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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Um if you don't think he's a significant upgrade at QB, you're insane. And I like Chad Pennington. I wouldn't call a guy who's never missed a start and played through a truckload of injuries a pussy either. A diva, absolutely, but a pussy he is not.
  2. Madden and Gears are the big ones, I know there's more... Also Viva Pinata 2 for the girlfriend. If Fatal Frame comes out this year, I'll be all over that too
  3. No, now we'll just get another week rehashing everything, then wall to wall coverage of all of Brett's New York activities. Its ESPN, they're still talking about the Brewers shove. This will never die! Also, hahah EA, your cover is out of date
  4. Yes of course, hardly be fair otherwise. If it seems like you won't be able to pick in a timely fashion please PM me picks and I'll take care of it for you
  5. And odds are we now wait for DMN to get out of work
  6. This is why we start in the first week of August
  7. Yeah, plus the situation with Rodgers is a bit different, he's had what 3 years to learn the system and work on his mechanics? All the players you named got thrown into the fire pretty quickly. Rodgers certainly has the ability to be a QB in the NFL, it was just a matter of working on QBs because he was a dreaded Tedford QB.
  8. I'm not the one throwing myself into the deep end, I'm staying grounded and presenting facts we know. Everyone else is diving off and running with a bunch of casting rumors they can't back up. Burden of proof is on people trying to prove what will be, not what is. The burden of proof for such things I would and gladly do. People might not have wanted Heath Ledger but he was a big name actor, thats my point. Who's the least known actor associated with this sereis? Arguably it was Christian Bale, and that stopped being the case after Begins. So my point was that the series casting history was yet another reason why having Josh Harto as the main villian for the next film makes no sense, especially with how well TDK has done, plenty of A-Listers will want to be involved. You bring up the viral marketing, which is yet another reason why Coleman Reese will not turn into The Riddler if you're going by that, as the name "Edward Nashton" was been dropped in the marketing. I never said Harto would make a terrible villian, I said its asinine, given what we known about the series history, that Warner would hand over the role of the main villian in the sequel to one of the highest grossing films of all time to him. Yeah Christopher Reeve had never been in anything before Superman, but Gene Hackman was certainly a known actor. Same thing with Brandon Routh and Kevin Spacey. The villians are rarely unknowns. Jett from BOF says "Mr. Reese" is bullshit and will result in nothing, and you can pretty much take that as gospel. Speaking of Jett, he's addressed sequel stuff in this peice: http://www.batman-on-film.com/opinion_batm...ett_8-6-08.html
  9. This year you get points for telling Vendetta to fuck himself actually.
  10. I can't imagine the Panthers trading Smith, he is their offense. That being said if he's on the block, ship them a first rounder Jerry, do it now
  11. oops. Might as well add to the discussion here....is anyone else getting Head Coach? I may go shell out for the Madden Collector's Edition with Head Coach bundled in. Hopefully, this one turns out better than the first one...mine was a buggy piece of shit. I'm using the Vikings, and for my first preseason game...I see the Broncos and Rams, and can't do anything to get out of it but turn off the system. I'm leery, but I'll give it one more try. Don't worry, it didn't get much better after that. Your QBs generally only looked to their first reciever, then threw to him whether he was open or not. It was a good idea in concept but the execution, particularly the actual coaching of the game was pretty bad
  12. You're crazy Be, DMN is taking Braylon with his first pick.
  13. Benji, the point I was trying to make the Dr. Connors thing was that it was a confirmed cameo. Fans can and should speculate that eventually The Lizard will show up because Connors was in 3 films, establishing the character. My problem is that people seem to think the same thing is going to happen with this Mr. Reese crap when it has nothing to do with The Riddler at all. It wasn't Edward Nigma being introduced, its a guy who's name kinda sorta can sound like "Mystery" if you say it that way. Thats a pretty far reach and its just stupid to think that they'll be going that way. I was waiting for someone to bring up the Joker card thing. Yep, that was them dropping a hint for the second movie. Pretty obvious hint, one Noland didn't even plan on doing and Goyer had put in. But now we're to assume that not only did Nolan decide to work in another hint, he made it so very small that only a few people might pick up on it? Sounds doubtful. People are obsessing to much over the idea and aren't looking at the reality of the situation. Its spun out from "Hey wouldn't it be cool if they did that" into "This is what their obviously doing, look at the hints they've dropped." Its an annoying reach now. Look at the facts, they've pretty faithful adapted Ra's, Scarecrow, Two-Face and The Joker, but for some reason they're going to come up with their own story for The Riddler? And they're going to be basing it around a guy who was in the last film for all of 5 minutes, who's character's life was saved by Batman? Where does that start making any sense at all? Looking past the obvious lack of motivation for the character to do anything to harm Batman or Bruce Wayne, this is a film series that has starred Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Gary Oldman in fairly large supporting roles, all pretty major names. Its featured Heath Ledger , Aaron Eckhart and Cillian Murphy as villians. Granted their only Ledger was a major name of that group, but Eckhart and Murphy were certainly known before their run in the series. Arguably the most unknown actor thats been associated with the series is Christian Bale, and after the first film, that was no longer the case. So with that casting history in mind, it just doesn't make any sense that the next major character to enter the series would be played by an almost completely unknown actor. And for those of you who might say people will remember him from TDK, look at the past posts in this thread where people are confusing him with Anthony Michael Hall's character. I have no problem with speculation, I already engaged in it a few times in this thread. What I'm talking about is people coming in here and posting as if what they're speculating on is fact. I'm sorry if I'm coming off like a condescending asshole, but come on, the burden of proof isn't on me here, I'm just stating what we can take as fact. The Depp and Hoffman rumor was not true and its absurd to take the Mr. Reese thing as anything besides a mindles fanboy reach. And for the most part its not you guys, so sorry if its coming off like I'm attacking you. I'm complaining about the rest of the internet
  14. I can be totally dismissive of it, especially due to your examples. Dr. Curt Connors was the character name in the comics and he translated right there onto film, making 3 appearences, establishing the character in the series, so if they ever want to use the Lizard, they've got it set up already. This Mr Reese bullshit is a FAR cry from that. You're so far removed from reality if you think Warner Brothers is going to roll out Joshua Harto as a main villian in the next film. Joshua Harto, a guy who's biggest role prior to the Dark Knight was a lab assistant in Iron Man. Yeah, Warner is going to tap that guy as one of the main players in the sequel to what may become the highest grossing film of all time. Yeah, Nolan could have put it in as a little easter egg, but just because he could have, doesn't mean he did and sadly alot of people refuse to accept that. Could it actually happen? Yeah, Harto could reprise he role in the third film and be the Riddler, only if you're making the Riddler a complete throwaway joke of a villian that Batman busts in the first few minutes of the movie. If they're having The Riddler as a more substantial part in the film, then there's no way Coleman Reese is going to be the man behind the mask. Its logic, which alot of people seem to completely dismiss when thinking about how the next movie is going to pan out. I still hate we're even talking about The Riddler being in the film and we're doing it soley because of bullshit fake casting news and an alleged easter egg that seems like a complete reach.
  15. The movie hasn't even been out a month, I'm commenting on how completely stupid and yes pathetic it is for people to assume that they're already casting for the next one, considering it hasn't even been written yet. How do I know it hasn't been written yet? Christopher Nolan hasn't even signed on to direct a 3rd film, so I highly doubt his brother has plowed ahead with a screenplay already, let alone that Warner has decided to cast for it. The entire Mr.Resse thing is just stupid crap made up by guys who are desperately clinging to the idea that the Nolans put it in as a little easter egg and they're the only ones who picked up on it, or equally desperate people who want The Riddler in the next film and can't accept that fact that said film hasn't even been written yet.
  16. But the whole Mr.Reese=Mysteries and somehow Mysteries=Riddles=Riddler is a reach bordering on pathetic. Unless you're purposely saying it that way, Mr. Reese shouldn't sound exactly like mysteries. And even further, as someone stated, Wayne saved his life why would he have motivation to harm him in any way? Oh I know, the people who came up with the Mr.Reese=Mysteries=Riddler bullshit had their head up their ass
  17. Yeah its really nice that Kiffen inspired others to play the defense, but you're kidding yourself if you think they're the best at it. Favre has a better defense backing him up in Green Bay than he would in Tampa.
  18. Oh? Is he being traded back to 2002?
  19. Wow, you people are grasping at straws with the whole Mr. Reese thing. I still have no idea why anyone assumes the Riddler is in the next film, when Christopher Nolan hasn't even signed on to direct a third film. But yeah, I'm sure they'll already got it written and are starting casting
  20. DRAFT ORDER 1. LL 2. Damshow 3. Y2J 4. Be 5. DMN 6. Jonny 7. Maxx 8. Dragsy 9. Morti 10. Clawson
  21. Draft Order will be posted tomorrow night or Sunday afternoon.
  22. Now of course the question is will Manny stick around after this season
  23. Once again, none of the major sites that were on top of casting news of TDK are saying anything. Still dismissing it as rumor, especially considering the Hoffman stuff was said verbatim about TDK
  24. NESN says Manny is going to the Dodgers, Bay is going to the Red Sox and something is going to the Pirates, apparently it just got squeaked in before the deadline
  25. The Penguin shit is bogus, that was rumored 2 years ago for TDK and it didn't happen. I'd dismiss all of that. Untill Batman-On-Film or AICN reports on stuff I'm not taking it seriously
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