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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Its against the Dolphins, I wouldn't get too attached those kinds of games from him
  2. Anyone they plug in is going to get killed. At least if they get Anderson they won't have to worry about finding a QB while they build up the line. What would you have them do Pepsi?
  3. Anderson should be just as successful on the Lions as he is on the Browns, given they've got just as talented recievers for him to throw to. I'd say do it, cause you haven't had an effective quarterback in forever. Of course they could also hold the pick and draft Colt Brennan for the hell of it, Mike Martz should be able to find a way to make him successful
  4. Exactly, you never even looked at what I posted, you just kept on telling people there was a better version of it somewhere else, which there wasn't. I found it disrespectful because you completely disreguarded everything I posted, twice and went on to tell people to do the same basically. In both of my posts I explained pretty clearly that what I was posting was different than what you had and from my perspective, the only way you could have missed that, was to ignore what I was posting completly, and thats why I got mad. And, yeah its not the best of quality, but for a camera phone that was damn good and was the only way you'd be seeing that scence without paying for it. Had you watched it all, it'd have been pretty apparent that it was different, as the first few seconds are terribly dark, but it clears up pretty well, considering its on a giant IMAX screen.
  5. Well, I repeatedly posted about how what I was posting was different than what you were posting. What did you do? You completely ignored it, and kept posting something different, claiming it was a better version of what I was showing when it wasn't. And every time I explained that to you, you just disreguarded what I said and posted your links again. It was fairly annoying, so I had to type real big and bold so you got the message.
  6. Addai has about as many rushing yards and has 7 more rushing TDs, plus 3 recieving TDs. How does Fred Taylor deserve to be in more?
  7. Cowboys get 11, lead the league. Suck on that perfect Patriots! I celebrate what I can.
  8. Baltimore is almost certainly going to have a shot at Ryan, the only team in front of you that might take him is Atlanta, and then you can still get Brian Brohm. I didn't follow college football as closely back then so I don't know, but was Kyle Boller highly touted coming out of college? I knew Byron Leftwich and Carson Palmer, but never heard of Boller and he just didn't ever strike me as franchise QB material, even on draft day.
  9. Well, I'd been trying to explain it for my last several posts. Sorry to come off like a dick, but you were seeming rather combative
  10. I'd rather wait for it to appear here. Yeah, well you might be waiting for that for a long time. Thats almost certainly going to be the trailer thats in regular theaters, not the 6 minute scene that is playing in IMAX. EDIT: Yeah, thats the regular trailer, not the IMAX scence. So, if you want to see that, low quality as it may be, click the link cause its sure to be pulled soon
  11. Maxx

    I Am Legend

    See I like how he always splashed something on his steps, but they never mentioned what it was or why he was doing it. I think it was vinegar, but still no explanation, thanks Francis
  12. I'd rather wait for it to appear here.
  13. Oh hello douchebag New England fans, way to portray yourself on national television
  14. Oh wow, they must have resigned themselves to the fact that they're going to lose, because there's no reason to be going for it on 4th down with Smith at QB
  15. There's the clean version of the one sheet I put up a few posts back
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwV_SOgvq2s The IMAX Prolouge, shot in wonderful low quality camera phone. Watch it before it gets pulled
  17. Wintery mix is now predicted for the game. So, there's definately not going to be alot of passing. Pats aren't the greatest team against the run either, but Thomas Jones hasn't been very effective at scoring this season. So, everyoen get ready for a low scoring game
  18. Maxx

    I Am Legend

    *SPOILERS INCLUDED* Ok, let me first say I absolutely loved the first half of this movie. It was excellent, Will Smith's performance was superb, you really got a sense of the isolation he felt and you felt a lot of sympathy for the character and what he's going through, with his psyche slowly unraveling. He was the last man on Earth, and it felt like it and it was good. Add to that the excellent suspense moments when he starts encountering the monster. It reminded me alot of Alien and I couldn't wait for more. And then they start getting smarter, they start mimicking what Neville is doing and it seems like its going to set up for an excellent second half. Instead, it turns itself into a bad action survival movie. I was waiting for them to go into detail about how the creatures are getting smarter, show some more examples of it, and then hopefully it would end in like the book does. No, instead we get 2 more people alive, which completely ruins the fucking concept of the movie! They destroy the films dynamic. You felt for Neville cause it was literally him against the world, with 2 more people, you don't feel so bad. Plus the characters are never developed, besides, oh right we're immune to and there's even more people up in Vermont. The creatures then stop getting smart and just attack relentlessly. Ugh, it had so much promise. I will say that seeing it in IMAX is an incredible experience, my seat was doing a whole lot of shaking cause of the sound, which was awesome. But ultimately, they should have just stuck with the whole Batman thing they had going for the first few minutes
  19. IMAX has a 7 minute scence that introduces the Joker, then a montage, which might be the regular trailer. Regular theater release of I Am Legend has the trailer seen above. And yeah, forget Nicholson, Heath Ledger IS The Joker I'm assuming this is the poster that isn't showing up
  20. Exactly, Belicheck was a hall of fame coach before that happened, douchebag as he may be. Unless they find evidence that he cheated in every game, this whole thing will be but a small blemish on his career. And I still don't agree with Damshow, if you need to do a qucik defensive shift to answer to a no huddle offense, you aren't gong to have 100 possible hand signals for each shift, otherwise your players are just going to get confused or have to spend time thinking about what formation they have to shift to. There's probably like 5 or 6 for each formation, the players can recognize it and quickly move into that formation. IF there was 100 per formation like you seem to think there is, players would never recognize it that qucikly and would never be able to get into formation while the other team is running no huddle offense. Does that make sense to you Damshow? Its not because the coaches can't come up with millions of hand signals, its because during a game, when a quick shift needs to be made, the players don't have time to run through all the possible combinations a coach could come up with. Anyways, does anyone thing that if the conditions on Sunday are anything like the near blizzard conditions we just had here in New England yesterday, the Jets have a much, much bettter chance of winning? Swirling winds and a snow storm will turn this into a run heavy game, and the Jets match up much more favorably with the Pats in that situation
  21. They were taping their defensive signals for shifts and audibles and such. You know, things that involve moving the entire defense, you can't have a huge number of signals for that kind of thing it gets way too complicated. They have certain number of signs and signals they'd use the entire game to call defensive shifts or audibles or to realign the defense if there's a no huddle offfense. If you think they have hundreds of hand signals for such things, you're insane. I'm sure they have 2 or 3 for each adjustment, so anyone casually watching might have trouble keeping track, but not enough that taping it and having a few minutes to analyze it wouldn't help.
  22. I'm not sure if disc space is going to matter this generation. Very few companies have shown any desire to develop to fill all that space. Even if it does become a problem, 360 can just release games with multiple disk. There's no way a sports game or a shooter is ever going to use all of PS3's disc space.
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