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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Apparently there's a deal in place to send Pau Gasol to the Lakers for Kwame Brown, Jarvis Crittion and picks
  2. So, my girlfriend is getting me one for my birthday, I wondering what I should pick up for it. As far as I know, she isn't getting me any games with it, besides Wii Sports obviously. No More Heroes is a definate for me, as is Brawl and Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. But what else is really good out there?
  3. I view it as one song with different chapters. That'd be like saying any book that names its chapters is separate books melded together. Jesus of Suburbia chronicles the evolution of the J character into this idea of being the Jesus of Suburbia. Just like at the end, Homecoming is the fall of the character, where he reverts back into his J persona.
  4. I just don't understand how you can come out and state that Jesus of Suburbia is 3 songs strung together and really shouldn't be one song, like its some sort of fact. You THINK its really just separate songs that they strung together, and a being an ass about that opinon. Its one song, get over it, sorry you've run into people who blow it out of proportion as the greatest song ever written, but no one on here is doing it, so get over it.
  5. Yes god forbid Green Day put together a nine minute song that doesn't sound like other nine minute songs, I forgot there were you know, rules about that sort of thing. The songs part of the story of the album, its style changes reflect that various emotions of the character, same thing can be seen in Homecoming. It fits pretty well together musically, and it absolutely fits together lyrically. Its fucking music man, why do you get to determine whats good and what works? I mean I listen to Tool and I hear the same boring droning song going on for nine minutes. Is that what nine minutes songs should sound like? Cause in my view, thats terrible, but I know its what some people like. Fall Out Boy, not my thing. They write catchy songs sure, but I don't love them by any stretch of the word.
  6. I just think its unfair that New Orleans loses yet another home game, after missing an entire season in New Orleans, and that bullshit "home game" at Giants Stadium, I really think they should be able to hold onto all of their home games. Especially when the Giants got an extra home game out of that season, then didn't have to give one up when going to London.
  7. Agreed, but I don't know if he'll be able to pull off the more sinister moments. Shazam! would likely stay as the title, it's quite a well known phrase and I can't really think of anything else they could call it? "Captain Marvel" I suppose is the closest you could get, but if it's the type of film I'm imagining then I don't think that really describes anything about the film, Shazam! conjures the idea of magic.
  8. Bah, Raiders deserve what they get. Karma is biting them in the ass for selling Randy Moss off so cheaply and helping to create the perfect Patriots.
  9. ESPN is reporting the Falcons are likely going to make Mike Smith, Defensive Coordinator of the Jaguars, their new head coach. Horrible hire, IMO. I never feel good about defensive guys taking over teams sorely in need of offense. Apparently everyone in the league feels that Mike Smith is the defensive coordinator in name only, as Jack Del Rio handles all the defensive playcalling. I see the Falcons looking for another head coach in two years if they go this route.
  10. I live in Rhode Island, but I'm a Cowboys fan because my dad is one and I was raised as such. I call them my team because they're the team I root for, hence my team.
  11. Its New York, if he ever stops playing as well as he is now, they'll hate him. But then he can rebound and they'll like him again, then he can choke and they'll hate him again, and it'll go on like that forever. Who's the last athlete thats really won over New York and has silenced the critics completely. I think Jeter would be the last I've seen and thats probably only because he won several world championships. New York fans are incredibly fickle, they'll turn on Eli again if he gives them reason to, and he'd only get a free pass with a super bowl victory.
  12. With the 90's Cowboys, they seemed love because their fanbase was so spread out. In the case of the Patriots, its hard to find fans outside of New England or possibly the New York area, so it just seems like the rest of the country aren't fans.
  13. Oh okay. Hey everyone, ignore Naiwf's posts, he's arguing with people who don't post here. He apparently has also not yet figured out that we've already answered his questions, even though he apparently isn't asking us. And I was mistaken, Giants made it in the 2000-2001 season.
  14. Technically. They went in the 99-00 season, so it sort of is and sort of isn't considering the majority of that season was not in this decade.
  15. Had Dallas won the NFC Championship, all of the non Cowboys fans would have agreed that the Cowboys would lose. Substitute Packers as well. Supposedly Dallas "played New England close" but ultimately lost by 21 at home, and yet people assume they would have been more competitive in a rematch than the Giants will be based on what exactly?
  16. Ugh. Lets establish this, we all agree the Giants will lose. We're arguing over how horrible said loss will be. Think about that. Pepsi prediction please
  17. Thank you for establishing that point naiwf, because I clearly missed it entirely, what with my prediction of the Pats going 19-0, and claiming that the Packers wouldn't have beaten them either. I'm saying its going to be a particularly nasty massacre. Do I think the same would have happened with the Packers? No, I honestly don't. The fact that the Giants beat the Packers doesn't matter to me, I still think Packers/Pats would have been alot closer than Pats/Giants round 2 is going to be. Much in the way Colts/Patriots would have been closer and better than Patriots/Chargers. Why do I think this? Because its the Giants, the Pats have seen the best they can do, and have beaten them. With the Giants, they've got one style of football, and it won't play well at all against the Pats. The Packers could have at least adapted and had a shoot out with the Patriots. But the Packers, much like the Cowboys are really good when they're good, and really bad when they're bad. Giants have proven to be a more consistent team, but its that consistency that will be their undoing, as when the Pats really start pouring it on, they won't be able to match it. You're running the really horrible child like logic of X beat Y and Y beat Z, so Z would get crushed by X. Not true, never true.
  18. Yeah, its the big rematch of the game that turned around the Giants season. They were a whole different team thanks to that game, now they're playing great and Eli's been perfect. No, he's perfectly poised to fail in the biggest stage of his career. I didn't think the Packers would be beating the Patriots, but I KNOW the Giants won't be doing it, and I fully expect there to be a complete and total Eli Manning Meltdown in the process. If he wins, then I'll shut up, but I just don't think there's any way the Giants will remain close against the Pats for a second time. This is going to be the full force juggernaught Patriots team. Pats have been playing fairly conservative in the past two games, not trying to risk too much or get anyone hurt, just going out there and doing what needs to be done to win. I figure they're going to go balls to wall in the Superbowl and I'm not going to be suprised if its the kind of beating they put on Redskins earlier this year. I've seen the Giants secondary get obliterated alot this year, what do you think Randy Moss is going to do to them when he's trying to get a Superbowl ring? For the Giants to win, which won't happen, they'd need to not only play the perfect game, but they'd need the Pats to play the worst game they've played all year. Not going to happen. Game will probably be decided by half time.
  19. Well, congrats Patriots, you'll be going 19-0, following what I will predict to be the most incredible choke job in NFL History. Eli Manning 4 INTs in the Superbowl, over or under? I'll take the over
  20. I'll agree with you on the Rivers one. I don't care if you think he flopped or not, Seymour had absolutely no buisness shoving him and should have been penalized for it. But again, the Chargers defense was playing so terribly down the stretch that it wouldn't have mattered
  21. You know you'd think the Chargers might figure out that if Faulk lines up at WR, they're going to throw to him, especially considering it happened every other fucking play! This was of course made worse by the fact that the Chargers LBs were dropped into coverage...covering no one on most plays. Wow, they played a hideous second half and had no business being in that game.
  22. Maxx


    Well I figure after what happens its a military quartine zone and they just assigned it a name
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