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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. EXCITEMENT! Plus I play in a serious, basic score, money leauge so I need a break from that. Everyone liked it last year, so we keep the formula
  2. Yeah...the REAL leauge is back, last year we brought you the thrilling 2 starting QB system... This year we bring you 1 for 1 scoring for all Running Back and Wide Receivers...thats right, every yard earned is 1 point! And for QBs, its 5 yards a point. We're taking it to the extreme for season 2 and pushing for even higher scores! We're elite though so and PM me for leauge info and the password. Current Members: Maxx LivingLegend-Leauge Champion for 03-04 Wolverine Maxx's Mom or whatever his name on here is Ol' Spanktooth 5 Spots left... Who will join us? Barred are: Stoney who no longer posts here Sabu NOT PARTAKERS AND DRAFT HOLDER-UPPERS!
  3. Maxx

    NCAA Football 2005

    Oh well...now that ESPN is coming out July 20th, I'll be passing on NCAA
  4. Lets Get Physical..... what? Ok....How bout The Final Countdown by Europe? ... No Europe fans in the house?
  5. Maxx

    NCAA Football 2005

    Commerical says July 15....methinks thats wrong. The rest of the comerical is badass though....
  6. Maxx

    NCAA Football 2005

    After reading up on the features, I sold Spider-Man 2 and will be getting NCAA...
  7. Well there's about 7 different random crimes and since I've already seen the movie, I know what happens in the story missions. That leaves me with just swinging around, which does get boring eventually.
  8. Yeah...I'm gonna sell my copy cause I'm bored with it. $45 if anyone is interested or I'll throw it on E-Bay
  9. Yes, Bush is sending people's kids off to war. He started the whole Iraq War and thus, sent kids there. Only reason he hasn't thrown his support behind the draft bills that congress is currently voting on is because its an election year.
  10. Ground Zero is one of the few things not made to look exact. Probably out of respect, they don't want you fighting around the memorial they have there. I can't for the life of me find the pizza place anymore...
  11. Maxx

    NCAA Football 2005

    I'll get it if I get a job before then, if not, I'm not dropping what, $60 on it?
  12. I much perfer jumping off the very top of the empire state building(that steel antene thing) than jumping around on the statue of liberty
  13. Or, as I found today when doing exactly that, the helicopters I've been talking about are still flying around out there so you can use those too.
  14. Maxx

    NFL 2K5

    NOOOO Green Day is putting on song on Madden 2005! DAMN YOUR BLACK HEART JOHN MADDEN! Fuck now I'll have to subject myself to Madden in some way....
  15. I accidentally stumbled upon Ground Zero and I only knew it was ground zero cause of a review I read. It said GZ had a bunch of spot lights that make the "Ghost Towers" the NYC had a few months ago, at night. Head for the Statue of Liberty, then look around the buildings there. On the ground, if its during the day, there should be a decent sized chunk of area with 2 sets of blue spotlights sitting in it in the shape of 2 squares. Thats Ground Zero. Of course this plan also works if you just find Liberty Island and get on one of the buildings around it...
  16. To get to Liberty Island, go to ground zero and get ontop on any tall building. You should see 2 or 3 helicopters flying around out near the island. One comes in, you web onto it, then fly out near Ellis Island and web on to the other helicopter. Then you go to the other side of Ellis Island and web onto the copter that will bring you to liberty island
  17. No. They do have other Spiderman villians though, but since Venom will be the main villian in one of the movies, no, he's not in it
  18. *dry humps his copy* I love this game. Since I don't want to spoil the movie, I've done no story based missions so far and have had a blast just swinging around the city and diving off the spire on the Empire State building. Random crimes or rescues are a bit repetitive, I've only encountered like 7 different ones so far. Plus Bruce Cambell voices all the help tips you find around the city.
  19. Maxx

    NFL 2K5

    Virtual Identiy Profile. You, along with every coach in the game has one. It keeps track of all your stats and records what you do most often in games. You can then apply it to the computer and basically play against yourself. Its a curse cause if you can constantly beat your friends, they'll be able to practice against you
  20. Ok, Jimmy hasn't seen the movie and apparently hasn't seen any Michael Moore interviews, but insists on touting that review as a credible source on what the movie is about. I can't call him on that cause its a "personal attack" right.
  21. Maxx

    NFL 2K5

    I decree the VIP will be both a curse and a blessing
  22. You know, I wanted to start the EWB record label cause my computer for some reason refuses to finish loading whenever I apply for a record label.
  23. Yes, but you gave your thoughts on it, which is as much of a review as you can give without seeing it. Moore has never claimed its a documentary. The media tagged it as such so they can then say its not a documentary because its bias. Moore himself refers to it as "My movie" "The movie" or "this movie" and has never called it a documentary. Get your facts straight and stop buying what the media tells you.
  24. Hmmm, unfair you say? Wow, perhaps you could even say Moore intended it to be that way. Oh right, cause he did. He's said it when anyone has asked him abou the movie. He's said "Yes its unfair and totally bias because its my opinion." So, thanks captain obvious, I eagerly await your next review of a movie you haven't seen and know nothing about.
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