote for a chick once. Therefore I demand all of my 32 points go behind Alyson Michalka

  2. This is the NFL thread, keep it strictly football. Celebrity nonsense goes in Entertainment. But yeah, that Washington deal seems astronomical.

    Aw, look, it's a mini-mod...they're so cute, aren't they?

    Brady didn't have Vinatieri to pull it out at the last second.

    And that is a classic, right there. (Y)

    To keep it "strictly football," how about this? Does anyone like the idea of Anthony Thomas getting another chance to be The Man, now that he's re-signed with the Bills? Or should they keep fishing? Me, I'd say they need to be seeing how likely it is that Marshawn Lynch is gonna fall to them.

  3. I bought all three also. I want my season 4-5-6-7... is that to much to ask? Put them all together for what I care, I still want my season 4-5-6-7... The show was just fun to watch. Great character interaction and also was awesome for laughs.

  4. Playing NCAA Football 2004 as Tulane in Dynasty mode. I think I was 2-2 or something like than when I came to the monster that was Texas. I knew I was going to get my ass beat but went into the game hoping to not make any mistakes. Did not make one mistake and slaghtered Texas 38-0. Of course the next week I lost to a team that was just awful.

  5. Sad to see it go. I hope to see Autum and Adam move on to bigger things(even though that movie they advertised with him he was so Seth). Ben might be good in a boxing movie as he throws a hell of a punch. Willa will hopefully get some work as a sub character somewhere as she is smoking hot and really makes me like her. Also I hope Rachael get some where because I just love her.

    Julie staying single and going to college felt weird. Sandy being a teacher was awesome. Ryan and Taylor not coming together at the end left me unsatisfied. Summer and Seth wedding = Awesome. I just was unsatisfied in the end. The whole six months later left me upset missing that action. Sad to see it go.

  6. Well if you are mafia than you won't die. If we lynch someone new everytime, eventually you will be lynched and if you are mafia you die.

    Look at it this way, if you are town and we randomly lynch people you might survive one or two people longer than if we just lynch me everytime.

    If you are mafia and we randomly lynch people, we will lynch you eventually, but if people lynch me everytime you won't die.

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