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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Buying it thursday when I get paid, it'll be my last game purchase till ESPN 2k5 so I'm certainly hoping it tides me over
  2. Maxx


    The only other free roaming crime related game that will be good is Spider-Man 2.
  3. Hmmm a worthless post and then another worthless post. I didn't get to see BE when it was in theatres, but I'll be renting it when it comes out on video as it seems interesting
  4. I think with Jameer, Orlando will be more willing to get a 3rd team involved in the Rockets trade and get a center in exchange for Francis, not sure who though
  5. So now Jameer is in Orlando, wonder how that will affect the T-Mac trade
  6. Right syco, thats why there are people in the Laker offices Shaq refuses to even speak to. He kept his mouth shut while Kobe was fucking off and no one in the organization appreciated that, they're too busy coercing their rapist into staying around
  7. Maybe your beloved Lakers should have treated Shaq a bit better and maybe he wouldn't want out EDIT: Problem with that lineup is A: We don't want another Bradley or worse, Darko in Pavel B: Nick and Nash are the only ones playing solid defense
  8. Maxx

    Tough Crowd

    What else do you expect in a political comedy show
  9. I've been thinking Walker and Finley for T-Mac was a good deal considering T-Mac wanted out of Orlando anyways, now that 5th pick sweetens the deal.
  10. Going a few towns over to see it on Friday or Saturday
  11. Loiter returns! I'll create the EWB label
  12. They're claiming they need a point guard and yet they didn't take Chucky Atkins.....
  13. and thats the entire Maverick team basically, no way they'll make a deal like that
  14. Maxx

    Your DVD Collection

    ECW Hardcore History ECW Heatwave 98 ECW Extreme Evolution Ring of Honor: The Era of Honor Begins Riding in Vans With Boys Dogma: Collector's Edition Clerks Clearks the Animated Series, Uncensored 2-Disk Stripes Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 Disk Collector's Edition Freddy Vs Jason Cabin Fever Dawn of the Dead(1970's version) The Evil Dead Donnie Darko The Crow 2 Disk Special Edition Michael Caine's Jekyll and Hyde(I don't know why I own this) Suicide Kings Idle Hands Big Trouble Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze
  15. Spiderman 2, comes out June 29..........
  16. Well I think Mavericks fans will be happy if Dirk and Nash stay, everyone else is pretty much expendable IMO(as a mavs fan) I don't really want Shaq, I'd perfer to get McGrady
  17. FROGS! Jeez, hit up a classic like evil dead
  18. *sigh* Ever major city in America huh? Well that takes Rhode Island out of the picture. Fuck, I'm gonna have to go to like Boston
  19. Well I got an unexpeded $50 to add to my $100 so I ended up buying ESPN Baseball for $40 XIII for $20 Suicide Kings for $5.50 and the defining film of a generation.... TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES 2: THE SECRET OF THE OOZE! Kevin Nash AND Vanilla Ice! WOO! GO NINJA GO NINJA GO!
  20. While I await the release of Spider-Man 2, I feel the need to get another game. My choices: ESPN Baseball Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain Headhunter Evil Dead: Fist Full of Boomstick Fight Night 2004 Opinions?
  21. Maxx

    Marvel Vs. DC

    Superman/Hulk was cool Then Superman owned Hulk and tossed him around the Grand Canyon
  22. Maxx

    Marvel Vs. DC

    Amalgam comics kicked ass. Spider-Boy, JLX, Iron Lantern, Dark Claw, Super Soldier good stuff. Amalgam was the combined DC and Marvel entity for those wondering. And there was no Batman/Superman showdown, it was Batman Vs Captain America and there was no winner
  23. Personally, I hope there will be an army base in this one like there is in Vice. Except I hope its outside of Las Ventura and is a knock off of Area 51
  24. http://gtadomain.gtagaming.com/confirmationlist.html Va Voom. And if you're lazy
  25. Now I have an issue. I got the tickets monday and asked my friend, Tim, if he wanted to go. Since his parents pay for his gas and its like a 140 mile trip up and back. Well I told him to find out before Friday when I get the tickets so if he can't go, I have time to find someone who can. So now he still hasn't asked his parents and is being really fucking stupid and it seems like he doubts I'll get tickets and says he isn't going to ask till I get them. That will leave with 1 day to find someone who can go. I have another, perhaps better friend, Josh who I've known for like 8 years who I could also bring. Josh and I haven't hung out as much recently because we both have girlfriends, but we can still hang out and its like we never missed a beat. Problem with Josh going is he can't drive so we must use the parents up and back, which probably won't be that much of a problem. Also I'd have to explain to Tim that he isn't going anymore. So what should I do?
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