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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. I don't see the problem really. Is it nessicary? No, but I'd much rather have a sequel to Lost Boys then a remake. It looks like its keeping the spirit of the original film intact too. Granted they waited way too long to make it, but it doesn't look like its going to be terrible, especially when we keep in mind that the first film while good, isn't one of the best movies of all time or anything.
  2. I've got Wisconsin VS UCLA
  3. Fuck your Pikachu Tywon, at least thats who I think I was facing. It was on Corneria and I was Mr. Game & Watch
  4. Anyone up for playing around 9 EST? Just come online if you are
  5. Seems like lag is dependent on the stage. My friends from across the state and I were playing last night using only Battlefield, and the Melee stages and we were pretty much lag free. When we played before and used bigger stages, or ones that had alot of stuff going on in the background, thats when it would lag. Of course the state we're playing across is Rhode Island, so maybe that has something to do with it.
  6. On the subject of items, what are those pieces of paper that occasionally fall during the game, and quite frequently during SSE?
  7. As far as I can tell, both people have to add each other. For instance, I could add Zero and know when he's online, but if he doesn't add me, he won't ever know when I'm on. At least thats what it looks like to me.
  8. Same here Zero, it'll be just like Xbox Live, except this time we might actually play together
  9. Ness is still better than Lucas. His PK Thunder might be "harder to control" for people who don't use Ness alot, but its also more powerful and does more damage when you use it to launch Ness into people. Ness has a bat, Lucas has a fucking branch. PK Freeze is a nice little move, but its got nothing on PK Flash, when PK Flash is used properly. And Ness's Final Smash is waaaay better than Lucas'. Lucas' Final is really easy to dodge, where as Ness, is alot faster and comes in at a better direction. Wow, lots of Jiggly hatred. Blame Lucario for no Mewtwo. Puff still has the same strategy attached to her as always. Do some damage to people, put them to sleep, smash attack them. You do her final smash in the right place, its going to kill everyone besides flying characters. Completely agree with you on Fox/Falco/Wolf Final Smashes. He's from fucking STAR Fox. His enterance is him jumping out of a Arwing. Everyone one of his stages take place on a starship of some kind. There isn't a single moment in SSE where he is seen in a Landmaster, he's constantly in an Arwing, and yet, his final smash is a fucking Landmaster. If anything, they should have made it like Snake's, where he gets in the Arwing, flies to the front of the screen and then you can just blast people away from there. Or make it like Sonic and Diddy's, he gets in the Arwing and you get to fly around and smash into people or shoot them. Nope, we get a Landmaster. I hate Yoshi, I kill myself every time I use him with that stupid roll in an egg move. So, Saturday or Saturday night, anyone up for a big online smashfest?
  10. Maxx


    Well I can dispute that, I'm running it on a fresh refurbished console that I just got back from Microsoft a month ago. I had to go exchange my copy, it was freezing so much. Hasn't happened yet on the new one, but I won't be suprised if it does.
  11. I'm a C Stick-er, hence why I need my one button or in this case one motion smash attacks or I'm much less competitive. I'm getting the waggle smash down now, but I'm going back to a Cube controller as soon as I go back to school.
  12. My friend code is: 3737-9203-4184 I should get listed under Mike, but I'll probably remedy that to read Maxx in a few minutes. So who's going to compile all these codes and constantly update it? I vote Norro
  13. Some observations... My god, Meta Knight is a beast Wow, whats up with the big Samus slow down, she moves barely faster than Bowser now Fuck Marth and the Fire Emblem stage, which starts out ridiculously small, and when you're trying to beat Marth to unlock him, its annoying as all hell, especially when he gets a final smash ball 5 seconds into the match. Lucas has gained acceptance with me and while I'll still always use Ness before him, he's a solid addition and not too bad of a clone. King DeDeDe and Wario have been good to me so far, but Wario's final smash is pretty easy to get away from, especially with any character that can float or fly. Pit, I want to be really good with, but so far I'm just not, same with Olimar, who I need to do some more reading about, as I had no idea what all the Pikmin do. Subspace Emissary so far has been awesome, its just such a nice addition. I hate scrolling stages, Rumble Falls or whatever its called, isn't too bad, but it still just turns into a race against the screen. I still hate Fox. I've only unlocked Ness and Marth so far, and thats just from doing a bunch of Team Vs. Matches with my sister. I'm pissed I left my cube controller at school, Wiimote and Nunchuck work, but I can tell I won't ever get really good using them. I have to shake the Wiimote to do smash attacks and I had to switch B and A and make Z grab, ugh. And finally fuck FYE and their douchebag manager for lying to my face and telling me last night that I'd be able to come in when they opened today and buy a copy and didn't need to worry that I didn't preorder it. I go over there this morning and find a sign on the door that says you can't buy it unless you preordered it. Thankfully, Wal Mart had plenty of copies. Oh and lets get some friend codes up. Can anyone play tonight around 10 EST?
  14. And here's part 2, featuring Midget Mario and Lanky Sleepwalking Sonic And part 3 featuring a fucked up Peach that reminds me of that creepy dancing transexual midget http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=iuLHui7omLQ&...feature=related
  15. If you don't fear having Mr. Game & Watch hurl sausages at you without mercy or any sign of stopping, then yeah I'll play against you
  16. Getting it tomorrow at 11am. So we should probably be posting friend codes in this thread then?
  17. I could agree with that. To MMA fans, Fedor and Couture are two of the biggest names in the sport, but to a more casual fan, they might not even know who Fedor is. Couture, sure given the main stream exposure he's been getting, but I still think fighters like Chuck or Tito are more well known amongst casual fans.
  18. My plan for it has gone to shit. I had it preordered at a gamestop up at school, but completely forgot I was coming home for spring break this week. Now I've got no way to get up there for a week, so I have to try and preorder it somewhere around here. Oh well, I guess I can move the money I have on it over to GTA or something
  19. Never going to happen, Moss hates the Cowboys for not drafting him after Jerry Jones promised he would. Plus we've got limited cap space as it is.
  20. I still wouldn't describe Eli as a championship caliber QB. Yes, he won one, but so has Trent Dilfer and we wouldn't call him championship caliber. I've earned a margin of respect for Eli based on his playoff performance, but the guy needs to start performing like that for a whole season to be considered championship caliber. Eli needs to start winning consistently in home games, otherwise they'll never clinch their division and always end up as a wild card, and I don't care what team it is, you can't go from wild card to superbowl year after year.
  21. But its just cripples the industry. Gameday could barely survive when Madden and NFL 2K were both out. Unless EA buys Take Two and just fires everyone from 2K sports basketball team, you won't see another NBA sim game that isn't 1st party developed for a long time. They've already got a lock on Madden, which I think is moving in the right direction lately anyways, so that doesn't matter. I figure All Pro Football would be the only sports title 2K owns that EA might continue to publish. As for baseball, well thats the only one I'm in favor of EA making again, as their MLB games were leaps and bounds better than 2Ks stuff. But anyways, there's a reason most sports only have 2 games developed for them, its ridiculously hard to break into the market. EA swallows up Take Two and its over and they control the market in that category.
  22. Nah, I doubt they'll get enough shares to takeover. Shareholders know GTA is coming, they know it'll be a mega success and they know it'll drive up stock prices, it'd be foolish to sell right before that occurs. Take 2 needs to merge with another publishter ASAP. ActivisionBlizzard would be a nice fit.
  23. Take Two rejected them, thank god. EA was trying to buy low, before GTA 4 comes out and the buying price for Take Two goes sky high. If it ever does happen, the government needs to step in and break up EA, as they're nearing monopoly status, and would definately hold one over the sports game genre. It'd be just completely unfair if the only sports games that came out were EASports branded games, especially for something like basketball, where EA's Live is just abysmal.
  24. C.H.U.D.- Beyond a rating Oh CHUD, you hilariously bad movie. This is possibly the least horrifying horror movie I\'ve ever seen, as every time someone is about to be killed, the film cuts to other characters. John Goodman has a cameo, jump cuts are plentiful and the best character is a nameless guy who never says anything, just appears, acts like a dick twice and smiles after each time. Its an experience, and it features two actors that would later reunite in two Home Alone films.
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