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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Its a supernatural balance between games and movies. All movie games are horrible All game movies are horrible Balance you see
  2. 1. Link (Legend of Zelda) 2. Mario (Mario Power Tennis ) 3. Sephiroth (FF7) 4. Leon S Kennedy(Resident Evil 2 and 4) 5. Iori Yagami (King of Fighters) 6. Mega Man (Mega Man) 7. Cloud Striffe ( FF7) 8. Little Mac (Mike Tyson's Punch-Out) 9. Agent 47 (Hitman) 10. James Earl Cash ( Manhunt)
  3. Pulp Fiction vs Rear Window City Of God vs Sunset Blvd. Group B: Casablanca vs Seven Samurai Psycho vs Lawrence Of Arabia Group C: Godfather vs Star Wars Goodfellas vs Fight Club Group D: Schindler's List vs Raiders Of The Lost Ark Once Upon A Time In The West vs Amelie Group E: Empire Strikes Back vs One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Usual Suspects vs Memento Group F: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly vs 12 Angry Men North By Northwest vs Two Towers Group G: Shawshank Redemption vs Return Of The King Doctor Strangelove vs Silence Of The Lambs Group H: Godfather II vs Fellowship Of The Ring Citizen Kane vs It's A Wonderful Life
  4. Luca Blight in Suikoden 2, he was built up as such a badass in the first half of the game, then you have to come up with an big plan to weaken him and after you do that, he'll still demolish you in one on one combat.
  5. So who decided that Sasha Pavlovic and his 6 points through 4 quarters and 1 overtime should be taking all the shots?
  6. Well at least their making this one entertaining
  7. Group A: City Of God vs Pulp Fiction Sunset Blvd. vs Rear Window Group B: Psycho vs Casablanca Lawrence Of Arabia vs Seven Samurai Group C: Goodfellas vs Godfather Fight Club vs Star Wars Group D: Once Upon A Time In The West vs Schindlers List Amelie vs Raiders Of The Lost Ark Group E: Usual Suspects vs Empire Strikes Back Memento vs One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Group F: North By Northwest vs The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Two Towers vs 12 Angry Men Group G: Doctor Strangelove vs Shawshank Redemption Silence Of The Lambs vs Return Of The King Group H: Citizen Kane vs Godfather II It's A Wonderful Life vs Fellowship Of The Ring
  8. Group A: Rear Window vs City Of God Sunset Blvd. vs Pulp Fiction Group B: Seven Samurai vs Psycho Lawrence Of Arabia vs Casablanca Group C: Star Wars vs Goodfellas Fight Club vs Godfather Group D: Raiders Of The Lost Ark vs Once Upon A Time In The West Amelie vs Schindlers List Group E: One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest vs Usual Suspects Memento vs Empire Strikes Back Group F: 12 Angry Men vs North By Northwest Two Towers vs The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Group G: Return Of The King vs Doctor Strangelove Silence Of The Lambs vs Shawshank Redemption Group H: Fellowship Of The Ring vs Citizen Kane It's A Wonderful Life vs Godfather II
  9. Kobe won't approve of it, but I'd say Joe Johnson, Marvin Williams and the #3 pick is good value for Kobe
  10. Shall we start the rampant speculation? Keep in mind Kobe can veto the trade, so that'll help us rule out quite a few teams Bobcats, Hawks, Grizzles, 76ers, Bucks they're out, Kobe won't want to go there. Next, we rule out the teams that don't have enough peices to get Kobe without becoming as bad as the Lakers are now, basically superstar for superstar trades, or half the team for a star trades T'wolves, Celtics, Raptors, Pacers, Cavs, Clippers, Kings, Hornets are ruled out here Now the teams that could make a trade for Kobe, but more than likely won't. Heat, Nuggets, Spurs, Suns, Jazz, Wizards are out here. That leaves us with: Chicago Bulls New York Knicks New Jersey Nets Detroit Pistons Dallas Mavericks Houston Rockets Portland Trailblazers Seattle Supersonics Golden State Warriors Now then, I'd say its safe to rule out the Warriors, since there's no way the Lakers would trade Kobe to a division rival. The Dallas Mavericks might be tempted to trade Dirk, but that doesn't help the Mavericks much as they should be more concerned with getting more defense than another superstar, especially at the risk of losing Dirk. Now I'm sure Kobe would play for the Knicks, but there's no way the Lakers would take any of the players attached to the contracts they'd have to pick up to make the deal work, so they're out the window I'd say rule out the Blazers as well, they like where they're headed and they won't want to give up the #1 pick or Brandon Roy and to get Kobe, they'd have to give up one of them That leaves us with: Chicago New Jersey Detroit Houston Seattle These are, IMO the most likely destinations, with the exeception of Seattle. Certainly getting Kobe would help them keep the team in Seattle, but I doubt the Lakers would accept Ray Allen and a few others for Kobe, unless it came with the #2 pick and there's no way the Sonics are trading that. A trade of Allen and Ridnour for Kobe works money wise, but the Lakers would surely want more. Perhaps a sign and trade with Rashard Lewis and Ray Allen could work, but I don't think the Lakers would want to pick up a combination that couldn't get the job done in Seattle. Houston is certainly plausible, as the Lakers would certainly take T-Mac and a minor player for Kobe. However, as we saw with the Shaq trade, they probably want to move Kobe out of the conference if they're going to move him. Chicago is where Kobe wants to go, but they don't desperately need him and the proposed trades that send Deng, Gordon and Wallace to the Lakers for Kobe and Andrew Bynum, don't make the Bulls any better off than they are now. Plus, the Bulls have been reluctant to trade these guys for Garnett, who would almost certainly guarentee them a title or at least a trip to the finals, so I don't think they'll want to part with them for Kobe. In my opinion the trades that work the best are New Jersey and Detroit. New Jersey needs a change and is going to lose Vince Carter. Surely an offer for Carter and Richardson, or Carter, Marcus Williams and a few others would have to be considered by the Lakers. If Detroit is worried Chauncy Billups will leave in free agency, I could certainly see them exploring the option of bringing in Kobe and they have the pieces to pull of such a move as well.
  11. Why is everyone suddenly saying Portland needs a superstar to survive? I'm fairly sure an above average group of guys who all grow as players and learn to play with each other will have just as much of a chance as any team with a superstar on it. Its a team game, Portland is putting together what will eventually be one of the best teams in the leauge
  12. Well you can find a poorly written sorta summary thing here http://www.saddoboxing.com/boxing_forum/in...ic,48047.0.html But if you read past that it really just becomes a testament to how ignorant some boxing fans are
  13. Ultimately that doesn't matter. Someone will take Randolph and as stated their only reservation would likely be that it'll make Portland a juggernaut, hence why I see an eastern conference team taking him and hoping they can use him to help them squeak out a title before Portland becomes a dynasty
  14. I'm okay with the Lottery because its not like the Spurs and the Pistons are drawing #1. I feel its a little blown out of proportion about how bad the Celtics were. The Sonics weren't a great team last year and neither were the Blazers. Now it can be argued that the Blazers were well on the path to being a good team before the lottery, but the Celtics competing for a playoff spot until they got hit with injuries, so its not like the team horrendous and will be winning no more than 20 games next year. Thats even more true with the Grizzles who until the injuries of this season MADE THE PLAYOFFS 3 years. So Jerry West quit bitching, you team isn't bad enough to merit a Durant or Oden anyways. Blazers fans deserve one after the Jailblazers era and Seattle needs one to save basketball in the city
  15. Yes but they have free agency to add a veteran and you know there's some team foolish enough to take Darius Miles in exchange for a veteran too. I'm just saying, if you can round out your team for the next decade right now, in this draft, wouldn't you want to do it? Especially if it only costs you Zach Randolph? The guy most of your fans hate and associate with the Jailblazers era and this recent string of terrible seasons? I'm not saying they shouldn't look for veterans, if they can trade Randolph for a veteran point guard, they should probably do that instead. But there's always going to be good to decent veterans to sign, and with a great young team, one of them might be all you need. Look at the Clippers once they got Cassell.
  16. Yes but do you really want Zach Randolph mentoring anyone?
  17. You've got to realize its potentially possible for them to get a point guard in this draft. If Atlanta passes on Connely, they have the pieces to trade for another pick and take him, and if they want to they could definately put together a package towards the middle of the draft and get Acie Law. Law, Roy, Miles, Aldridge, Oden? And they could definately replace Miles if they want to, not like the NBA is lacking in small forwards EDIT: In fact I could see them sending Randolph and a pick to the sixers for the 12th pick and taking Law or Connely if he's still there then. Sixers need a power forward and at 12, they're swimming in athletic swingmen who'll still be around when they pick again at 21
  18. Portland just got a great opportunity to trade Zach Randolph and stop using Joel Pryzbilla at Center. They're taking Oden, it'd be ridiculous not to as they have everything Durant can offer them in Roy and Aldridge I just realized we now get Oden Vs Durant a bunch of times every year for as long as they stay in Portland and Seattle and in the same division.
  19. If they didn't have Brandon Roy and LaMarcus Aldridge, then I'd say draft Durant, but they do and its the West, so they basically have to draft Oden and in 2-3 years should be tearing their division apart. Oden can keep a team competitive but will need a solid team around him to win a title and thats what he gets in Portland. Durant on the other hand may very well be able to take a team to a title himself, and he lands in Seattle where after Ray Allen retires he might have to do just that. Either way this lottery just saved basketball in the Pacific Northwest
  20. Alright, Blazers are getting a title in 4-5 years
  21. Yeah "The Signal" sounds like a complete ripoff of Stephen King's Cell, which is Eli Roth is turning into a movie after Hostel Part 2
  22. Total Film.com is claiming that picture is a fake, simply because the site is a proxy and not registered by Warner Bros, like Ibelieveinharveydent.com is. They're ignoring the fact that it was registered 3 days before Warner's Dent site went up. Also they seem to think Warner Bros wouldn't waste their time setting up a proxy site to keep their involvement secret. They also ignore that the the level of detail in the picture is fairly hard to duplicate in photoshop. And you'd have to acquire a full head shot of Heath Ledger to do so. I'd like to see them try and reproduce this allegedly fake picture
  23. I'm a fan of the picture. Certainly it'd be better if he was smiling or if we could see his eyes, but hey I'm just happy we've got something. Looks creepy and realistic. That being said, I still think they could have easily done something like this http://www.evilology.net/uploaded/joker2ge1nx.jpg Doctored fan pic that showed up right after Begins came out. In my view its an absolutely perfect representation of what a realistic, not over the top Joker could look like. Plus it would have been easy to replicate, considering thats a picture from The Man Who Laughs, a movie made in the 1920's. Something like that probably wouldn't have upset the fan boys as much. I'm happy with a much darker take on the Joker, as thats what he deserves and from the Ledger pic, it looks like thats what Nolan has cooked up
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