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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. VMFP, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was based on the book/play Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The book was alot darker than the movie, thats why people want this version to be a more accurate depiction of the film.
  2. That fan who attacked Fred Jones just watched Steven Jackson go into the stands and assault a random person, perhaps he was looking out for the well being of other fans
  3. Yeah, a teammate who endangered himself. If he was really looking out for Artest, he'd have stopped him from getting into the stands, not follow him in, fists a flyin.. And they won't get jail time? Notice almost ALL the fans they assualted weren't the ones who provoked them.
  4. http://www.blackfilm.com/20041105/features...ocfactory.shtml Just a look at the poster and you can already tell this is going to be a darker, and thusly more accurate depiction of the story. Don't like what I think is the new Oompa Loompa though...
  5. Ok, so Artest might have had a right to defend himself, but once he went into the stands, he put the safety of every fan around him in danger and that just can't stand.
  6. Steven Jackson should be banned from the NBA, he entered the stands without provocation and attacked a fan. Watch the replay of the O'Neal hit, he punched a different fan than the one that went after Artest. All three of them will be lucky if they don't see jail time
  7. Alkaline Trio's cover of Halloween is good and when did the Network do a Misfits cover?
  8. I love multiplayer. Dual Needlers = Definite Kill
  9. Yeah after many attempts, Area 51 Invasion is a success. It took the cars float on water and the Rhino Tank cheat, but I'm there, with many a Weapons and Armor cheats too. Still exploring, theres a large metal door that goes underground but I can't open it and its pissing me off. Note: I don't save after I use cheats
  10. Well that no fly zone of the map is Area 51 so Aliens are a possibility0..
  11. All of it. and all of Homecoming
  12. 11.4 Right outside the fence
  13. Let me ask everyone bashing Green Day something. What did you expect to get in this thread? You expect me to trash the band or something? If you don't like Green Day, do you honestly think I care? Does the thread say "Please tell me what you think about Green Day?" This thread is obviously pro-Green Day and a review of the show, so where do you get the idea anyone wants to hear your thoughts on them in here? Thanks for the second part of your statement though Ghost
  14. So the night finally arrived and I was off to Worcester to see the most influential band in my life, Green Day. Along the way, I also saw Sugarcult and New Found Glory. Suguarcult= A-OK and they played Stuck in America so (Y) for Sugarcult New Found Glory= Disappointing. I saw them at Warped Tour over the summer and they were one of the best bands of the show, but tonight they just seemed to be missing something. It was alright but they quickly just became the band that needs to get offstage so I can see Green Day. So then the moment finally came. The lights dimmed and 6 flags bearing the heart in hand grenade raised up while the theme from 2001 A Space Odessey played and Green Day took the stage. The INCREDIBLE set went something like this: American Idiot Jesus of Suburbia Holiday Are We The Waiting St.Jimmy Longview Hitchin' A Ride Brainstew Jaded King For A Day Shout (cover) Knowledge Basketcase She Homecoming The bid us farewell after that, but it wasn't good enough. The lighted Green Day sign came back down from the rafters and we cheered their name as they ran back onstage for the Encore which went like this: Boulevard of Broken Dreams Minority Wake Me Up When September Ends Then Billie stopped and said he knew what this needed, and came back with a Red Sox's hat as the band played a spectacular rendition of Queen's We Are The Champions, the whole song too, with Billie ad-libbing "I'M JOHNNY DAMON BITCH!" in the middle. Mike, Tre and Jason bowed off stage and Billie walked to the center of the stage and played Good Riddance solo to end the best concert I've ever seen. Sure I'm biased but this was more amazing than I can put into words. The drummer from my friend's band New Blood got pulled onstage to play drums during Knowledge, only to be choked by Tre for showing off and then forced to stage dive by Billie. If you have the opportunity to see Green Day live at any time, go. Go as fast as you can.
  15. LIES! Friday the 13th flows fine untill Jason Goes To Hell Thats an 8 movie run
  16. Well, to refute your arguement, I'll have to first use the terrible Jason Goes to Hell. More than his head was blown up, and he simply possessed people untill he got a new body. I hate that movie, but booyah none the less. A natural fear of water? Lies. Freddy Vs Jason myth. In Jason Takes Manhatten he was underwater when he boarded the cruiseship, and then when it sank, he walked underwater all the way from the middle of the atlantic to New York City. Also see Jason Lives, where without hesistation, Jason treds into the waters of CRYSTAL LAKE without fear in an attempt to get Tommy Jarvis. Jason's supposed "fear" of water was something conjured up by Freddy, and being that Freddy wouldn't be involved in said fight, no fear would exist.
  17. Myers and Jason would never take each other on if their stories were handled properly. Myers is trying to kill his family members, while Jason is just fucking everyone up. Jason would have to be the agressor and well, Myers would be toast as Jason is undead and invulnerable, except to sewer shit, but please no one cares about the ending to Part 8. Now, we could also mention the Jason X version, but that'd just be gay.
  18. I'm the guy from Rhode Island... Took a half hour wait, but I got it. Its worth 50 and its friggin huge. that is all
  19. Ok....its a 100+ hour game. You know DVD's with like 50 hours of footage cost over $50 right? This game is massive, it's got incredible replay ability and we're lucky they're giving it out for only $50. You seem to forget Rockstar has to make back all the money they put into the game, as making a game is a bit more complex than "putting shit on a CD"
  20. Maxx

    NFL Thread

    The Cleveland Browns have just traded Quincy Morgan to the Cowboys for Antonio Bryant. As a Cowboys fan, I can say: It's about damned time.
  21. You're all delusional. Yankees=God's Team They'll not only win, but I bet it'll be a homerun in Fenway, care of A-Rod
  22. Showcase a member of your favorite sports team, include team logo, player name and team name size: 500 x 500
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