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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. I trust Millar to handle Civil War. And even if it tanks at some point, it still won't end up feeling as pointless as Infinite Crisis did. Thank god that was bookended by the excellent mini series leading up to it and the decent stories that have come out of it( Secret Six, Shadowpact, 52)
  2. Well Culpepper has never proven he can put up big numbers without Randy Moss. Look at ever game Moss didn't play in when they were together in Minnesota and Culpeppers stats drop right off the board. He's got better recievers in Miami than he did in Minnesota last year, but I'm still not sure if he can come back from the knee injury, which will likely take away alot of his mobility, and that takes away a dimension from his game.
  3. I agree with this man right here
  4. First, you should try and get into Civil War, as its the main story line in the Marvel universe right now and thanks to Mark Millar, its amazing. Easy to jump right into as well. The Ultimates, is also an excellent read, as is Young Avengers as previously stated. Batman wise, if you're looking for a good book to get started on I suggest The Long Halloween. And if you're looking for something funny, look no further than Marvel Zombies.
  5. What is with everyone still predicting the Patriots to do something great? They traded away their recieving core, lost their clutch kicker and a slew of other veterns. Sure they'll win the second weakest division in football, but they won't be making the Super Bowl.
  6. how can you award a timeout when the clock is stopped?
  7. Even with a soft food diet he's bound to lose weight, so add that to the list of setbacks he has to overcome. I expect him to be starting the season, or at the very latest week 2. Of course I won't notice if anything is really wrong with him, as its not like he's the greatest QB in the world anyways.
  8. I wonder if he'll join the ranks of Jay Williams and Kellen Winslow Jr. in the I Fucked Up My Incredibly Promising Career Thanks to a Motorcyle Hall of Fame. Though it looks like Williams might be leaving said group. I make millions of dollars, and have the chance to make millions more, lets risk it all, along with my life cause I want to ride my motorcycle without a helmet! God pro athletes are dumb. Wonder if the driver that hit him was a Seahawks fan
  9. I've been a Mavs fan since I got back into basketball in 2003 and they almost made it to the finals with Van Exel, Finley, Raef, Najera and Bradley. And they would have made it too, if it weren't for Manu Ginobli's dirty play that injured Dirk. Needless to say, very happy the Mavs are in the Finals and I figure they'll win it too.
  10. I got a premium 360, the plug and play battery kit, Ghost Recon and Condemned for $330 the other day so I'm sticking that. I've got Alan Wake, Smackdown, Madden, NBA 2k7, Gears of War, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Jusitce Leauge Heroes, Saints Row and hopefully Just Cause to look forward to in the next 6 months Plus all the First Person Shooters I can shake a stick at. Oh and Dead Rising, because that game should keep me amused for months
  11. I like Halo, but they need to seriously fix some of the shit that that happens in online games, and also tweak the combat modes so its not just simple run and gun with little to no skill required. Gears of War and Too Human both look to be presenting better gameplay that either of the halo games, and I just hope Halo 3 will change some things to stay competitive.
  12. My roommates play it all day and all night long. I loathe their guitar heroics
  13. You know I'd love to think that the Cowboys would do something to grab Ko, cause he's a safety, you know a position of need for us, one of the foremost positions of need actually. But seeing how its going so far, I bet we take another O Lineman or maybe we need another running back, yeah that'll help us too! sorry, I'm still in awe of how terrible this draft is going for the cowboys and how little is being said about it.
  14. Wow, Jerry Jones must hate quarterbacks with big conference experience. I cannot believe how much the cowboys fucked the 3rd and 4th round. Ok, every QB outside of the big 3 is there in the second round, and you trade down. Little risky, but its not too far and you'll probably get something decent in return. Nope, you got a 6th and 7th, thanks Jerry I love those draft picks that won't even make the practice squad. Ok so our trade was terrible, but we still can improve here, because amazingly only one of the QBs has gone off the board. Lets give ourselves a backup with some real college experience, who didn't take 3 years off. Nah, lets take a tight end, cause Jason Witten, Ryan Hannaman and the 4 other TEs we have aren't enough. Good fucking job. Here comes the 3rd round and holy shit Jerry, all those QBs are still there! Whats that? You want to trade down again? Well, at least you got us back into the 4th round, you're starting to make up for the awful second round. Ok, we're up again...and look Brodie Croyle is still there! Fate has truly smiled upon us! Lets spit in its face and take a Defensive End when we can't even work the ones we have into our schemes! Fuck yeah! Jimmy Johnson is the officially the only reason Troy Aikman came to Dallas. Jerry Jones seems to be ok with having anyone who's ever thrown a football slide into our QB spot. Quincy Carter, Chad Hutchinson, Drew Henson, all took time off to play baseball instead, these are not the kind of guys you should be basing your future on. Tony Romo, of the powerhouse school of Eastern Illinois, an undrafted QB who made it onto the roster because Quincy Carter got cut. No major conference college experience. We had the chance to grab a QB with major conference experience, and in Brodie Croyle, a QB who did great with no notable players to help him, and we add depth to the two deepest positions we have. Great fucking move Cowboys. I swear to god if we don't draft a QB next year, then Jones is a fucking moron. Its the one position we haven't drafted well at, almost not at all, in nearly the last 20 years, and once again we're presented with a way to improve it, and Jerry passes up the chance.
  15. I think this might make Matt Leinart the only player to ever hope to be drafted by the Cardinals
  16. We may see history here people The Jets can do the impossible and disappoint their fans 3 times in 1 round!
  17. That pick is going to the Jets or the Niners. At 4 the Saints could get D'Brickashaw, a player they actually need, plus I'm sure they could rope in the Jets to give them their later first round pick aswell. For the Jets, it'd be completely worth it, which is exactly why I don't expect them to do it. The Jets are historically one of the worst drafting franchises ever and I won't be suprised if they don't make the move. Granted they could still end up with Leinart or Young, but for some reason I see the Jets trying to move their later round pick up to get Jay Cutler. Now the Niners should give the Saints WHATEVER they want, as getting Reggie Bush is the only way the Niners will be able to turn around their franchise for the next few years.
  18. Maxx


    Nah man...THIS is funny /forum/index.php?showtopic=38181">http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index....showtopic=38181
  19. "Good Mourning" by Alkaline Trio Anything by Green Day
  20. Maxx


    applied under the username elMike
  21. Ok, I knew Shane was going to do it, just didn't know how and I certainly didn't know he was acting on his own. Daaaaaaamn.
  22. THE HORROR! THE HORROR! Anywho, looks like we've got him to a solid contract that will give him more than Philadelphia did and perhaps make him the highest paid WR in the NFL. It gives him plenty of money up front and is full of incentives and roster bonuses that don't come into effect untill 2007 and 2008. In other words, he has to behave to get the majority of his money.
  23. Looks like the T.O. to dallas deal is all but done. As a cowboys fan, I'm indifferent. Yes he's caused problems but they stemmed from contract disputes, which we should have a handle on. I look at the cowboys as a team in desperate need of a big playmaker and thats T.O. Plus this is his last shot at showing how great he is, because if he doesn't work out in Dallas, no one is going to give him anywhere close to the money he'll want, if they sign him at all.
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