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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Ok so two people have yet to join the leauge Please do so
  2. Yes but you referenced an irrelevant game from 3 years ago as your proof that Branch/Brady is the greatest WR/QB tandem. One game doesn't prove that, especially not one from 3 years ago
  3. How is referencing the Patriots/Panthers super bowl proof that Branch and Brady are a great tandem. Watch any Colts game and you'll see that Manning gels with his recievers better than anyone. Plus that reference was from 3 years ago. Take the Panthers and the Pats this past season. Which tandem was more successful together? Smith led the leauge in TDs. That shoots down your arguement. The Pats offense can't make anyone a stud reciever. I'm looking for better justification why Brady is the #1 Fantasy QB, when the highest any of the players he'd be working with to score are ranked #32(branch) #8(Watson) and #22(Dillon) in their respective categories. If Brady was going to have the type of year a #1 fantasy QB would have, surely Branch and Dillion would be higher up as well. There's no justification for this.
  4. We'll probably do it here in this thread. I'll randomly decide the draft order, then it snakes every other round.
  5. Thats because he doens't have 3 solid recievers. Branch might be in camp now, but who knows if he'll stay there, plus its not like he's a top tier WR, SI has him ranked #32 among recievers. Troy Brown's not on the list and neither is Chad Jackson, who's an unproven rookie. For every Larry Fitzgerald there's a David Terrell, you can't count on rookie recievers to be productive in their first year. 2 Best TE's in the leauge? I wasn't aware the Patriots traded for Tony Gonzalez or Jeremy Shockey or Jason Witten or Alge Crumpler or Todd Heap or Antonio Gates. Ben Watson might be breakout this year, but I wouldn't consider him one of the best TE's in the leauge. And Daniel Graham definately isn't. So can anyone who ISN'T a devout New England sports fan justify Brady's placement. Bosstown Boy, you make me hate living in New England and the Patriots just a little bit more.
  6. Because he guarenteed money is what matters in the NFL. The rest of the contract is a technicallity and most players never see the all the money from the contracts they sign. They just need to give Bush as much guarenteed money as Young had, maybe a little more, and he'll sign. The Saints should be paying out the ass for this guy anyways, as he can potentially pull the team out of the shitter finally. Anyone want to justify why Tom Brady is listed as the #1 Fantasy QB in Sports Illustrated this year? I don't care how good QB he is, he's never been a spectacular fantasy QB and there's no way that this year will be any different.
  7. I can only suggest trying again
  8. alrighty we're full up. I've PMed everyone the leauge info, so join and then we can draft. Now I know most people hate drafting before preseason, but its the best way to make sure we aren't sitting around waiting to finishing during the first week of the regular season. so my projected draft date is August 10-15 Feel free to weigh in on that
  9. Now its not a slight against you, but generally we only take regular posters, as we've had problems with new people disappearing completely and as such ruining the draft and what not
  10. Ok so since I likely won't pay full price for it and wasn't huge on Race for the Heisman last year, should I just get the 360 version? Considering I'll be getting Madden for 360, I figure I should get NCAA aswell. Worth it for the $30-$40 it will probably cost after trade ins?
  11. Alrighty, 10 man leauge, I'm taking the first spot and holding one for my buddy LL if he wants it, so who wants in on the last 8? Getting sign ups out of the way early so the draft, which usually takes awhile will get done. 1. Maxx 2. LL 3. Bosstown Boy 4. Reflecto Is My Favorite Poster 5. Cole 6. Ekin Jones 7. Kou 8. Ditry Deeds Done With Sheep 9. Mortified Penguin 10. Evil Chase K I should mention this is likely going to follow Maxx and LL's uber cracked out fantasy football rules, with 2 starting QBs its cahraaaaaaaaaaazy
  12. Nah, it stretches the money out over a long period of time and they won't have to give him all of it cause he'll be cut in a year or two
  13. Alright so with August on the horizon I thought I'd make a thread to talk about the coming World Championships in Basketball and how Team USA will attempt to not be embarassed. Currently training camps are going on and the following players are attending: Carmelo Anthony, Nuggets Gilbert Arenas, Wizards Shane Battier, Rockets Chris Bosh, Raptors Bruce Bowen, Spurs Elton Brand, Clippers Kirk Hinrich, Bulls Dwight Howard, Magic LeBron James, Cavs Antawn Jamison, Wizards Joe Johnson, Hawks Shawn Marion, Suns Brad Miller, Kings Adam Morrison, Bobcats Chris Paul, Hornets Luke Ridnour, Sonics Amare Stoudemire, Suns Dwyane Wade, Heat Not available for Japan Chauncey Billups (personal reasons) Kobe Bryant (knee) Paul Pierce (elbow) Greg Oden (wrist) Lamar Odom (personal reasons) Michael Redd (personal reasons) J.J. Redick (back) Out of those, 12 will be selected, so the question is, who are you taking and who's your starting 5? Mine: Wade, James, Paul, Arenas, Bosh, Howard, Brand, Johnson, Bowen, Marion, Jamison and Hinrich my starting five would be Paul, Wade, James, Bosh and Brand ESPN is, in my opinion, wrong in thinking that the starting 5 should be Paul, Wade, Bowen, Anthony and Brand. Certainly Bruce Bowen needs to be on the team, but not starting as the combination of Paul, Wade and James is IMO too explosive to not have on the court as much as possible, plus all 3 can play defense when needed.
  14. Aye, Prime. Its apparently being made into a movie, or was...
  15. Be a Knicks fan and get exactly what you expect out of the team 100% of the time. As long as you expect them to be absolutely terrible, otherwise you're insane. How bout the Bobcats, good young team, need more fans. Adam Morrison's mustache alone should be reason enough.
  16. Lord Pumpkin He's from Malibu comics, which is owned by Marvel now, but for some reason they can't publish any of it due to a horrible deal they signed. I vaugely remember a cartoon based on Malibu comics characters and I think Lord Pumpkin was in it...
  17. Seeing Rider Strong kill everyone in Cabin Fever, just an hour or so after watching some BMW was an incredibly scarring experirence
  18. Well according to batman-on-film.com, the site the broke the news about Nolan directed and Bale starring in Batman Begins, as well as Routh playing Superman, is reporting that The Joker has been cast for the sequel to Batman Begins. And the winner is.......... Heath Ledger! I'm sort of on the fence, but its said that Nolan himself chose Ledger, so I'm ok with him, as Nolan hasn't made any bad decisions yet..
  19. only th first and second seasons so far I belive
  20. I'm meh on Washington, probably because I'm a Dallas fan. I feel Mark Brunell's season last year was his last hurrah and one or two big hits will be the end for him and the 'skins Plus their big additions to the recieving core are overrated. Brandon Lloyd is still living off his one 3 TD game, that ended in a loss and Anquan Randle-El throws for more TDs than he catches
  21. chickens in the hallway! Chickens in the hallway! My love for Boy Meets World cannot be measured. I still try to watch it everyday on ABC Family. They're back to the first seaon now and they've brought the original opening credits back too, its sooo awesome
  22. Against Me! supporting Alkaline Trio Course I already knew Against Me! would kick all kinds of ass.. And technically, Alkaline Trio supporting My Chemical Romance. Talk about getting upstaged....
  23. Maxx

    Best Live Show

    1. Green Day in Amherst, Mass 2005 The second of 3 Green Day shows I went to in a year's time, this one had the best atmosphere, and the band seemed to be more comfortable with the material than they were in October of 04, and not as burned out as they were in September of 05. 2. Alkaline Trio in Boston and Hartford For two nights in a row I got to see the Trio play pretty much every song I've ever wanted to see them play. Both nights were 2 hour sets, they played Godamnit straight through, then did an acoustic set, then played songs fans requested. Plus the first night I got to meet them. Awesome experience
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