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Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

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Posts posted by Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

  1. BCS Standings are in and...

    #1 LSU with a .9802

    #2 Oregon with a .9383

    #3 Kansas with a .9094

    #4 Oklahoma with a .8540

    #5 Missouri with a .8096

    A couple things I find interesting about the computer polls are that:

    * LSU is first in four of the six computer rankings and second in the two others.

    * Oregon has no first place computer votes and is third in four of the six computers(second in the other two)

    * Kansas out ranks Oregon on the computers receiving the two first that LSU didn't get.

    * Oklahoma's highest computer ranking has them seventh

    * Hawaii and its perfect record don't even appear on four of the computer's top 25

    * Ohio State has one second computer vote and is no lower than sixth in any of the computer polls.

  2. Honestly, have Michigan and Appalachian State play ten weeks in a row? How many times do you think Appalachian State would win? Ap. State won that one time out of ten or heck if you want to give Ap. State some credit they won that one out of five.

    You want to know why Michigan is in the top 25? Because the Voters voted them there? If you have such a big problem with it than why don't you dedicate your life to becoming one of the voters so you can ban Michigan from the top 25. Did the voters vote for Appalachian State, yeah, until they lost. But Ap. State beat a number five ranked team so the deserve a spot in the top 25 right or Michigan deserves to banned from the top 25? Well lets take a look at this... USC was number two when the lost to FBS Stanford. Did Standford even get one vote for the following week? NO THE DIDN'T. Did you complain? Did you say they deserved it?

  3. Lets look at the Pac-10

    Arizona- No one decent

    Arizona State- No one decent

    California- Tennessee

    Oregon- Michigan

    Oregon State- Cincinnati

    Stanford- No one decent

    UCLA- No one decent

    USC- Nebraska

    Washington- Boise State, Ohio State, Hawaii(Can someone tell me why they have 13 games scheduled?)

    Washington State- Wisconsin

    Hmm so 9/12 SEC teams play ranked opponents so that is 75% while Pac-10 have 6/10 playing ranked teams which is 60% You proved your point DMN.

  4. Alabama- Florida State

    Arkansas- We don't really like them so they don't count

    Auburn- Kansas State, South Florida

    Florida- Florida State

    Georgia- Georgia Tech

    Kentucky- Louisville

    LSU- Virgina Tech

    Ole Miss- Missouri

    Mississippi State- They are Mississippi State... They need all the wins they can get.

    South Carolina- Clemson

    Tennessee- California

    Vanderbilt- They also need all the wins they can get

    Nope SEC doesn't play anyone... oh wait...

    Also let us mention that playing at an elite program earns you a lot of dollars that can pay for your schools sports program so smaller schools want to play elite schools so that they can earn that money.

  5. Florida - Ranked.

    Kansas State - Ranked. (Okalhoma couldn't drop out anyway unless the human polls dropped them significantly which couldn't happen anyway.)

    California - Unranked.

    That's cut and dry. It's very simple.

    Absolutely not. They've consistantly been the best over that time span. Period.

    All together, they have been the best team. But it's not a system where you say, hey you've been good for these years so you get a title berth.

    06/07 - Florida d. Ohio State. - USC would have been in that game and unargued by many, but they lost a second game against UCLA, no berth.

    05/06 - Texas d. USC

    04/05 - USC d. OU

    03/04 - LSU d. OU (I've stated why this was the correct decision)

    02/03 - OSU d. Miami - USC was beat by WSU so they got the Rose Bowl berth while OSU and Miami were undefeated.

    01/02 - Miami d. Nebraska - USC wasn't best in the Pac-10, Oregon was and were left out to Nebraska. Controversial year, but the BCS computer rankings don't take into account the time in which you lose, unlike the human polls. Since the BCS has been tweaked so this year isn't indicative of what the system currently is.

    There are your last six seasons and the only year they had an argument was the LSU/OU championship year, where I give the best and clear reason why they made the right decision.

  6. I just wanted to start a celebration dance right here. My warrior is almost level twenty. What a glorious day it will be when my character's level starts with the number two but ends with a different number. This upcoming day will only be proceeded by greatness for when my character is in his thirties.

    How is everyone else doing in the world... of warcraft?

  7. A story about how Paul Burchill became World Heavyweight Champion.

    So I decided to run a title match for the World Heavyweight Championship. I decide that it will be an Elimination Chamber.

    John Cena and Triple H start that match. They brawl and what not for the one minute not really accomlishing anything and entrant three is JBL. In the next minute Cena and JBL is slightly hurt and entrant four is Burchill. I decided to put Burchill in because I thought as a lower card worker he would be beat up really fast and wanted to see how long he would last. Well the minute goes by and by the end of it all four in the ring are injured in so way or form. Entrant five is myself as Old School Kane. Brawl back and forth, I try to pin Cena but don't get the three count. Finally Entrant six enters the Ring Booker T.

    Well long story short, The final three are Kane(Myself), Burchill(surpised he survived) and Triple H(Figures), so anyway I am all clear, Burchill is almost all Yellow and Triple H is all red. I decided to try to pin Triple H. Every time I go for the pin Burchill would kick me or something. I am getting upset at Burchill because you would think he would want me to pin Triple H as it would increase his odds of winning. I finally knock Burchill down and pin Triple H(who is in the all red) but he kicks out. Triple H gets up and him and Burchill start to throw me around the ring so I become Yellow. Finally I am able to chokeslam Triple H and pin him without Burchill interfering. Triple H is out and the final two are Burchill(Who has a special) and Kane(who has a special). I hit Burchill with the chokeslam and go for the pin but he reveses me. I escape and end up getting another special so I hit Burchill with another Chokeslam and I go for the pin only for him to kick me in my gut and get up and hit his special on me. He pins me and I can't get up for three count even though I am all yellow and he is all red.

    Paul Burchill the NEW World Heavyweight Champion.

  8. I was very disappointed with the ending. I don't know, recently I have watched movies and thought of ways to improve them.

    Here is my list on what I would of done differently.

    1. I would of had Jack trick people but having his piece of eight be something completely different and when the burned the other nine piecies would of made Calipso stuck in human form and than maybe killed her off.

    2. I would of had that pirate(Don't know his name, the one that spoke up when Barbossa and Jack were arging and said he wouldn't mine throwing his hat in for captaincy) stab Davey Jones. He would of than released Bootstraps from his boat and his partner would take bootstraps' place.

    3. Following number two I would of had Elizabeth and Will hanging out all lovey-duby in their house with Bootstraps coming in to say something a father would say, thus ending their storyline and letting them live happily ever after.

    4. The movie would of ended with the Jack Gibbs scene but instead of Gibbs going off with the ladies he would of went with Jack on the small ship and had Jack telling Mr. Gibbs to raise the sail to end the movie.

  9. What cheese at the end of the episode. The dialog between Peter and Nathan was horrible. I would of rathered Nathan came down all evil or even if Nathan came down and tried to calm Peter down instead.

    Shoot Peter in the head, bring him back to life at a later date and no one dies(except Peter, but that is the point).

    Also love that Sylar still lives. Awesome. He now knows that he can die and therefore might come back with a better and more evil attitude.

    Hiro I think was in front of a battle between some people and his japanesse hero, kenshi or something.

  10. While Spidy three was a good movie, I must say I left the movie mad. They shot their load to quickly by placing three villains into this movie. I think it would of been far greater to have Sandman and Venom be the villians of this movie while the whole time building up to Spidy four the final showdown between Spiderman and Harry. Also the middle scene with disco spidy was horribly done. During this movie I couldn't take spiderman serious at all. He was either doing the gayest dance ever, crying, or professing his love for Harry. Also the whole Peter having a ego problem did not build well at all as it could of been so much more.

    Topher was good though. Also as funny as Bruce Campbell is, who did he screw to keep ending up in this movie. Did he do a voice of spidy somewhere or something because it just seems weird to me to keep bringing in an actor who has no ties at all with the francise(before the movies.)

    I give the movie a 6.5/10. Now I sleep.

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