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Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

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Posts posted by Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

  1. I had a epic NCAA football game earlier tonight against my friend. He was West Virgina and I was LSU. The first half he totally kicked my ass as my defense couldn't stop him on the important third and forth downs and my offense couldn't move as he was getting pressure with just his front four. I went into half time down 20-0 with no hope of improving.

    Third quarter we both can't score as I get horrid field position and he can't move on me. Finally I get a pick but can't outrun Slaton and Pat White so I end around the 30 yard line. I decide to sub in Perriloux as he was running with Pat White and I wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine. I end up throwing a lucky td and just celebrate not getting shut out. He responded with a quick td and it was 27-7 going into the forth.

    I end up working well with Perriloux getting some good rushing yards and passing when I need to and I get back into the game due to some lucky picks when I needed them and I score twice to make it 27-21. I stop him on forth down(he was to far for a fg yet to close for a punt) and get the ball with two minute left. I work down the field a little to fast and end up having to score with around thirty seconds left to go up by one. He gets the ball and two dropped inteceptions and two lucky catches later and he is in field goal range but he becomes a idiot and kicked a field goal with six seconds left on the clock when he could of kicked it with 1 or 2 seconds left. He makes the field goal with his punter as his kicked was injuried and I get the ball with three seconds left.(I fair catched it so time wouldn't tick off as i couldn't return it on him all day. ) The last play is a hail mary yet my guys are more than covered so I attempt to run it with my fast qb and a few moves later I am about to take it to the house when his DE who some how tracked me all the way down the field made a shoe string tackle and I lost 30-28.

  2. Fine Ruki, I'll sign up as a Ranger if Sousa, whiskers, and Cloudy will have me. The only problem is that I am applying for jobs and i dont know what my work schedule is going to be yet so I can sign up and hopefully participate but if I have to drop out don't hate me.

    Now tell me what I must do.

  3. Damn, San Diego having to win in overtime. But that is okay, I don't think many people picked them over UConn so I don't think that is dropping me to far behind. I think my worst lost so far is USC as I had them going to the sweet 16.

    17/24 so far but still have a chance.

  4. So a recent post in the "What You Play Today" thread reminded me about this great game. So I thought i would create a topic talking about its greatness as well as ask question. Is there a big difference between the number and if so what are those differences and which one is better?

  5. If you've got the money, go for the Elite, because of the HDD. You don't really need that much space, but it's nice to have, instead of needing it later and having to spend $200 extra. I think it comes with a free month of Gold on LIVE, as well...

    With LIVE, it's a matter of how long you want a Gold membership. Silver is free, but you can't play online with it. Australian GAME are doing a 12-month deal for $99...

  6. Some questions as my birthday is coming up and I think I want to buy a xbox 360...

    I noticed that they have three different versions of the xbox 360 including the Arcade version that is only 256 mb, the regular version which has 20 gb, and the elite with 120 gb. Which version should I get?

    Also, how much is xbox live?

  7. I highly recommend the imsiminator as it is amazing.. anything i need to do i can do quite easily even though I only use it to turn on autopay bills and to change clothes, sometimes though I use it to increase motives incase they become an emergency but that is very very rare.

  8. Can't remember his name, but it was in Final Fantasy II/IV and it is right before Cecil becomes a paladin. This was before I learned about online game guides and had so much trouble beating him. Took me forever, in fact I had many games end right there as I just got tired of losing all of the time.

  9. So I decided to restart Pleasantview now that I installed Seasons and Open for Buisness and have played half a week on each lot.


    Not much happened other than the birth of the new baby. Named him Zack. Brandi got a job, I forgot in what. Also I had Malcom Landgrab stop by to survey the land incase he was interested in buying it but instead he and Brandi started to chat.

  10. Fuck Don! So I restarted Pleasantview and decided that I was going to have Don marry Cassandra and settle down with her. I am happy with my play as I have planned basically everyone's life, but does Don follow. Nope, he decided to stand Cassandra up at the alter, that asshole.

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