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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Considering I'm in New England and at the core of all this stupid Ramirez bullshit, I'll clear it up. It started when Manny took time off for an injury, but the injury was never specified and he still demanded time off for it. Red Sox kicked around the idea of suspending for fining him for seemingly faking an injury and Manny got pissy. Then John Henry, the Sox owner made some comments which got Manny even more pissed and he started demanding a trade. And being the consumate professional, he also started dogging it on the field, he was clocked at 6.0 "trying" to beat out a double play at first. Thats slower than Benji Molina. Now, the Sox are finally going to go through with trading him because he's in the final year of his contract in Boston. The team has a huge option they could pick up, but Manny is not longer putting up the numbers to justify that. Manny seems to think he deserves at 4 year $100 million contract, which is completely absurd. So basically the Sox could hold onto him for 2 months, during which they have no idea with how much heart he will play, and then have him leave at the end of the season and get nothing for him. Or they can dump him now, get the younger Jason Bay who current has 2 home runs more than Manny and only 4 RBIs less. Bay is locked up for the next year at a nice rate and while not as intimidating as Manny at the plate, he's not going to make their playoff chances any worse. Plus they may pull John Grabow in the trade too and the Sox always want relivers. The Sox have suprisingly found a trade that gets them a younger power hitter and great fielder (Bay's made 17 errors in 5802 innings) who's an all star and obviously have the potential to be one again and on top of that they get another reliever too. This is the best possible deal they could get for Manny, if they don't have to give up to many good prospects, but even that shouldn't be a worry as the Sox draft well. Manny is a giant douchebag, who's now trying to his situation to that of Pedro and Nomar when they left Boston. Of course both those moves of trading Nomar and letting Pedro go were GOOD for the Sox, and Nomar and Pedro haven't been close to their former numbers since. In other news, Griffey might be headed to the Chicago White Sox
  2. I do decree gentlemen, that we shall start our draft right here in this thread on the day of our lord August the 6th, Two Thousand and Eight
  3. Well yeah they could, but look at the series realistic take on everything. All of Batman's technology has been explained, he gets it thanks to his wealth and connections at Wayne Enterprises. You can't just bring in another guy doing something similar with zero explanation. And clearly he can't just be doing the same thing, as that would be ridiculous and unnessicary. Robin should be left out in the third one absolutely. You could introduce him in a fourth and fifth film, then spin that off into a Nightwing series, sure. But as it stands he's got no place in the third movie.
  4. Aye, Hush has to be the stupidest suggestion I've heard for a 3rd. You'd need to introduce so much crap to make it work. Catwoman, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Poison Ivy, Huntress, Killer Croc, Superman, The Riddler and Harold or whatever that mute's name was.
  5. Black Mask predates Bane by nearly a decade. Hush shouldn't be done because the entire Hush story became pretty convoluted and would never translate on to the screen, there was just way too much going on.
  6. All these are good ideas and could eventually work, but I highly doubt they'll be starting a what would essentially be a new series of movies with the third one. It seems way to out of left field for the Nolans to suddenly decide start up something else in the third one when there's still stuff we need wrapped up. I assume the third will be used to answer questions about Dent's fate, and show Batman as basically an outlaw. I figure if they don't use Two Face again, they'll introduce another villian, which Batman will stop and begin his road to redemption.
  7. That was 2 years ago and then a few weeks in you stopped setting your team. Hence why we made this more exclusive, hence why you aren't welcome back. And look, we're full. Sorry if I missed/forgot anyone, I blame you for not telling sooner.
  8. Yeah the success of the two movies will create success for a third, but when did that become an excuse to jam a bunch of crap into the third? That worked out really well for Spider Man 3 and X-Men 3. Nolan clearly really cares about the world he created, I don't understand how people are convincing themselves that he's just going to throw in a bunch of Batman related shit into the 3rd, just because it'll be successful regardless. There's hundreds of things more closely related to Batman that will be done before they get around to doing Azrael. That character is so far away from what Nolan has created currently that the only way he could be fit in would be to completely rework the character and if you do that, whats the point of even having him? Could Azrael work? Absolutely, The Sacred Order of Saint Dumas is something I think Nolan would love working with and do great things with. But for the third act in his current Batman work? No, it doesn't fit at all. People are thinking way to far out of the box when it comes to the next film. Whatever it is, its going to fit in with the first 2 and finish off this first story arc about the rise of Batman and his first few years. The Nolan Crew is on a whole different level than the people behind Spiderman and X-Men and any other super hero movie. The Spiderman trilogy seemed to lose track of time, the X-Men trilogy lost all direction, but neither of those things will happen with this Batman trilogy. When its done, then you can take the movies anywhere. Go back to one shot stories, introduce all sorts of stuff. But its not going to happen with the third film.
  9. Problem with Riddler is he what threat does he pose? Its obvious no villian is going to pose the same threat to Gotham that The Joker did, but I can't see The Riddler even being close. People seem to think Black Mask doesn't qualify as a "Freak" which is just stupid. He's had a mask burned onto his face, killed a bunch of people on his way to taking over Gotham's underworld and tortured and killed a Robin with power tools. There's an even bigger power vacuum in Gotham now. You should have a bunch of small timers fueding over it. Then have Black Mask come in and wipe everyone else and take over. Being that you can't possibly top the threat Joker posed, in my mind the next logical thing would do is to pose a threat to Bruce Wayne himself. Have Black Mask/Roman Sionis also be the head of a major corporation, trying to take down Wayne Enterprises. This allows for a villian to actually have a reason to threaten Lucious Fox and Alfred, the two remaining characters in Bruce Wayne's life that remain pretty untouchable otherwise. I just don't see Riddler seeming like a threat after what Joker has done. Bane is boring to me, he lacks any real depth because he was created with one goal in mind. Bringing in Azreal would be thousands of times worse than having a Robin, most people have no idea who Azreal is.
  10. I'd consider that "extra footage" rumor to be false. Nolan has pretty much said he doesn't have alot that didn't make it into the film, WB was very nice about letting him give the movie a long run time. The idea that they have enough to work the Joker in seemlessly into a third film sounds pretty absurd.
  11. Welcome back to EWB's league of elitist fantasy football enthusiasts. Perhaps this can be the year you can join our ranks. 10 person league, open first to former league winners and then former league members, then if there's still space, we'll decide who else to include. So as usual, if you've won the league and I've neglected to invite you, let me know, then if you were in a past league and want in, let me know. Then finally if you want a spot if we have one left open, let me know. So far our ranks include: 1. Maxx 2. LL 3. DMN 4. Johnycomelately 5. Damshow 6. Big "Mortified Penguin" Tuna 7. Clawson 8. Y2Jerichoholic 9. Dragsy 10. Be
  12. Maxx

    NCAA 09

    Well it wouldn't be much of an advantage if the defense could glitch and stop it every play. He's doing something on offense you could easily do, but choose not to do, thats on you. But I don't expect someone who's clearly very proud of their rating in a video game to understand that. I mean christ, its online gaming, I refuse to believe you don't know what you're in for already. Most of the people will take advantage of every glitch and do whatever it takes to win, which makes sense if you really care about your rank. Taking advantage of glitches isn't cheating. Blame the game makers for not fixing it when the game shipped out, or patching it since then. Blasting players who take advantage of the glitch is stupid. First of all, its a stupid video game, they're doing something that the game allows them to do without any modification. Its just something you don't agree with them doing and you yourself choose not to do. To say that somehow what their doing is wrong is just asinine. But you're right, I just wouldn't understand why it matters so much, and I'm happy I don't. If you're good at the game it shouldn't matter what anyone else is doing. If someone is pissing you off with their behavior, quit. Its a ranking in a video game, it means nothing, why get pissed off over it?
  13. Maxx

    NCAA 09

    I really do hate when people complain about "cheesers" Wow people are doing things the game allows them to do? How dare they, why they should have to conform to whatever code of play you've decided to abide by, because what there doing is total and perfectly okay and isn't breaking rules or anything. Its just like people who complained about the chainsaw in Gears of War. How dare we use something that is in game. Only time anyone should be complaining about what someone is doing in a game is if they're clearly modding or hacking the system, otherwise suck it up.
  14. In Batman: Arkham Asylum, Dent flips the coin to decide whether Batman will die in the Asylum at the hands of all the villains he put away, or whether he walks cleanly out the door... the coin lands on the scarred side, but Dent puts it away and says that he's free to go. It's a struggle of human emotions and the concept of right and wrong as well as what's fair. If that indeed happens in the film, it's a matter of Two-Face being overcome by his emotions and believing Batman deserves it, no matter what his coin said. It was the "bad heads" side of the coin and if it wasn't, chalk it up to an editing failure. Every instance of Two Face killing or sparing someone prior to that was decided by the coin flip, and he was prepared to kill himself based on a flip too, so it makes no sense that he's just ignore it once.
  15. Nah, it wasn't Jervis Tetch, although the guy looks like he would have made a good Hatter
  16. I just ordered Near Dark off Amazon to add to my 80's horror collection, anyone seen it? And after seeing some leaked pics and toy shots, I'm liking the new look they've given Jason for the Friday The 13th remake
  17. Seeing it on IMAX tomorrow night
  18. That can't be right, how is Machida not #1 contender?
  19. Really 3 pages and no mention of Last House on the Left? Thats a seriously fucked up movie and its the only horror movie I've ever turned off before it was over.
  20. I've been able to get graphic novels out of a library before, so maybe. You can get Year One on Amazon for about $10 including shipping. Long Halloween for $13, and thats definately worth it, as its pretty lengthy, and is written by Jeph Loeb and drawn by Tim Sale, making it spectacular.
  21. Not sure where you heard that, the Nolan brothers have said time and time again that they've been fans of the comics for some time (I believe since childhood). Admittedly, having not liked certain aspects of the comics which makes me doubt we'll see them on the big screen any time soon (namely Robin...not that it is a bad thing Robin will be missing). Something I read via imdb... trust me I know imdb isn't reliable, but it was just a link to an article through imdb. Maybe I misread it though... point was he's fucking nailing these films, quite well too. EDIT: by the way, I kinda wanted to check out the acutaly comics. From the past couple movies, what would be a good one to read, a direction they might take? or which ones would be good to read related to the first two or just anything solid for a first timer. Batman: Year One and The Long Halloween have been influencing the last 2 movies, good place to start.
  22. Spoiler: Click here to view Not bad for 40 seconds of "work"
  23. Well no one would play with you anyways Slogger, so its ok.
  24. The Seattle Sonics are now the Oklahoma City Thunder apparently. Way to sounds like a WNBA team.
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