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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Maxx

    X Games 13

    My problem with the Loza varial is that its not nearly as dangerous or impressive as Chuck Carother's body varial from a few years ago. I mean at no point during Loza's trick was he in a position to lose control of the bike, if he needed to, he could have grabbed it and made a save at any point. Not the case with Carother's and certainly not the case with any backflip variation. Especially a Kiss of Death backflip, which slows the backflip rotation down to the point that they have to pull hard of the bike to land cleanly. I just can't believe those scores This gets an 86, when 2 years ago no one was even thinking of coming completely off the bike during a backflip
  2. Anybody watching? Tonight was night one and we got Skateboard Big Air and MotoX Best Trick. In Big Air we got to see Jake Brown defy death, by getting up and walking away after falling from close to 50 feet in the air onto the flat bottom of the mega ramp. He hit hard enough to knock his shoes clear off. Check it out: Jake Brown, man of steel In MotoX best trick, we got a great lesson in how to screw up scores, when the judges gave the second rider, Kyle Loza a 94 for doing this: The Volt Now yes, its impressive and yes its never been seen before, but is it anywhere close to as difficult or as dangerous as what the first rider, Todd Potter did? You judge Todd Potter's KOD Backflip, Poor Quality Potter actually did a much cleaner version of that trick with better extension and was scored an 86. Giving the Volt a 94 and the KOD Backflip an 86 ruined the competition, as everyone's tricks were backflip variations, all IMO harder to perform than The Volt, but given the precedent the judges set with the first 2 riders scores, those tricks were also scored absurdly low. Basically, the only person who could have beaten Kyle Loza was Shawn Murray, who landed a double backflip a few weeks ago onto foam and sand, but crashed while attempting to do one onto dirt tonight, destroying his bike in the process. I'll try and update those videos with the actual X Games footage as it becomes available. Tomorrow Night we've got MotoX Step Up, which is always fun, and BMX Big Air on the mega ramp, which is looking to be insane. If you're unfamilair with what the Mega Ramp looks like, here's a pic Surely I can't be the only one watching this, so post your thoughts
  3. Its going to be sad for whoever starts in Oakland. Aaron Brooks got demolished and if anything, he's just as good as Culpepper is now, certainly more mobile. They've got one of the most underperforming O-Lines ever, and a poor running game as a result. Plus they're recieving core is now made up of the disgruntled Jerry Porter, coming off a stellar season, and big bust Mike Williams. At least Daunte got right into camp, I can respect that, but I really don't think he's that much better than McCown or Walter, based on what he did in Miami. Maybe his injury was still lingering, but that doesn't account for all the mistakes and poor plays he made.
  4. Sure he's a vetern, but he's hardly a suitable backup. And I'll hear no Ken Shamrock-esque arguements from you Biggz. Daunte was good when he could run, his knee has been destroyed twice, all he can do is over throw recievers now.
  5. Raiders sign Daunte Culpepper, perhaps its Al Davis' way of showing JaMarcus Russell what will happen to him if he doesn't sign a contract.
  6. So it paints black people as blood thirsty, crazy savages, since when is that bad? Oh yeah..
  7. I'm just trying to make sure no one will like leave the league based on the setup. Cause that's happened before. But its not like I have a bunch of replacements lined up for you mooks
  8. Plus they're relying on Rajon Rondo to distribute the ball
  9. And even if they make the finals, that team would lose to the Spurs and the Suns, and the Mavericks could probably even give that lineup a run for its money.
  10. I don't care how elite that KG trade might make Boston, its one of the worst trades I've ever seen. They depleted their roster with the Ray Allen trade already, and now they're gonna give up everyone else? Rondo, Allen, Pierce, Scalabrine, KG, Glen Davis and who else? They're gonna fill their roster up with scrubs? Allen and KG aren't in their prime anymore, if they have no bench help, they'll be completely drained by the time the playoffs role around. Jefferson, Telfair, Ratliff and the #1 pick, thats a sensible trade. Thrown in Gerald Green and Ryan Gomes? Thats retarded. 5 guys and a first round pick for one All Star who's got about 3 good seasons left in him? That should be the move that gets Ainge fired, not saved
  11. Defending champ is in
  12. Another question. In the past we've been using starting roster of 2 QBs 2 RBs 2 WRs 1 TE 1 RB/WR 1 K 2 DEF Now, I like that system, but I'm not against changing to a more traditional setup with only one QB and one DEF Thoughts?
  13. If ESPN is correct with all the details about Tony Taylor's involvement in the case, the prosecution just got the guy who'd make the best witness out of the 3 co-defendants. Taylor is said to be the one who found the house and arranged for it to be bought with Vick's money, he got all the permits for the sheds and such and was apparently present with Vick during various fights and executions. So the prosecution doesn't even need the other 2 to turn, but I bet they'll get them anyways. Coach Petrino is probably happy though, he has absolutely no expectations to live up to now, and will probably end up with a high pick in the draft which will put him in a great position to draft Brian Brohm
  14. Alrighty, I'm shooting for an August 7th draft date, most likely just going to happen in this thread
  15. Well, it seems like my prediction of Vick being the only one left pleading not guilty next month is starting to ring true. ESPN is reporting that one of Vick's co-defendants, Tony Taylor has scheduled a plea agreement hearing for Monday. So, there's almost no way that plea agreement won't involve him testifying against Vick. One down, two to go and then Vick is really, really, really screwed. He was screwed anyways, as I'm sure the government has either some great evidence or a great witness tucked away, as Vick went from having zero chance of being involved in any indictment to being the main target of the indictment in a matter of days.
  16. And we're full. If we do a board draft, and I really see no reason not to, we're all here all the time so it should go pretty fast, I'll probably start it the first week of August, just in case it does hit a snag
  17. I must ask the question, would you all perfer to do the a one night live draft through Yahoo or our usual 3 week long on board draft?
  18. This is all so amazing. I'm so happy they hired this company to handle the viral marketing, its wonderful
  19. Alrighty, we're back for our 3rd, unofficially 4th, Season. Its a 10 Person League, and we have 3 spots already taken. 1. Maxx 2. LL 3. Big Mortified Penguin Tuna 4. DMN 5. Reflecto 6. damshow 7. JStarr 8. ACCBiggz 9. Thug 10. jonnycomelately Spots are being held for anyone who was in the league last year, especially Reflecto, defending champion. If you were in last year and we've filled up, PM me and I'll bump someone. Furthermore, we choose to be some what exclusive as last year we let in fairly new poster, who picked Reggie Bush #1 overall, set his team and never checked it again. So sign up below if your interested, but members who've been around longer will be giving preference. And we're not drafting right now, that'll come probably around the second to third week of August, just getting the word out there. So sign up and be prepared for fun and for LL claiming he'll win the league midway through the draft, if not earlier.
  20. Article on ESPN sums up what the Prosecution told Vick and his co-defendants basically they said: We've already charged you with serious crimes. You might want to consider a guilty plea. We are going to file more charges next month. That gives you a few weeks to think about the guilty plea. If you come and talk to us about pleading guilty and testifying for us, there will be no more charges against you. If you do not, the charges and the potential punishment will grow quickly. So by next month Vick might be the only one left pleading not guilty, cause I can't see him say he's guilty, however smart that might be.
  21. Oh yeah, they only made it a felony because of the gambling issues that were attached to it. And who ever said Vick will be found innocent, I think you're really underestimating the gravity of the situation. This is the federal government, they don't take time out to indict people if they don't think they'll get a conviction
  22. With the way this is piling up, he'd be smart to take whatever plea bargain they throw his way. If it goes to trial, his friend will probably sell him out and he'll end up doing a max sentence for the crime. This is the Federal Government, friends of the President couldn't beat it, a football player has no hope. If they throw him a deal like, plead guilty and get 3-4 years with reduced fines, he's insane not to take it.
  23. Just try and break through the Maxx portion of that wall. It limited LL and Emmitt Smith to 6 yards rushing.
  24. Plus these charges aren't being filed by backwoods police officers, its the federal government, they wouldn't be issuing an indictment if they didn't believe he'll be found guilty. As syco said, they've got an incredible conviction rate and rarely lose cases. Even when they do the defendant can wind up in prison.
  25. ESPN posted some questions about the legal aspects of the case
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