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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Its utter crap that the dolphins are giving up a home game. It should be the giants, the only team to ever have 9 home games in a season.
  2. Delcarman or Hansen are being discussed, we could try and plug Tavarez in there, but I expect we'll make one more move to get more relief help.
  3. Jerry Jones said his coaching search won't end till after the Super Bowl and hinted that he might not even be done interviewing. I take this to mean he's going after Rivera
  4. Singletary is apparently a hot candidate now, his meeting with Jones went something like 7 hours and many consider him to be one of Jones' top 3 choices, now that Turner has fallen out of favor for demanding too much personel control. I'm all for Singletary, as with him and Garrett, the cowboys will have 2 of the best and brightest young coaches in the NFL today.
  5. Might as well have said Barry Gibbs.
  6. I love the Jason Garrett signing as it fills me with fond memories of him helping the cowboys demolish the Giants in like the second pro game I ever went to. Garrett is clearly considered by Jones to be a potential head coach and while I'd fully support it right away, he'll probably be OC and then learn play calling under an older coach and take over the job in 2 or 3 years.
  7. While it might be unlikely, due to the wait now, Ron Rivera has to be considered as a potential for the Dallas job
  8. Ha, not the kind of play you'd expect the best big game QB ever to make Fuck the pats Huzzah!
  9. Yeah go watch the muggings of Colts and Titans recievers back in 2003. Even when they weren't involved in the play, Pats DBs were taking them out, and when they were involved in the play, they'd be on the ground before the ball even got there, or forced out of bounds.
  10. You'll just get your ass kicked in player matches if you play against me
  11. Is it New York or Miami thats losing the home game, as it would make sense if it was New York, due to their extra home game last year.
  12. how do you get to that storyline? I hear alot about it but it didn't come up in any of my seasons so far
  13. Play was over, guy came through and made contact with Rivers. Thats a penalty, whether you like it or not. Doesn't matter that Rivers oversold the hell out of it, a Patriot still marched through the line well after the play was over and tagged him upside the head. How is that not a penatly? They've been calling ridiculous roughing the passer/personal foul penatlies all year long, but they suddenly decide that doesn't qualify? If you go and purposely make contanct with another player after a play is over its a penalty, you can't deny that.
  14. Yes and what a suprise the refs can't see Marty on the sidelines fanatically signaling for a time out. This year there have been ridiculous roughing the passer calls over and over, including joey harrington tripping over someone, and the refs don't call it when its blatant and right in front of them. They knew it was a spike play, the play was over, he still came through and still hit him. But its the pats so thats not a penalty
  15. Meh, I just have it organized alphabetically, then Windows Media Player put all the albums together for me. Of course I have huge piles of downloaded songs with no artist name attached to them, thats just a mess to sort through.
  16. The Network's cover of Teenagers From Mars
  17. Hrmm.. U2 Iron Maiden Brand New +44 Everything else I want to see I've already seen
  18. kaney and I have a game going if anyone wants in
  19. Yes you do. Chris Simms wasn't very good before his injury, who knows how that could affect him now. Gradkowski wasn't all he was cracked up to be and Tim Rattay was a 3rd stringer for a reason.
  20. I'm glad Florida one. All season and up untill this week all you heard was how great Ohio state was and then how Florida shouldn't have even been in the championship game. Clearly they did belong and I'm happy to see them win. A great job by Florida all around, becoming the first school to ever hold the football and basketball national championships at the same time.
  21. Some news... On tuesday Epic will be releasing a patch for Gears, it will do the following: • Fixed aspect ratio distortion when using VGA cable with 4:3 displays at resolutions higher than 640x480 • Fixed voice issue with new players joining Player Match games in progress • Players can now get the Achievement for "Dish Best Served Cold" when using Troika turret to kill RAAM • Fixed rare situation where host could loop countdown and never start match • Fixed rare situation where players could get stuck after chainsawing in multiplayer • Reduced Grenade Tag melee distance • Enabled “Strict” NAT check on host to prevent possible connection issues • Optimized server browser queries to return results more quickly and prevent scroll bars from hiding quality of service icons • Reduced number of possible revives in Execution to match Warzone • Removed host name from Ranked match server browser • Disabled security cameras in Ranked matches • Ranked matches now require balanced teams (3v3 or 4v4) • Increased penalty for quitting a Ranked match to -50 points • Added additional cheat detection code • Additional housekeeping updates And on wednesday...2 NEW MAPS! FOR FREE! HUZZAH!
  22. That's the first I've heard of ANYONE picking the Cowboys to go all the way. And to Ace, I don't think you can make a claim that we're overrated going on what our own fans say. If all the specialists/professionals were saying the same thing, then yeah you could say that but just going on what a team's own fans say is a bit silly, they're obviously going to be biased.
  23. Another great moment in Maxx Frag Tagging. The Setting: Rooftops My entire team gets massacred by the other team who travel in a very very tight nit group. My last remaining teammate dies valiantly, and in the process downs one of the 4 opponents, this prompts me to run in and frag tag the guy closest to me. Of course he responds by chainsawing me, but before I am completely eviscerated, the grenade I stuck into goes off, killing him, the other 2 teammates who were standing close by, and the downed guy. Round goes to my team. There was a brief encore the next round, as the opponents all came down in their tight little square and I causally blind threw a grenade over to them, killing 2 of them and allowing my teammates to down the other 2.
  24. Phenomenal live band, I hope everyone gets to see them at some point Smash, Americana and Conspiracy of One are my favorites, Splinter was terrible. Hopefully Angels and Airwaves wraps up fast so Atom can concentrate on Offspring related activities.
  25. That pass interference call prior to the failed Seattle 2 point conversion was utter shit. The ball was a good 5 feet away from the reciever, who was diving in the complete opposite direction, and yet its deemed catchable. Also, Glenn and Crayton both stood there and watched the ball fall in between them on the final play, great heart.
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