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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Zach Thomas signs with the Cowboys Hey, why not? Carpenter, Ayodle and Burnett weren't exactly lighting the world on fire. They can throw Thomas into the rotation and he should be effective.
  2. An 11 player deal at the deadline sends Ben Wallace, Delonte West and Wally Szczerbiak to Cleveland
  3. Thomas is probably just a concussion away from retirement anyways. Question is if he signs with the Pats, will it happen during a game or during practice?
  4. No they haven't released Marion Barber. He's a restricted free agent, all the Cowboys have to do is sign him to a $2.5 million tender, then teams have to give up a first and a third to get him. Of coures they're talking longer term extension with him. As for the draft, I'm in favor of no trade that involves moving Barber, which is very unlikely to happen. Besides, the Dolphins more than likely won't draft McFadden, so if Jerry Jones really wants him, he'll have other opportunities to make a trade that doesn't involve Barber. And if they don't trade up for McFadden, I'd like to see them take Jonathan Stewart from Oregon and then just pound the shit out of teams with Stewart and Barber. I'd be okay with Felix Jones, but he sounds a little too much like what Julius Jones was supposed to be. With the other pick, it has to be a corner or a safety. I'd like to see the Cowboys get younger at WR, but that can wait for another year, or free agency, as drafting WRs is always a crapshoot, and it hasn't been working out well for anyone lately. If we can get Roy Williams for one of the first rounders, we should do that though.
  5. Not sure on anything else, but if Dwight Howard pulls off the dunk he did in one of his practice videos, then he's winning for sure Also, Mike Bibby to the Hawks for Shelden Williams, Anthony Johnson, Tyrone Lue and Lorenzen Wright. Nice move for the Hawks, of course they wouldn't have to worry about a PG if they had taken Chris Paul when they had the chance
  6. Yeah. I'm a Mavs fan and I'm telling you they won't make it to the finals this year. Are we forgetting they lost to an 8 seed last year? Or that they completely collapsed in the finals against Miami. The Kidd trade, much like the Shaq trade, is the Mavs taking a chance at winning now, because they knew their teams couldn't get it done as they were. This is all because of the Lakers trading for Gasol, because now they'll be serious contenders for the next several years, and teams are just trying to get ahead of them this year
  7. Sorrry benji! Oh its one of the better games I've played in a while, hence why I'm mad about what I said. The odd job missions are pretty fun, its different from alot of games, that was refreshing. Ranking matches are all awesome, no one comes close to topping Destroyman though and he's like #7. Well #1 and #4 might have, but things didn't shake out that way I say rent it, just because after you beat it there isn't much else to do
  8. Alright I've beaten No More Heroes, and now I've got something to say about i Spoiler: Click here to viewSuda 51, you can fuck off with this one. This game had a story that I was really enjoying, and then, at the last fight, where everything should be culminating in an awesome fashion that befits such an awesome game, you decide to become a smarmy prick and start making fun of a video game cliches. Maybe I missed something, but for the most part this asinine twist came completely out of no where, and no where else in this game did I find any hints of this whole mock video games attitude untill literally the last fight you have. Then the "Real Ending" is just more of the same stupid shit. Why the fuck would you make an awesome game, then in the last 10 minutes of it, decide oh now we're going to break the 4th wall the rest of the way. Its ridiculous. I have no problem with games mocking game cliches, but I perfer them to do it for the ENTIRE game, not just radically shift to doing it at the end of a game. Disappointed, and the "fake" ending is better than the real ending it that reguard.
  9. Yeah the league says Stackhouse can't be involved in the trade anymore, so unless the deal gets reworked, its not happening anymore.
  10. I'm a Mavs fan and I was fine with the trade. The Mavs aren't winning a championship with the team they currently have, why not give it a shot with Jason Kidd? In a few years, Kidd's contract and Dampier's contract will be off the books, and the Mavericks will have alot of cap space. That trade wasn't even that bad, as it was basically Kidd for Harris, with a bunch of other stuff thrown in to make the money work. Stackhouse was going to get bought out and return to Dallas. Losing Diop sucks, but with Jason Kidd, everyone would be getting better.
  11. Of course, it was a huge success and its made by EA, which would probably have been enough to guarentee a sequel. The real question is, since its an EA game, and technically a sports game, will there be any real difference?
  12. Smash Brothers Brawl Mario Kart Wii GTA 4 Fatal Frame 4 Now, games that haven't been mentioned Sega Superstar Tennis: Its Mario Tennis with Sega characters, being made by the people who make Virtua Tennis, all I see is awesome. Tom Clancy's EndWar: Looks like an epic RTS, with the ability to play it Ghost Recon style. Its Tom Clancy brand, so it should be class. Left 4 Dead: Multiplayer Zombie fighting! Fable 2: How has this not been mentioned yet?
  13. I got my Wii, from a lady in a Wendy's parking lot no less. Currently enjoying Mario Galaxy, and I want to pick up No More Heroes, anyone play it?
  14. http://wii.ign.com/articles/850/850132p1.html So its basically guitar hero, but you use the Wiimote, moving it in different directions with the beat. Whats different? The 30 liscenced songs in the game, get mashed up into 5 different musical styles:rock, funk/hip-hop, country western, Latin and marching band. So, as you can see in some of IGN's video's, your band will be playing Insane in the Brain normally, then it will transition into a different musical style, for instance in said video, it turns into Latin music style, including all spanish lyrics. Even funnier in my opinion is Whoop, There It Is (Yeah, its in the game) switching in and out of country style, including wonderful southern twang saying Whooop there it is. Definately getting this one.
  15. No. How many hundreds of players have lost hte superbowl and still showed up for the Pro Bowl? You got voted in, its a honor. Unless you're injured you should be playing in it, hence why I'll give Brady a break, but not Moss.
  16. And Brady and Moss are dropping out of the Pro Bowl like the spoiled whiny bitches they are. You got voted in, quit fucking crying and go play.
  17. Yeah, I need to say Eli earned my respect with that performance. I've been a Eli Hater since he was drafted, but the guy showed up this post season, and I have to respect that. And about the Belichick thing, how many hundreds of games have their been when losing coaches run out with time left on the clock. Game was over, I see no problem with running out, shaking hands and getting out of the way while the other team celebrates.
  18. Bwahaha I've never been happier about being wrong. And please anywho who's called me out on being wrong, stop acting like you predicted the Giants would win
  19. At gunpoint, I'd perfer the Giants win. 52-7 Pats is still my prediction, especially with the new Spygate stuff thats been happeneing
  20. I can't see how people think he doesn't belong. NCAA Champion wrestler, who's apparently gotten really good at striking. He learns some submission defense and he looks like he'll be damn good. Who'd be a good opponent for him now?
  21. Yeah, try living IN New England. Boston sports fans are ridiculously obnoxious. My patriot fans friends give my roommate shit because he's a 49ers fan, relentlessly and for no reason at all, the kid doesn't say anything to them and is much more respectful towards the Pats than I am. However, its mostly the real front running Pats fans, just like front running Red Sox fans that are the worst, for obvious reasons.
  22. My stance on this is simple, based on what we know DID happen with the Pats taping the Jets, if anyone, especially a former Pats employee, is claiming the Pats taped other teams, you absolutely have to investigate, its ridiculous not to.
  23. Seriously people, just ignore Hail, you'll save yourself time, frustration and brain cells. He's a twat from Texas who thinks he knows more about European's perspective on things than ACTUAL EUROPEANS. Just ignore what he says, he deserves that much for not even being able to use their, there and they're properly.
  24. Its more of a case of them trying to land a big free agent this offseason, as Kwame's massive contract comes off the books, as will Stoudamire's.
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