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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Yeah, but lets say those people got hooked on MMA from that show and look into it? Whats the chances they don't start following UFC?
  2. I wouldn't say it put EXC on equal footing with UFC. I don't put alot of stock in this whole attracting casual fans stuff, as UFC pulls in monster PPV numbers, showing that they don't really need to do anything to pull in casual fans, their fan base is growing exponentially anyways. I'm willing to bet most of the audience that tuned into EXC was UFC fans who wanted to see how it stacked up. No one is touching UFC, no matter how many "casual fans" they pull in. Odds are any casual fans who do get interested in the product will migrate over to UFC anyways, as the competition is head and shoulders above that of EXC.
  3. Spoiler: Click here to viewDamn, how the hell did Jens take all of that? Then at the end of the round he was just smiling after each hit.
  4. He's never going to be able to compete with UFC caliber guys though. He's starting way too late and he has no background in any of the disciplines that go into MMA. He's the first guy I've ever seen who's style is listed as "Brawler" You look at someone like Lesnar who also sort of started late and just kind of fell into the whole MMA game, and at least he's got a great amateur wrestling background to fall back on. Kimbo's got his internet rep and some knockout power. He's like a somewhat more refined Tank Abbot.
  5. The Gina Carano fight was good if you've never seen female MMA. So...I'm picking Faber tonight, who's everyone else got?
  6. Problem being, Elite XC doesn't even have a heavyweight title to my knowledge, so they'll run the risk of making it look like they just created the belt for Kimbo. And my favorite comment from someone on an ESPN article about the Kimbo fight... So many things wrong with that statement.
  7. Yeah, it looked like UFC circa 2002, exactly the image UFC is trying to get away from. I won't be suprised when Tito ends up in Elite, its much better suited for him and his character than UFC is anymore.
  8. Kinda sorta. They're in different divisions, but they're owned by the same parent company, so I'm sure they offered UFC the spot as Fitzy mentioned
  9. Has it ever been discussed why Viacom chose to have Elite get the network primetime coverage over UFC?
  10. Yeah, fight should have been called when Kimbo was against the cage. But there's no way in hell they could continue the fight with Thompson's ear like that. I don't know who's going to be next for Kimbo, but if its someone who's got a good ground game, they should win. Of course at the same time, how did they even let Thompson compete with his ear looking like that? It was obvious that thing stood a great chance of getting popped.
  11. Hey Kimbo, this is what its like when you fight someone who actually has a ground game OH GOD! POPPED EAR POPPED EAR GOOD GAWD ALMIGHTY POPPED EAR!
  12. What the hell is wrong with Thompson's ear?! It looks like its getting bigger ugh
  13. Yeah that was a great fight, stoppage sucks, but Elite can probably run a rematch at the top of another CBS card.
  14. I'm aware they're pandering to casuals, don't make any of it less cringe worthy.
  15. Which 80's wrestler did Baroni steal that robe from?
  16. Yeah, first fight was all right, I just don't like how they're presenting everything. These look like WWE vignettes, there's way too much smack talk. I know it happens in UFC, but most of the time they'll acknowledge how good their opponent is. I hate the entrance ramp, and Busta Rhymes was just ridiculous, as was Rogers post fight interview. Meh, its like the WCW of MMA so far and its fucked if Kimbo loses
  17. Please, UFC trying to get MMA seen as a legit sport, not someone on the same level as pro wrestling. Look at what Elite's rolled out so far and tell me they're doing anything positive for MMA. Yeah I'll remember him for "I do work son...I does work!" Hey look, Nitro Girls
  18. So did Brett Rogers entrance basically ruin all the legitimacy UFC has built up for MMA in the past 4 years? I say it got close.
  19. Perhaps you know her from her American Gladiators tenure?
  20. Maxx

    Avril Lavigne

    Ah, but was it the Best Damn Horrible Experience you've ever had?
  21. Maxx

    Avril Lavigne

    Why'd she have to go and make things so complicated Marsh? Did you ask her that?
  22. Anyone up for some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game tonight? Or Worms?
  23. Yeah to consider the 99 strike shortened season team part of the dynasty makes no sense. Who was there for their next title after that? Duncan and Robinson? Not really a connection. I'll give the last 3 as they've had largely the same featured players and its been an every other year thing. But 1999 to 2003 is too big of a leap.
  24. So who can actually play during the day? Besides poor unemployed me?
  25. Yeah, I think we've crossed the threshold of Toby Maguire being able to play a 20 something. He looked absolutely ridiculous in most of SP3, especially during his emo phase. He's 33 now, he's lost and gained weight way too much so he can't show anguish without looking like his skin is melting off. Spider Man is supposed to be like eternally youthful, Marvel's been going to great lengths to remind people of that. Older Spider Man has failed miserably twice in the comics, going in that direction in films won't help either, especially after the Spider Man 3 disaster. I'm not even sure if they should be making these movies at all the last one was so bad. Spidey is supposed to somewhere between 16 and 25 in my mind and Maguire just can't hit that anymore. Fugit's a nice choice as a replacement, but seriously they're just going to have to ignore the third one entirely while making 4 and 5. Anyone think they'll shove Spider Man into the Avengers? I know there's production company issues with it, but I can't see Marvel pitching the idea of a team comprised of their greatest heroes without something bringing up Spidey, especially since he's their super money character. Plus he's in the avengers now anyways, and Ultimate Nick Fury, who is clearly the one we're dealing with, reminds Ultimate Spider-Man he'll be joining The Ultimates one day all the time. EDIT: How can anyone like Spider Man 3 over Spider Man 2, which in my mind is the best entry in the series. Spider Man 3 is up there with The Hulk and X-Men 3 in terms of terrible super hero movies. And X-Men 3 was much better.
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