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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. To the Broncos, who they should have steamrolled with the way Plummer had been playing this year. Anyways, I'll be watching alllll the pregame stuff tonight, but only for Green Day That being said, I feel bad I changed my Pick'em League pick to the Falcons, but I needs me some points and as much as I want New Orleans to win, I don't think its gonna happen
  2. Did you see the pool? They flipped the bitch! Weeeeeeeesley
  3. Ok Hellraiser 2 is the worst movie I've ever seen. I hate whoever brought that up. The original had a messy plot and the second one is a cesspool of crap that makes little to no sense at all.
  4. Heavens- "Patent Pending" 7/10, I like Skiba's work with Alkaline Trio more
  5. 2-0 does mean something because over 80% of teams that start 2-0 go to the playoffs. Or at least thats the stat they pimp to death on NFL Live.
  6. Ravens will win the North thanks to their schedule. http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/schedule.jsp Not counting games against the Steelers or the Bengals, the Ravens should win 9-10 games easy. Split both series against the Steelers and the Bengals and they walk away with the division title.
  7. Maxx

    Saw 2 question

    Yeah, you could watch it and probably grasp it, but the ending would make more sense to you if you saw the first one. Which is the better one
  8. Muahahaha the Eagles fell apart. Almost 500 total yards of offense in the first 3 1/2 quarters, then they let up 17 points in the fourth and play like shit in overtime. And I hate the giants. Also, if there isn't a Jerry Porter for Billy Voleck trade in the next week I'm going to be shocked. The Riaders desperatley need a capable quarteback, especially with Brooks getting injured and are clearly never going to use Porter again. The Titans are never going to use Voleck and could certainly use a guy like Porter.
  9. Its Romo time, Drew Bledsoe has apparently decided to skip that whole "get everyone's hopes up with a few solid performaces" stage this year.
  10. Alright, its only like 8 minutes in, but damn the Texans look good. Had some great protection for Carr, resulting in a nice TD to Eric Moulds, then their defense came out and soundly shut down the Eagles
  11. Dude its opening weekend. There's hype because this is the first time the Manning Brothers have played each other. And because this is NBC Sunday Night Football's first game No matter what game it was, you'd be absolutely shalacked with hype over it because its opening weekend in the most popular sport in America, on a new network and that network wants everyone and their brother to know about it. Plus its going to be a good game
  12. You get that hot newsbit from the same guy who told you to take Bush #1 overall?
  13. Yeah this one's on me, I've done a poor job of communicating that the leauge has started, what with moving back to college and my computer deciding it'd rather not work. Set ya teams people
  14. Alright this should be up around 3, I'm almost done filling the teams but I got class
  15. The Texans don't need a new QB, they just need to give David Carr time to throw. Carr should be at Palmer's level right now but he's stuck behind one of the worst O-Lines in history and has been stunted because of it. They're committed to him though, otherwise they would have drafted Young. If they were smart and really wanted a defensive end, they should have dealt Davis to the Jets for John Abraham and gotten an instant solution ot their D-line problems, then drafted Bush.
  16. Bruce Smith, Neil Smith, Willie McGinest, Simeon Rice, Peter Boulware, Lee Roy Selmon and Julius Peppers all say hi.
  17. You know its funny saying you don't care how many yards he puts up and yet you drafted him #1 overall in a fantasy leauge. Wow Wali Lundy performed adequately in a few preseason games! Thats it guys we've got our boy, the sky's the limit for this one. Texans need Reggie Bush now, they needed him then too. Williams will be just like most other D lineman drafted in the top 5 and end up a bust. They had the chance to get a game changing player, who'd legitimize the run, which would keep teams from relentlessly rushing Carr every play and the whole Texans offense might have finally reached its potential. Instead they decided to keep the injury prone back they already had and take a huge gamble on a defensive end. Injury prone back gets hurt again and it looks like another 60 sack season is on the horizon for David Carr.
  18. So lets start guessing where Charles Rogers will end up. I think he can still be a good player, but he needs a good QB and needs to stop playing so conservative to keep from getting hurt.
  19. Fine but its your job to remind me as thats my first day of classes and I have work till 11pm.
  20. Was a teen? You said you're 16. That means you were 14 two years ago when you were an "alcholic" How did you get enough booxe to drink till you passed out and then repeat the process every day, by yourself? Or were you just a giant lightweight?
  21. I'm still trying to figure out why you made this topic. You wanted discussion about Saosin but don't want it to be negative or something?
  22. I just took a listen and experienced the same thing. Listening to Saosin made me realize how big a mistake I made when I decided to listen to Saosin. That high pitched emo whine is just horrible.
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