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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. He went out of his way to get Jason Garrett a year ago, he's not going to just let him leave. Jerry wants Garrett to be the Cowboys next head coach, I'll be very suprised if it doesn't happen
  2. I'm not so sure of Randy Moss' "change of heart" just yet. He just had one of the greatest recieving seasons of all time, he's going to want to be compensated for it. Randy knew he couldn't walk into New England and demand anything, cause he'd been playing like shit for the past few season. He kept his mouth shut, proved he was the Randy Moss of old, and if you think he won't want huge money for that you're crazy. You got uber Moss this season cause he wants a super bowl ring and because its a contract year. The Patriots never pay out huge, so I'm not too sure Randy won't walk off to another contender that can give him huge money. Of course, Tom Brady can always just take another paycut to keep Randy around. I'm just saying, this is probably the last opportunity for Moss to grab a huge contract, you're kidding yourself if you think he's not going to try. We've seen the one thing that gets in the way of players acting in the "Patriot Way" is money, and we've seen it with guys who aren't nearly the prima donna Moss can be. The Pats can absolutely re-sign him, but its going to cost them alot more than they ever seem like they're willing to spend. It'll be interesting to see what they do, this is really the first legitimate top tier mega star player they've had to re-sign besides Tom Brady.
  3. Yeah everyone in the NFL would rather have a super bowl win than a 16-0 season, with a loss in the first playoff game. Thats a given. If the Pats go 19-0, with the super bowl win, THATS the kind of undefeated season everyone wants. 16-0 was very impressive. But we're starting the playoffs now, all its gotten them is a first round bye, homefield advantage amd the chance to keep playing for 19-0 And yes Naiwf, you don't attack or talk shit about anyone, which is why some 8 hours after he explained his stance, you posted attacking me, pulling out a bunch of garbage that happened over a month ago, and not referencing what DarkRayne said at all. Troll. Perhaps you got your post confused with Lowerdeck's? You know, the one that's a polite response accepting the fact that someone doesn't take an aspect of sports as seriously as others do, not the trolling peice of garbage you posted.
  4. It means they've had the best regular season of all time. Its an accomplishment, but if they lose in the playoffs, they'll be remembered more for that I'd think, but its still an accomplishment.
  5. I'm sorry Maxx. I forgot that we can't all be fans who wish crippling, cheapshot induced injuries on other players just because they bitchslapped our team in the 2nd half. How you of all people have the gonads to talk to anyone about letting things go I'll never know. When you figure that out, let me know. It should act as an answer to how you can even see us lowly folk from on that high horse of yours. And before you turn your nerd rage onto me, I've been wishing for other players to get injured for years, it's part and parcel of real football.
  6. Talk to any sports fan in New England and the Patriots are victims and we should all marvel at how they overcame all that adversity...that they brought on themselves. And LET IT FUCKING GO. Its a game to some people and nothing more. You can't understand that because it means soooooooooo much to you. Stop telling people how to be fans, stop saying who can and can't be fans. Let it fucking go, how they choose to support teams doesn't concern you.
  7. It would have been nice for the Giants, they could have taken solace in the fact that they beat the Patriots after they get bounced out of the playoffs in the first round. But no, more misery for the Giant Disappointments.
  8. Because not everyone takes sports that seriously? I know a huge Giants fan who, when the Giants get knocked out of the playoffs, roots for whatever NFC east team is left. I could never do something like that myself, but it does happen, to some people, its just a game
  9. What? Its a perfect season except for the giant shitstorm they caused at the beginning of the season. Would it have not been better without that and without people discounting their past accomplishments? I can't understand how you'd perfer something like didn't happen
  10. Looking at all they've accomplished, its really sad now they had to start of the season by tarnishing their image.
  11. Lowerdeck, you aren't the authority on who is and isn't or can and can't be a Patriots fan, so leave him alone and let it go
  12. I believe he's responding to your comment saying something like "just go to a sports bar"
  13. You can only modify the full version of the game, so you have to buy it if you want to use real world fighters
  14. The fact that my Chuck Norris CAW now comes out to the Walker, Texas Ranger theme makes me love this game immensely. Anyone want to explain how I light tables and weapons on fire?
  15. Its the NFL, they own the product, they can do what they want with it. Besides, the games they have on the NFL Network generally horrible blowouts anyways, and usually you can tell they're going to be. No one was broken up cause they missed Atlanta/Indianapolis. Packers/Cowboys, which wasn't even that good is the only marque game they've had. Pats/Giants only matters cause its the Pats going for 16-0. If that wasn't the case, no one would care, cause there's no way the Giants are beating the Pats, and would probably struggle against the Pats second stringers. I'm a Cowboys fan living in New England, last year was the only year I got to see all 16 Cowboys games, because I have the NFL Network, and every other game was shown almost nationally, because no one wanted to miss a TO/Parcells confrontation. Every other year besides that I've missed 3 or 4 games, or back during the stretch of three 5-11 seasons, any game that wasn't against NFC East opponents or in prime time. So I can't sympathize with Patriots fans, because they were going to have to get a taste of what Patriots fans outside of New England likely experience with not being able to see games.
  16. Do you get dizzy talking in circles Hail? I'm not even going to waste my time posting long explanations anymore, you're too thick headed to understand them. Some bullet points for you, hopefully they'll go straight into your brain. -Wonderful trap with Tyson Thompson, yeah you really got me there. Terry Glenn's a starter when he's healthy, hasn't started any games this year cause he's injured. Tyson Thompson IS healthy, hasn't started the last 8 games cause he's useless. You get this trap from ACME? Trap, ha. You made a retarded arguement and you bailed on it, trying to make it look like you outsmarted me, by taking things in a completely different direction, looks like it's worked wonders and everyone totally buys it And where the fuck did I throw Terry Glenn into the Tyson Thompson sucks arguement. Were you born retarded, or did you get dropped on your head? -Lets see, you want the Cowboys to take a rookie WR, instead of someone thats proven. But you don't want them to take a rookie RB, you want them to keep ones that are proven. (By the way, Julius Jones has only proven he's average at best) And here's where I can quote you from a few posts ago saying that the Lions should grab Derek Anderson instead of another rookie, cause he's proven. Perhaps you should make up your mind about this whole rookie vs proven starter thing. -Yes, I really think Barber will stick around, how many teams start just one running back anymore? Everyone splits carries, and as good as Barber is, no team will use him as a feature back. He'll split carries wherever he goes, so there'd be no reason for him to leave Dallas. There will be plenty of reason for Julius Jones to leave Dallas, as I'm sure he thinks he can still be a starter somewhere, and will probably demand much more than Jerry Jones will want to pay him. -Yes the Dolphins have $30 million in cap space, and free agencys just clamor to sign with horrible teams. That must be why the Lions are so good. No QB is going to help the Dolphins, Parcells is smart enough to know that and I'd like to think you are too. Do you really plugging Matt Ryan into the Dolphins' offense is going to produce anything? He'll go the route of David Carr and be useless by the time the rest of the team improves. The Dolphins are going to be bad for a few years, they can hold off on taking a QB now. -As for my Maroney arguement, perhaps I was refering to this?
  17. By the time this Cowboys team can't rattle off a 10 win season, TO will be ready to retire, so his past issues aren't ever going to matter. As for me being ignorant, I suppose mentioning TO's passed issues ( Thats what I was refering to as a "moot point") and then explaining why they don't matter, is just me being ignorant of them entirely. Yep, I've just got no recollection of his past, as made blately obvious by my last post. His contract is already set up to reward him based on how well he plays and last I checked Jerry Jones has never had a problem reworking contracts for his star players. Of course you seem to be under the impression that TO's never going to retire, as you apparently see no reason for the Cowboys to upgrade at WR, where their two starters are over the age of 32. Roy Williams can be a play maker, he's proven this, he just needs a better QB than Joey Harrington or Jon Kitna throwing him the ball. I'm not hugely behind going out and getting him, but I wouldn't be complaining if the Cowboys did. Besides drafting WRs in the late first down hasn't been working out at all, I can't count how many of them are buried on depth charts or not even playing. Thank you for bringing up Tyson Thompson, why he's so great he hasn't even been active the last 8 weeks. Perhaps you'll think they need more running back depth when Thompson gets released, which is bound to happen, considering he can't even cut it as a kick returner. So do answer your question,no Tyson Thompson isn't an all-star, he's not even good enough to be a 3rd running back. Now, whats better to have: Julius Jones and Marion Barber, or Darren McFadden and Marion Barber? Consider Marion's awesome all contact running style, I'd say the latter. As great as Marion is, with his running style his career isn't going to be very long. The guy loves contact, thats going to wear him down. Thats why it'll be great to be able to give the ball to Darren McFadden and let him carry some of the load. Julius Jones is a servicable back, but he's not going to get any better than he is now, and currently he's not producing enough at all, thats plain to see. Vikings had Chester Taylor, big bruising back who had a 1000 yard season, then turned around and drafted Adrian Petersen to compliment him. Thats worked out pretty well hasn't it. Thats the kind of effectiveness the Cowboys could be looking at with a Barber/McFadden backfield. Add to this, Julius Jones is in the final year of his contract, and I'm willing to be he asks for more money than Jerry is willing to pay him. Hmm, with your strategy of the Cowboys standing pat at RB, they're down to just Marion Barber. Good call. Dolphins need EVERYTHING. Parcells isn't going to blow the #1 overall on a QB, especially with this class. Matt Ryan and Brian Brohm are far from sure things, no better than what will come out next year. And even if they did go with a QB, which they won't considering they drafted John Beck in the second round last year, they can just use a later pick and take Brennan, Woodson, Flacco or even Dixon later. Don't even say John Beck hasn't worked out, Miami is horrendous and any rookie QB they stick in there will do just as good as Beck did. Dolphins will bring in a vetern, cause that umm oh right, makes sense! I'm sure flooding the team with rookie quarterbacks and ignoring opportunites to upgrade the team in multiple ways is going to be just thing to help the Dolphins start racking up the wins. The only player the Dolphins would take #1 overall is Glen Dorsey, as he can contribute immediately. However, bringing him in won't help the many many problems the Dolphins have, no they'll need more picks to do that. What gets them more picks? Why trading with the Dallas Cowboys, who's owner is salivating over Darren McFadden and have multiple first rounders to give up. Haven't heard the McFadden rumors hmm? Thats pretty amazing. Considering they've been around since april, right after the last draft Not just there but on McFadden fan sites And on October 30 It was reported again on December 15th, this time with added speculation courtesy of ESPN Insider And I could keep going with these links, but it'd surely just be easier for you to google "Darren McFadden" "Dallas Cowboys" and see for yourself just how huge this rumor is, and has been. How you've missed it, being so close to Dallas and all, I have no idea. And as for my anger issues, I'm sorry this is just how I talk to people who like you, come into threads and make 2 sentence posts trying to tear down solid arguements. Its "freaken awesome" like Lawrence Maroney. By the way, thanks for getting back to us on that subject. Are you happy that your staunch insistence that I basically made up the whole Cowboys jumping up to take McFadden has come back to make you look like a jackass? Or can you actually admit you're wrong and thats its been widely reported and talked about for months. Personally, I'd go with the second option.
  18. Hmm, lets see. Jerry Jones went to Arkansas, McFadden is a stud running back from Arkansas and is a HUGE upgrade over Julius Jones. Gee, perhaps he'd take him for the same reason the Pats were salivating over having the chance to get him? You can never have too much depth at running back, especially with how everyone is splitting carries now. Its been rumored forever that the Cowboys want to use their 2 first rounders to jump up and grab McFadden, so I wouldn't be so dismissive of it. They'd likely send the 2 first rounders, a 3rd next year and Julius Jones to Miami to make the leap, now does it make sense? Adding more credibility to it, Parcells drafted Jones and is always in favor of trading down and bringing in players he drafted. Miami isn't going to get the help they need with just one draft pick, it makes complete sense for them to move down, Jerry Jones, who's back to running the team, wants the best player in every draft, especially when its a stud from his Alma Mater. Make sense to you yet? As for the Roy Williams thing, when has Jerry Jones ever let egos be a factor? He put Michael Irvin and Deion Sanders on the same team. Owens is getting older as is Glenn, who's had 2 major surguries on his knee this year. The Cowboys recieving corps is going to need a serious upgrade soon. Crayton is good but he's not #1 WR good. If they keep the picks, most experts are predicting them to take a WR with one of them, either Limas Sweed or Early Doucet. Wouldn't it make more sense to take a young, proven WR than draft one and risk them being a bust? Why yes, yes it would. It'd make even more sense if said young, proven WR is a Texas native and can force the Lions to sell low by saying he won't resign. Thank you for bringing up completely moot points about TO though, I'm sure he'll be destroying the team any day now what with all the many explosions he's had this year. Oh wait, he's getting the money he wants, good behavior gets him even more, and Jerry is cottling him and treating him like the superstar he wants to be treated like. Anything else?
  19. How many people can you play with online? Is there the possibility of an EWB Money in the Bank match?
  20. I can see it. Roy Williams is a stud reciever already, there's no way Jerry wouldn't bring him in if he had the chance. I could see us using one of the 2 first rounders we have to bring him in, instead of jumping up to get McFadden. Of course I'll be estatic if either happens
  21. So I've got giftcards and am looking to pick this up on 360, mostly due to custom soundtracks and the fact that its no less solid gameplay wise than 07 apparently. Storylines in these games always suck no matter what. Will it be fun for me to play with my friends? Keep in mind we played the shit out of RAW 2 simply because it had custom soundtracks. Now that was a game with bad storylines, if you could call it that. So worth a pickup if I'm not spending my own money?
  22. Mike McCarthy is far more likely to get Coach of the Year. Joe Gibbs is getting lucky, he's not making any amazing decisions, although it is impressive they've kept the team together in the wake of tragedy, but the players are responsible for that too. Clearly Jason Garrett is coach of the year, as he's lead the Cowboys to a 13 win season without ever reavealing himself as the true head coach
  23. Plus that 4.8 average is skewed thanks to his 11.1 yard average on sunday against the Dolphin's joke of a defense. Of course that 11.1 average is exactly what Trey is talking about. The Dolphins only played the pass, Maroney tore them up, that should have happened alot more this season, but it didn't.
  24. If he's the amazing back you describe him as, he'd get touches in the red zone because he could score in the red zone. You're crazy if you think Belichick wants to have to throw inside the redzone almost every time. No matter how spectacular your offense is, once your in the redzone, you want to avoid passing because you have a much shorter field for your recievers to work with. Thats a fact. I don't care what recievers you have, if you can run it and score in the redzone, you're going to do that as there's less of a chance of a turn over. So why don't the Pats, who never, ever been one dimensional on offense avoid running in the red zone? Must not have the same faith in Maroney as you do. Compare Maroney with Marion Barber, the better back to come out of Minnesota, and you can see Maroney shys away from contact much more. Everyone says it, Maroney himself even mentioned he'd rather avoid contact and run to the outside than pound it up the middle. Belichick is NEVER one dimensional offensively unless he has to be, so something is up. After all, the Vikings had Cris Carter and Randy Moss, Colts had Marvin Harrsion and Reggie Wayne, Rams had Torry Holt and Issac Bruce, they all found time to run the ball and do it effectively. Its debatable whether or not the Pats passing attack is better than any of those, their coach certainly is better than those teams, and still those teams found time to run the ball, and do it effectively because tehy had backs that they trusted. I'll give you Maroney didn't get as much playing time this year because of his injury, but of the games he did play in, how many actually looked like he was? He put up about 5 stinkers this year. You've got no explanation besides "OMG PATS ONLY PASS" for why Maroney gets so few touches. He got 6 against Miami the first time, only 16 in the shalacking of the Redskins. He doesn't even get touches in garbage time! There's more that than the Pats just choosing not to pass. I figured Maroney would put of the kind of numbers Barber is putting up this year, as I was sure he'd be a redzone threat. He's not. If he were, he'd get touches down there. Pats have the recievers that can stretch the field and keep safeties back, and a very good O-line, that should be a recipie for success for Maroney, and its not. Why do you think they almost lost to Philly and Baltimore? Because they locked down the passing attack, forcing the Pats to run more, and found it quite easy to snub Maroney. His average is inflated as his best numbers come against terrible defenses. He was next to useless against the Steelers and Ravens, and barely effective against the Eagles. Those games had horrible passing conditions and they still only let Maroney carry it a total of 29 times in those 3 games. Clearly Belichick and crew don't have the same resounding confidence in Maroney that you do. We'll see how effective he is in the playoffs, or if his recent string of good games is due to incredibly inferior opponents.
  25. Bulls have fired Scott Skiles. So yeah, they better find a solid interim replacement for this season, or they may not even make the playoffs
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