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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Spoiler: Click here to view Ok, if what Silva did was a "beating" what exactly do you consider what Fedor did? A maiming?
  2. Spoiler: Click here to view No, a beating is what Houston Alexander dished out his first two fights. A beating is when Chuck Liddel decimates someone in a few seconds. What Silva did was wait for his opponent to mess up, land a single shot, then follow up. Impressive yes? A beating? Hardly.
  3. Spoiler: Click here to view Meh, Irvin left himself wide open for that. Wasn't so much of Anderson dominating as it was him taking advantage of a mistake.
  4. To Protoman Spoiler: Click here to view I admire your passion for Batman and such, but the two scenarios you laid out would never translate onto the big screen without coming off as Spider-Man 3esque cinematic abortions that try to do way too much in one film and wrap it all up nicely. I don't want to see more than 2 bat villains together at once, ever otherwise you'll end up with way too much going on. Mad Hatter raises far too many issues and his borderline pedophila is probably too dark of a place for this series to go. Plus the glut of Alice in Wonderland adult aimed movies that are supposed to be coming out, it'd never work out. Any gimmicked up criminal won't fit in the Nolan universe, just like Freeze, Clayface and Killer Croc won't. Black Mask is the logical choice in my estimation, he's a freak and he's taking over gotham's organized crime.
  5. Spoiler: Click here to view I agree they wrapped everything up with Dent pretty well, which is a shame cause he could have carried a third film. Bane always seemed like a cheap way out to me. They sat down, figured okay we want to push Batman past his breaking point, how can we do that? Instead of using his already established villains, which would make much more sense and push them to a whole other level, they took an easy way out and created a guy who served no purpose other than that. You probably know Bane because he's gotten a shot at being better known. They used him in a movie, he was in the cartoon and he was created and put into a major Batman story arc. Black Mask has been around for awhile, but he's been getting quite a push in the last decade. He's becoming alot better known now. He was the main crime boss in Gotham for the past few years in the comics, he's appeared in Batman video games and that new Batman cartoon they've got around. He's the best they've got in terms of villians you haven't seen yet and he's the one that fits best in the world Nolan has created. As for the Joker, I have a feeling if they recast him, its going to be another left field choice that none of us saw coming.
  6. Spoiler: Click here to view -No Riddler, ever please. He is and has always been a joke of a villian. Damshow is touting Hush as an example of when he became "legit" but please, that was all revealed in a 2 page afterthought which seemed like a "Hey take The Riddler seriously!" statement on behalf of DC. Then what happened after Hush? In Gotham Knights he got threatened and ran for his life, posing no threat, back to what he used to be. He's a 2 bit criminal with a gimmick, and you're never going to get him to be taken seriously without completely changing the character. Unlike so many of Batman's villians, Riddler is just a theif, he's not a murderer, he's not out to kill people. To make him fit, you'd have to be unfaithful to the character, and then whats the point of even using him? -The Nolan Co. have worked very hard to make this Gotham a very dark place, you're going to have to use a villain that fits into that world. Riddler, Mad Hatter, they're all too "light." In the wake of the chaos The Joker caused, I doubt a guy committing crimes and leaving riddles behind would strike fear in the heart of Gotham. If they were going to use Riddler, they should have used him in the first film, as the villains in Batman should be escalatNowing FROM him, not TO him. -With that being said I have no idea where they're going, more Two Face seems like the obvious choice. With Black Mask, it could be interesting as he could be a villain that is making both sides of Bruce Wayne's life a living hell, without knowing it. Roman Sionis could be the head of a major corporation thats competing and perhaps threatening to put Wayne Enterprises out of a buisness, meanwhile as Black Mask he's carving his way through the Gotham City underworld, taking that over too. Now, the threat to Gotham isn't as high as it was with Joker, but I doubt anyone will present a threat that great and thats how it should be. However, the threat to Bruce Wayne is much greater. Set up Black Mask like that and you've got yourself a villain who could have reason to go after Lucius Fox and Alfred, the two characters that seem kind of untouchable by other villains, and two final support structures for Wayne. You get someone like Denzel Washington or Jamie Foxx to play that role and you've got yourself a movie. -When it comes to Bane, please no. He comes off to me as a very forced villian. He was created to do one thing, then he did it and he's done nothing of note since. He's just like Doomsday, the character is one dimensional, created with the sole purpose of pushing a hero past their limits. Not a fan of having a villain created for that purpose, it should be someone already established that gets that honor. I don't think Bane is really well known enough to warrent being the main villian of a film. at least Black Mask has been a central villain in the comics for the last few years. -As for recasting The Joker, you all make me laugh. You say there's no one in Hollywood that could do something like Ledger did, or class Daniel Day Lewis as the type of actor that wouldn't do it? Um...I don't remember many of you thinking Ledger would be doing something incredible when he was cast, he didn't come off as the type of actor that had that in him. And he really didn't seem like the type of actor that'd do it anyways. So we throw in Johnny Depp, who's become Hollywood's easy way out when you need someone for a character who's a little out there. The problem with recasting The Joker is: Do you want someone doing exactly what Heath did? Or do you want someone offering their own take? Lets not forget, Heath said he wouldn't be using Nicholson's performace as any kind of inspiration, because he didn't want to come off as just doing a impersonation of Jack doing Joker, so I really doubt he'd want someone just doing an impersonation of Heath doing Joker. The Joker is one of the few characters who could be played completely differently and it'll be okay because of how the character is. So, my recasting choices... For Heath Impersonations: Johnny Depp, James Marsters, Guy Pearce, Adrien Brody For People Doing Joker Their Way: Daniel Day Lewis, Benicio Del Toro come to my mind. Ben Foster and Jude Law could go either way.
  7. Spoiler: Click here to view I'd say Clayface, Man Bat and possibly Killer Croc are also all completely out of the question. People hate the Penguin, but there is no doubt in my mind that Nolan could make something out of him. Black Mask, I support but I'm not sure how much could be done with him. I mean they raised the bar for villainy with The Joker, so its going to be difficult for whoever comes after him. I thought they'd create Two Face in this one and have him be the primary villain in the third film, which would have been fine, but who knows now really.
  8. anyone up for Halo or GTA tonight?
  9. ...minor one? He's not a bust at all anymore, now that he's clean. He started to prove that he was still talented last year and he's carried over to this year, having a monster year and if the season were to end today, he would be the AL MVP, or at least should be. How'd he do for the team that drafted him? He's a steal for the Rangers, a bust for the Rays, absolutely.
  10. Bah, what bullshit. They should keep cumulative totals throughout. Did Morneau even hit 28 homers total? If your total can't beat a guy's first round score you shouldn't be allowed to win.
  11. Jesus, Hamilton is destroying everything 28!
  12. So who's everyone picking in the Derby tonight? I've got on my Devil Rays Josh Hamilton J-shirt, which used to be funny, but then he went and stopped smoking crack and being a gigantic bust. Now he's only a minor one, but I'm still throwing my support behind him
  13. Maxx

    The Joker

    Yeah but Hamil had it the easiest, he didn't have to worry about anything besides nailing the voice. He didn't have to worry about portraying him physically at all. Its going to be Heath, he spent a good deal of time working on the character and really trying to get inside the mind of the Joker. From what I've seen, its shows. Whereas Jack Nicholson was just Jack Nicholson playing cah-raaaaazy Jack in clown makeup, Ledger seems to have completely disappeared into the role.
  14. IGN says the ending of the inferno match has one wrestler completely set on fire, then they roll around on the floor in flames for a "disturbingly long" time before being doused with fire extinguishers
  15. Hmm, if Favre gets traded, he'll be the first athlete to ever appear on the cover of Madden wearing the uniform of a team he isn't on. Wonder if EA is going to do anything about that
  16. The Clippers brought in Davis because they thought he'd be enough to get Brand to stay and to show that they're committed to improving the team and bringing in good players to surround him with. Odds are if they knew Brand would be leaving they wouldn't have signed Davis.
  17. He wanted to opt out of his contract and get a big pay day despite barely playing at all last season. The Clippers wanted to make sure he was healthy and could still play at a level deserving of a big contract. Wow, novel concept there. Philly was willing to pay him straight away, they're a playoff team and he's the piece they were missing, so you can't really blame him for leaving. It is fucked up that he was a big part of the Clippers going out and signing Baron, which fucked over the Warriors and now seems to be fucking over the Clippers, as they probably could have nabbed Josh Smith and Emeka Okafor if they knew Brand was planning on leaving, instead of signing Baron.
  18. Now he'll get his release, sign with Washington or Baltimore, then the Madden curse will kick in and he'll be put into retirement via injury.
  19. Yes the Knicks need another guard considering they're dumping Marbury and their only other option is Nate Robinson
  20. I'll be on, I still need to see Museum Information Kiosk Worker LL
  21. Who's played Eternal Sonata? What'd you think about it?
  22. I remember waiting like 20 minutes to get into a game, then having it lag like crazy. The only gametype worth playing was the car customization race one and that was often laggy as all hell too. Anyone who thinks its multiplayer is better than GTA's has their head up their ass. I highly doubt anyone even plays it online anymore
  23. You have GTA, its like a shitty version of that, not missing anything.
  24. Its a shame for Rogers really, because they won't match him up against Kimbo untill they absolutely have to, cause Rogers will probably win that fight easily.
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