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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Alright screw it since no one seems to be interested, we're starting the draft right now. Now you'll be drafting to fill the following spots. QB RB RB WR WR TE WR/RB K Defensive Team And 6 Bench Spots So We'll do a 10 round draft. Now remember you want players that will do terrible as thats the only way to score any points. Some rules for the draft: 1. THE FIRST 5 ROUNDS, ALL PLAYERS DRAFTED MUST BE STARTERS 2. You have 24 hours to make a pick, if you haven't in that time period, some terrible scrub will be assigned to you. 3. If you think you'll be unable to make a pick on time, e-mail someone in the leauge with your pick and have them do it for you. Thats about it. Draft Order 1. Jonnycomelately 2. SkinMySenses 3. Maxx 4. Living Legend 5. Livid 6. Y2J It reverses every other round so at the end of round one, Y2J picks again to start round 2. Well Jonny is on the clock, happy drafting
  2. They should go nab Dunn and Griffey as Cincy isn't that terrible of a city and the Reds aren't going anywhere fast.
  3. And New York, thats a fortress of solitude if I've ever seen one.
  4. Alright there are currently 6 teams in the leauge. Now its probably best that an experiemental leauge like this runs with only a few teams, but I still think 2 more teams would be good. So there's 2 spots open if anyone wants them, if they aren't taken by say...Tuesday I'll start the draft. Or if they are, I'll start the draft whenever the spots are filled.
  5. Someone ship me a copy, I can't get it in America. Its a shame cause I want to experience Cricket.
  6. No the wildcards are coming out of the North and either the east or south. The cards will only ever make the playoffs if they win their division. Which I wouldn't say is out of the question, but with Alexander in a contract year now, he'll have a blockbuster season.
  7. Yeah the cardinals aren't making the playoffs, I don't care how terrible the NFC is.
  8. Maxx

    Book Thread

    Finished off Al Franken's "Lies and The Lying Liars Who Tell Them" a few weeks ago. Excellent read that tears apart the whole "liberal media bias" idea with facts and references that are actually REAL. Now reading "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn
  9. Akili Smith, Cade McNown, Ryan Leaf, The Boz... One thought comes to mind when you hear of these legendary players... THEY F*CKING SUCK Well, its in their honor that I unveil this new form of Fantasy Football. I feel too much attention is paid to the superstars of the sport. Sure being good is wonderful, but isn't beging ordinary ok too? And doesn't it take even more effort to be especially bad? No...it probably doesn't. Anyways, this is a leauge that recognizes that not every player can be a superstar. This is a leauge that rewards mistakes and failures This is the official EWB Futility is Fantastic Fantasy Football Leauge. It works much like a normal fantasy football leauge, there are 10 teams and each team drafts to fill the usual position. The difference however is in the scoring. Touchdowns are frowned upon and will give you negative points, interceptions are what you're after in this leauge. It sure is great when a defense holds the opposing offense to no points in a usual FF leauge, but here in the Futility leauge, we eagerly await the complete and utter collaspe of our defense. So, if you're tired of those big name superstars and their contract disputes and endorsement deals, join the leauge where your team will consist of players who'll be happy to be working at Foot Locker in a few seasons. If you're ready to fail, just reply to this topic telling me you're in and I'll PM you all the nessicary info.
  10. 1. Green Day 2. Alkaline Trio 3. Transplants (currently)
  11. No way they can make it to the superbowl without him? Because they didn't go to the NFC Championship game for 3 years before T.O.'s arrival and he was such a huge help to them during the playoffs this year, you know with his being injured and not playing and all.
  12. Well Sahyder, if a player performs poorly they aren't living up to their end of the contract and thus a team can cut them. T.O. has lived up to his end of the contract for ONE season, what if they reneogiate and he gets injured for the season? He's a money grubbing fuckwit who should play out his contract or ask to be traded if he's so fucking unhappy. Not like he won them a superbowl or anything.
  13. EBG, I sent you a second invite twice, if you don't get it, PM me and I'll give you the leauge info so you can join that way
  14. Yeah there's like 3 or 4 spots left if anyone is interested
  15. The Transplants - "Haunted Cities"
  16. Maxx

    The Show Thread

    Warped Tour on August 15th Green Day on September 3rd
  17. Basically we're too good for proper spelling.
  18. Wow this is the most in depth I've ever seen a fantasy football leauge. You can have coaches on your team, in scoring you can have home field advantage and you can make multiple divisions. Too bad I'm not using any of those features. Though I will consider having 2 divisions if you guys want to
  19. Its back. Or it will be. The only fantasy leauge that has people trying to sign up a year in advance... THE OFFICIAL EWB FANTASY FOOTBALL LEAUGE Its the best of the best of best, sir and because of that, this year we're undergoing a change of venue. Yahoo has been our humble home for the past 2 seasons, but this year we bid a fond farewell and head to the mecca of fantasy sports, ESPN.Com That's right I'm taking advantage of ESPN's free fantasy football this year and like Monday Night Football, bringing the biggest show in fantasy sports to the best network in sports. Anywho, its a 10 person leauge and 4 spots are already filled. 1. Myself, Maxx 2. 2004 Champion Jonnycomelately 3. 2003 Champion LivingLegend 4. Frightened Animal, Mortifed Penguin That leaves 6 spots up for grabs. Now, those spots will go to people who either were the leauge last year or people who reply to this thread and post here regularly and are beloved members of the community. In other words, if you were in the league last year, post here with your team name from last year and I'll pm you the info. If you weren't and want to be, post here if you're interested and meet said criteria. Draft in August.
  20. Hot routes are your friend, particularly with Rogers and Williams On defense, control anyone on the line and do the swim and club moves to keep pressure on the QB and stuff the run
  21. Maxx

    2012 Olympics

    Congrats, you get to watch the United States basketball team get smoked in person.
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