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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. I'll be in the next one, I have nothing but free time.
  2. You've admitted your not a fan of punk, and yet, you apparently expected this album to be some spectacular piece of work that you'd love and now you seem to be shocked that it wasn't. Yeah that's reason enough for everyone not to buy it Plus, like the last one, it comes with a DVD that has music videos, six political shorts and comedy pieces from Will Ferrell, Greg Proops, Patton Oswald and more Oh yeah, and order online and its $8
  3. While playing against the hated Redskins, I was scrambling with Quincy Carter, Sean Taylor hit and injured Carter. So I turned to my running game and had Eddie George make Sean Taylor his bitch for the rest of the game. Stiff Arms and shoulder drives for the rest of the game, knocked him clean on his ass at least 8 times.
  4. Wayne is supposed to look younger, this is a prequel afterall. Is it set in Gotham? I've read conflicting reports
  5. Clawson Makes 10. Recruiting now Closed..... Draft is umm well I aimed for second week of August, but we can move it up in anyone wants to Input?
  6. Yes and because he has one off year, clearly thats all he'll now ever be able to accomplish. He's going to be used as a compliment to Julius Jones most likely. He'll LOSE carries, as he's proven recently that he needs less of a work load, so 30 carries for him a game is probably not a good thing. Syco is mad because the Raiders running core is has loads of wasted potential. Don't worry, they'll draft one next year.
  7. Green Day's new stuff is a linear album, that has quite a few songs that go over the 7 minute mark. They termed it a "Punk Rock Opera" and its heavily based around politics and the current state of the world, while at the same time, a coming of age tale. I am currently trying to win a trip to see Green Day in Colorado
  8. 01 Favorite Son-Green Day 02 Let Them Eat- War Bad Religion 03 Unity-Operation Ivy 04 Necrotism: Decanting The Insalubrious (Cyborg Midnight) Part 7 -The Lawrence Arms 05 We Got The Power- Dropkick Murphys 06 Drunken Lullabies - Flogging Molly 07 Doomsday Breach - Only Crime 08 Gas Chamber - Foo Fighters 09 Status Pools - Lagwagon 10 What You Say - Sugarcult 11 7 Years Down - Rancid 12 Off With Your Head - Sleater-Kinney 13 Scream Out - The Unseen 14 Violins - Yellowcard 15 Like Spewells On a Wheelchair - Dillinger Four 16 Chesterfield King (Live) - Jawbreaker 17 Born Free (Live) - Bouncing Souls 18 No Hope (Live) - Mad Caddies 19 Kids Today - The Dwarves 20 Can't Wait To Quit - Sick of it All 21 Comforting Lie - No Doubt 22 State Of Fear - Useless ID 23 I'm Thinking - Autopilot Off 24 My Star The- (International) Noise Conspiracy 25 Time's Up - Donots 26 Kill The Night - Hot Water Music 27 You're Gonna Die - Thought Riot 28 Fields Of Agony (Acoustic) - No Use For A Name *dances* New Green Day a full six weeks before the new album is released! I'm disappointed because they said The Used would be on Vol.2, but on the same token, very happy that Good Charolette are not.
  9. Bumping this.. 1 spot is still available, we're drafting the second week of August
  10. He, just like Robert Smith, had no passion for the game and didn't want to do it for a living. There are hundreds of college kids striving to even get drafted, let alone start. And those that are drafted, there's plenty yearning for a starting spot in any NFL rosters. These guys get it easily, have everything handed to them, then decide, meh I don't really want to do this, oh well I'm retiring. Its bullshit and its disrespectful and they never should have gotten into the game. And anyone who thinks Ricky will be back, think again. His comments about drug use, and the drug masking will keep him out of the leauge even if he does want to come back.
  11. Ok remember people this is the 100 Best Bands...EVER Now, ever covers quite a bit of time, and thats mainly why this list is so terrible. Coheed and Cambria aren't even one of the 1000 greatest bands EVER. From 1990 to 1995 there were at least 100 bands better than C&C, let alone now. The same goes for Muse and I'm sure some of the bands that will sadly make it higher than 20. Being that its the best in the world EVER, means there should be some things taken into account when voting, besides just opinions. This should really be called "100 Bands People on EWB and Other Message Boards Like" as doesn't take into account anything like record sales, concert attendence, musical aptitude and anything else that might make a band "great"
  12. He's now admitted to taking a drug masking agent to pass drug tests. He's also stated how happy people in Jamaica are and how people aren't meant to be controlled in their lives. In other words... I'm going to Jamaica so I can smoke pot uninterrupted.
  13. He's there just in case Chris Brown can't handle all the carries. There is no was Smith will beat out Brown for the starting role.
  14. I bet "Can't Touch This" will be in... Hammer needs the money
  15. He's still currently better than never was running core the Raiders have. Save maybe Tyrone... As long as he doesn't have to do 30 carries a game, he should be a solid play.
  16. I'd say that makes the Cavs a solid playoff contender, at least moreso than Boston or Philly
  17. I haven't heard the other ESPN games being offered for $20. If so, thats spectacular as ESPN basketball is already a hundred times better than Live graphically and gameplay wise.
  18. IF you really can't decide, buy both for just $70. by the way, 2K5 kicks some major ass.
  19. Sounds like now its about money for the Lakers...so basically Kobe's turned the Lakers into the Clippers. He won't be winning in the west without a great center or a spectacular power forward, so he's gone from a Finals Contender to a Fan Attraction
  20. A spin is a spin is a spin. Speed is a variable, thus having a different result. Move is the same, just done faster, thus more effective.
  21. Your lies get you no where Syco! You blocked me towards the end of our real football arguement, which apparently you now agree with.
  22. Exactly. Its a matter of whether or not the back can do said moves in a game that makes them great. Hence why in a video game, Ron Dayne would be hit around the time his attempted series of moves begins, whereas a faster more effective back like Priest or LT would be able to do more.
  23. So I was going over the features of ESPN with Syco, much to his displeaure. I told him of the new right thumbstick running back moves that allow backs to link together moves so they can go from a juke, into stutterstep, then bounce off a defender with spin. Syco said it was stupid because no NFL back can do that, maybe LaDanian Tomlinson. I then told Syco every NFL back can do that, its just a matter of how effective they can do it. Syco seems to misunderstand my point and apparently thinks I belive Jerome Bettis can bust out LaDanian Tomlinson style moves with just as much fluidity and quickness as LT. Jerome can do the moves when no one is trying to tackle him, as anyone who isn't morbidly obsese can too. But when you throw in people trying to tackle him, Jerome might not make it past the juke, because of his lack of speed and fluidity, whereas LT would have no problem doing this. Syco called me stupid and told me I didn't understand football because of this, because in his mind, there is apparently no concievable way in which Jerome Bettis could ever execute a spin. Now, do you think all the backs have the moves and its just a matter of fluidity and quickness to seperate your Ki-Jana Carters from your LaDanian Tomlinsons, or is it you can either do it or you can't, ever.
  24. FUCK NO. You want to make Green Lantern a fucking joke, use the whole Corps and have cameo/side story with joke characters. This is utter bullshit, I don't need a great superhero like both the Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner versions of Lantern reduced to a stupid slapstick comedy full of retarded penis jokes, and I'm sure they'll be there
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