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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Camera starts out lower, but that can be adjusted and the game speed is slower, but that can also be adjusted. Passing is very crisp when done correctly, and there's a actual pocket that forms, unlike all other football games where the line just shifts a little on each side. So don't drop back to much, you'll gain nothing from it.
  2. I absolutely agree with the online draft idea, I'm fairly sure they'll impliment it at some point too. 160 rushing yards and 3 TDs with Emmitt Smith in my first game. My advice to you is use some of your legend picks on O-Line, cause legendary D-linemen can just blast through generic O-lines
  3. Picking it up today Its still a 2K game which means it will be far superior to any other football game out this year. And everyone says, oh franchise mode, franchise mode, but no one has actually came up with a good idea about how to impliment it. These guys are all retired or dead, do you just decide to never have them retire in game? Talk about a lack of connection with the league, how bad would it be if half your all pro roster retires and you're left playing with generic players and generic rookies.
  4. I think that article underestimates how big the "hardcore gaming' crowd is. I believe 360 is still out selling Wii, which means that lots of people still want a straight gaming system. It could happen, but once Halo and Grand Theft Auto sell a bazillion copies this fall, I think this kind of talk will die down a bit.
  5. 13 Ghosts is horrible if you watch it now. I agree with Poltergiest
  6. So there's this an the UFL? Wow, NFL has nothing to worry about as these 2 leagues will kill each other off and thin out an already thin talent pool.
  7. Its shot entirely like that.
  8. MAXX AND LL'S OFFICIAL EWB FANTASY FOOTBALL LEAGUE starts its 4th season in August. Cole you turncoat bastard.
  9. Get a 360. The games, the online interface and all that already had me fully supporting and loving my 360. Then my friend got a PS3 and it short circuited the second floor of his house. 3 times with 2 different PS3s. So even if I wanted a PS3, I'm not entirely sure I could run one at the same time as all the other stuff that my house is running. But then again, some people have better, more powerful wiring jobs. 360 all the way. Plus you could easily get a 360 Elite for the price of a PS3
  10. I wouldn't say the Raiders at all. Yeah they suck now, but they were a perenial playoff team a few years ago and have managed to be above average for most of their existence. In the NFL its the Detroit Lions and its their own fault for not getting rid of Millen and trying someone else. They look like they'll be improving this year though, but I hear that every year. In terms of management the Titans suck. They handled their cap situation horribly, lost everyone and then drafted Pacman Jones, all while still performing better than the Lions. Baseball its the Kansas City Royals. Devil Rays get a pass as they actually acquire good young talent, they just don't have the money to pay them and they're in the AL East where the best they could ever hope for is a wild card spot and even that'll never happen. Hockey its the Blackhawks and recently the Bruins. Basketball its the Hawks and the T'Wolves IMO, they basically stopped attempting to build a team around KG a few years ago and have been relying completely on him to stay competitive.
  11. IGN has a nice bit of info on the game now. http://xbox360.ign.com/objects/881/881587.html For instance, its being released in like 2 weeks and here I was under the impression it wasn't coming out till August. There's also a video up that details the process of editing your team, and you can see a couple of different logos and stadiums and such. Look close at the Beasts info page in that video for a nice little Angel reference.
  12. So Diego wants another loss? Even though BJ is jumping up a weight class in about 2 months, I still think he'll beat Diego, especially if Diego fights like he did against Koscheck
  13. Lets see, the right side will fair horribly, I only see Chuck and Vince Young possibly winning their match up
  14. Yeah I got vampire turned into a vampire during the Dark Brotherhood questline and have never searched for a cure. You get over encumbered less and you get Hunter's Sight, which I find ultra useful
  15. J-Rich is good for the Bobcats because he's a good player NOW. They didn't need another rookie who will eventually be a good player, they've got almost an entire team of those
  16. The Warriors. Wow I forgot how much I love this game. Best movie game ever, and one of my favorites ever.
  17. And the Bobcats get Jason Richardson Foolish Warriors, thats a great grab for the Bobcats, J-Rich keeps improving and is exactly what the Bobcats needed aside from another inside presence.
  18. Biggz why so high on Yi? I expected you'd want to see some more out of him
  19. We'll create a signup thread. Team America needs more players besides me. I'm drafting Krauser. Now we need more teams...
  20. Can we like organize something with Gears? Cause I always see all of you on, and half of you are playing and you never accept invites. Perhaps we can do a little 2 vs 2 tournament? I'm just always looking for players cause far too often its me and my 2 friends sitting around waiting for people to join.
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