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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Her next single is straight up pop punk and its exactly what she should have been doing on every album. If you either market yourself fully one way or not at all. That being said, Maxx <3 Avril
  2. And seeing one of the best live shows...ever? Yeah, yeah I can see how thats worse
  3. Cause I don't want to watch the worst incarnation of emo ever, whether he be sucking cause he's drunk or sucking cause he's sober... I really don't know which is worse
  4. Cunt ... I guess I am seeing Bright Eyes on 5th April. Ha ha mine's bigger ←
  5. There's no way the Venom saga can be played out in one movie. Unless its hella lame
  6. I love the Trio, seeing them May 3rd
  7. So after watching a brief bit of the West Wing, a large screaming match occured between my suitemates over which of Martin Sheen's sons look more like him. A long period of time later and the following two comparissons were created. Its about a 70/30 split here in favor of Emilio looking more like both the younger and older versions of Martin. There are however Charlie supporters. Please, help us put this issue to rest.
  8. Well my bracket is now proper fucked. Still counting on Arizona to beat Illinois and UNC to win it all!
  9. Except they DIDN'T butcher the song. You people should really hear it before passing judgement
  10. And your reasoning behind that opinion? Have you any proof?
  11. after reviewing a few things and buying the first one, haven't watched it again yet...I know her son says something like "You let her out" or something to that effect, and then you see Samara come out of the TV and kill that guy. Now is that how she's always killed people or is that what she does now that she been let out? Or should I shut up and watch Ring 2?
  12. They do it at the end of their 2 Dollar Bill live show on MTV 2. Sounded fine, proving once again that Bert McCracken can sing quite well without screaming. They didn't Screamo-ize it or anything either and I'd love to hear a studio version
  13. I think I went 11 and 4...not too bad for my first March Madness Bracket
  14. Pfft, murder the kids and Cap is no more Aquaman may suck, but Cap mooches off others to survive.
  15. I've got Arizona, Wake Forest, North Carolina and Duke in my final 4 With North Carolina going over Wake Forest in the championship
  16. So Backwash has 20 bands signed and apparently can't sign anymore untill I figure out how to kick bands off the label.
  17. Maxx


    Killer 7 will own its soul in a cell shaded way
  18. Thats not an accurate measurement. Everything is a step up from Jason X
  19. Considering its working title is "The Ultimate Jason Voorhees" its only moderately cool.
  20. Personally I'm amped for Killer 7, it's looking like the most unique game of all time right now and a serious mindfuck too. Also I'm hoping Final Fantasy 12 will get the series back on track as I wasn't a fan of 10 or X-2. Yours?
  21. Dynasty Mode is WAAAY harder to make trades in as you have to take into account your budget for every move. I enjoy Owner Mode more cause I like absolute control. While you do have to build a new stadium, you can still choose to play in your old one.
  22. No! I accepted you when no one else would! STEP OFF THE LEDGE BASHA!
  23. apply. Soon its going to be that you have to have a popularity of 10+ cause the label is shrinking and shelling out money costs MY band money
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