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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. So Bill Wirtz is dead, are the Blackhawks fans finally free? Or do you think his family will continue his reign of terror?
  2. Well, I hate Construct. Isolation is cool but was too big for the 5 person free for all we were having, Narrows is alot of fun, as is Guardian. Last Resort is a fond memory :wub and we're currently debating whether or not The Pit is a remake of Headlong, in my mind there's absolutely no similarity, but my friends seem to think its the same "just not under contruction"
  3. Fucking Bulger. As usual, a guy is a perfectly consistent fantasy player untill I pick him up, and then it doesn't matter if he's got Torry Holt as a wide reciever, he'll find a way to suck.
  4. Bwahaha. Sexy Rexy has handed the game to the Cowboys, its 27-10 in the fourth quarter. Doesn't help da Bears that Tony Romo is absolutley ridiculous tonight, completing passes while on the run, or about to be hit, or while he's being hit and dragged to the ground. Plus they're losing defensive starters left and right and the 'Boys aren't having that hard of a time running against them
  5. Now when you all say Super Bowl card, is that a card they're running the day before or the day of or at halftime of the super bowl?
  6. Yes. Hence why Edwards is in. Hence why I posted that.
  7. Well, I won't be suprised if JP Losman loses his starting job in Buffalo. Trent Edwards is looking exceptional for a rookie coming off the bench. He keeps this up, there's no way he won't be starting, as I'm sure JP's leash is already very short.
  8. Wow those are some hideous throwbacks for the Eagles
  9. While your team is performing well Biggz, I still feel it was poorly drafted, as you absolutely could have landed Brady in the second round. I mean you're winning without either of your RBs scoring, thats good and bad, as obviously it can't continue like that. You are a clear contender however, as is LL I'd also like to give props to JStarr for actually using the trading block feature
  10. Goddell says the Patriots cheated by videotaping Jets coaches, now investigating why Patriot coaches radio signals were fluctuating strangely. Pretty fucking pathetic on the Patriots part, but I'm hardly suprised, Belicheck is a scumbag.
  11. Sean Payton didn't turn the Saints around? Jim Haslett drafted a few solid defensive players, but their offense always sucked. Sean Payton brought in Brees, Bush, Colston and far superior offensive play calling. Your stance on Crennel and Savage building the Browns is absolutley correct, but to say Sean Payton just walked in and took all the credit for someone else's work is pretty asinine, considering the big players on offense besides McAllister didn't come in till Payton go there.
  12. I'm laughing at everyone who picked the Giants. They're looking as bad as last year, and losing Jacobs only makes them worse. Cowboys look great minus Terry Glenn, so I've got some high hopes when he returns.
  13. So, can I expect to see lots of you on when Halo 3 comes out? Or will I just be playing with Kraig and Kaney?
  14. If you don't care, I could join and probably bring in 2 non board members
  15. Maxx


    Is anyone really suprised by the negative response to yet another sony product? C'mon, what part of the PS3 so far hasn't been a disappointment or vastly underwhelming. They better get their stuff together quick, if they don't get a few killer apps soon, they're never going to catch up
  16. Nottavictim, do you read what anyone else says? Stop with the fucking spoilers. How many times do people have to say it? Christ. You reveal any plot detail, its a spoiler, you reveal anything about how a character is developed, its a spoiler put [ spoiler] [/ spoiler] -minus the spaces- around your post.
  17. I wouldn't say Leftwich in Atlanta is a better fit for him than Jacksonville. They've got the same underperforming types of wide recievers, they're less talented at running back and their defense is no where near as good as Jacksonville. So basically he'd be stuck using the patented Michael Vick Dump-To-Crumpler, which since Leftwich isn't a scrambler, will also be pretty ineffective
  18. Off the top of my head, teams that might be interested: Atlanta Buffalo Detroit Might be interested due to a lack of solid backup QB: Cincinatti New York Giants Kansas City St. Louis I could also see Dallas being interested, as we're only carrying 2 QBs in right now and one of them is Brad Johnson, although hopefully we sign Matt Moore. I'd say Atlanta is most likely to take him. Joey Harrington isn't someone you want to have starting without a backup QB who can take over if/when he screws up and Chris Redman isn't that guy and Shockley is injured. Plus people in Atlanta want a african american QB
  19. Why would they trade or release him? Gerard hasn't been the picture of perfect health either. Who's their other backup QB, cause surely he can't be better than Leftwich
  20. I thought Byron Leftwich was already named the starter? Saw it scrolling by on the ESPN ticker a few days ago
  21. Maxx

    Nick GaS

    This is why I'm happy I own the entire series of Are You Afraid of the Dark?
  22. What the fuck is wrong with people? They're cheering Vick as he goes into the court house. HE admitted he was guilty, the government isn't pinning anything on him, he's not a victim. He admitted his own guilt after he lied to everyone about it and yet, people are still cheering the guy. Morons.
  23. And free agency is open, you've got 3 bench spots to fill and please, please, please SET YOUR ROSTERS FOR OPENING WEEK
  24. Taken care of, forgot to give him the info
  25. Gracia as a Buc is gonna be as good as Garcia as a Lion or Garcia as Brown. I find it really funny everyone is thinking that since he's there the team is bound for greatness again. He's got like 2 more years in him, and all they're doing is stunting the development of Chris Simms. Why does New Orleans have a better chance of beating Chicago this year? 1. Reggie Bush has a year of experience under his belt, he's used to the NFL speed and will almost certainly do even better this year. 2. Sean Payton is a hell of a coach and I can't think he won't be ready for the Bears if he has to play them in the playoffs again.
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