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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Meh, as long as they don't have an exclusive deal with the NBA, sega can still put out a game.
  2. Maxx

    NFL Thread

    He completely dismantled...an 8-8 team that didn't even win their division. WOW. Whats next for Vick? Shutting out the Cardinals? You're a moron if you think a "stepped up" Rams are anywhere close to a "stepped up" Patriots team. Lets look at it in Playoff wins this year... Manning- 1 Vick-1 I'd say Denver is alot more comparable to the Rams than the Patriots are. Lets see Vick beat the best team in his conference, then you can start giving him more credit than Manning.
  3. Maxx

    NFL Thread

    Everyone seems to be basing the Manning/Vick debate on this weekends games. Who did Manning play? The Defending Champions Who did Vick play? The fucking Rams, an 8-8 team. Manning would have torn through the Rams as well. Vick, well he's never played the Patriots so how can you say he'd have done any better? Vick is getting way too much hype again this year and needs to show he can beat the NFC's top team, the Eagles, before you go saying he's better than Manning. Stop comparing the two based upon records too. The NFC was horrid, where as the AFC was super competitive. If the Colts were in the NFC they'd have gotten a first round bye too, and they'd still be alive in the playoffs. Manning can't perform against the Patriots, well I'm not forming an opinion on who's better untill I see what Vick can do against them.
  4. See the thing with the NASCAR stuff was that since it was declining, people stopped buying, so EA had to make it better to increase sales. Madden won't ever have that problem and could easily turn out the same game with one or two SHINY NEW POINTLESS FEATURES and the fans of it would be happy.
  5. Green Day: The Kids Are Alright Dancin' With Myself Kiss Me Deadly Teenage Kicks Surrender
  6. Yeah, read a batman comic people. Jack was good as Joker, passable. NOT GREAT. Joker is far more sadistic and humorous than Jack could portray. Much to the point that I'd think Jim Carrey probably would have pulled off a better Joker. You want a good Joker model? Look at the animated series, Mark Hamil showcased just how Joker should sound. Jack never pulled that off. Secondly, please Tim Burton's movies were ok. Nolan seems to be the first director to actually plan on showing Batman's detective skills. He's the World's Greatest Detective afterall. Tim Burton hasn't darkened up much, certainly not Batman. You want a dark batman? Look at Frank Miller's stuff, which I can happily say, Batman Begins is based off of.
  7. The only still running series I'm currently collecting is Outsiders. I also am finishing off the H-E-R-O series that just ended after 22 issues, its a cool story thats based off the old Dial H for Hero stuff. The 5 for a Dollar bins at the expo yesterday also got me Damage #1 and the first 9 issues of The Titans, which ended last year.
  8. Series, heroes, storylines, mini-series, one shots, what you're into now... Anything reguarding comics really. Just post your favorites and maybe why. I went to my first comic book expo today, so I'm in the mode and interested in what everyone else likes. I'll post mine in a bit
  9. I GOT THE FUCKING CARD christ people, READ furthermore, I'm now back in Los Santos, with icons. So problem solved
  10. Yeah...I had to do Toreno's Missions at the airfield. I'd already done the whole Millie thing, as I said, I had just finished stealing the Skycrane and Armored Car.....
  11. Yeah, I had to do the Toreno Missions at the Airfield
  12. Alright so I just killed Pulaski and now I'm back in Las Venturas sans icons. No one is calling my cell phone either. The last mission I did was Freefall for Caligula's. I've also stolen the skycrane for the Heist, but I haven't heard anything about the actual heist in awhile. Help?
  13. The fucking camera is making the helicopter shit nearly impossible
  14. So do I have to pass flying school? Cause I just got the pilots liscense and I'm not done yet
  15. And no more Toreno missions till afterwards? *thinks* This eventually leads to that Liberty City trip doesn't it?
  16. Umm...so I bought it when Toreno told me to, but now I can't really figure out just what it is I do now. Any help?
  17. Stupid fucking Toreno Missions! I'm doing the one where you have to take down the helicopters, without damaging the cargo helicopter. Well its pretty much impossible not to blow up the helicopters without damaging the cargo one, so I keep failing... ARGH!!!
  18. scraping doesn't count as a wheelie
  19. I took a tank to Area 53....hopped the fence, flew a helicopter over the other fence, and got shot...alot
  20. 27200 Eat me err it.. food
  21. He just watched Steven Jackson lay someone out for no reason, here comes Fred Jones, who knows, maybe that guy's family members were over there and he was worried Fred Jones would pull the same shit Jackson did
  22. Well if Burton were to do the Great Glass Elevator, he'd have had to remake the first one in his style so the films flow together
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