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The Donators
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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Roster is already out, just go into Xbox Live mode, select quick match and you'll be prompted to download the roster
  2. http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index....c=65459&hl= SAME PICTURE, SAME PICTURE! CONSEQUENCES!
  3. I should probably go out of my way to make this clear: That is 100% fake and fan made. There is as it stands, no sequel to The Dark Knight currently in the works. No scripted, no director attached and definately no one cast to star in it. That poster has no indication that The Riddler will be the villian in a third film if/when it is made, it is simply a fan made work that is very, very cool.
  4. Remember this? Well here's the next sequel's version... Awesome.
  5. Thats not predicting then, thats just being stupid. Why even post what you basically admit you don't even believe? I say used to be, because really untill 2 years ago any self respecting Cowboys fan shouldn't have been arrogant about anything.
  6. Yeah I was pretty sure most of the Cowboys hatred stems from how arrogant their fans used to be
  7. .. yeah, cause adding the best coverage D-Back in the league isn't an improvement. And this thread shows exactly why Eagles fans hate Cowboys fans much more than Giants fans. Call me when your team gets out of the first round of the playoffs, it's only been about ten years. As for predictions for the season, I'm thinking this: AFC East: New England AFC North: Pittsburgh AFC South: Indianapolis AFC West: San Diego Wildcards: New York Jets, Jacksonville NFC East: Philadelphia NFC North: Minnesota NFC South: New Orleans NFC West: Seattle Wildcards: Dallas, New York Giants Yeah, call us when you win a Super Bowl. Lets see how well Asante does first. Lets not forget Troy Brown was a perfectly good DB in the Pats defense. No guarentees the Eagles will be able to provide anywhere near the pressure the Pats could, that might play a huge role in how effective Asante proves to be.
  8. No, blame all three teams for still not drafting one franchise quarterback between them in the last decade.
  9. Oh I didn't think you were saying Dallas couldn't win the division. I'm just pointing out that it'll be much harder for the Eagles, as they have to play 3 Playoff teams, where as the Cowboys only have to play 2. The Cowboys proved last year how easily they could run through the divison, thats the point I was trying to make. The Eagles have struggled to do it in the past two years. It took Jeff Garcia to get them in before, Donovan had the opportunities last year and didn't get it done. And you misread my earlier statement about the Eagles going 5-6. That was WITH Donovan McNabb at QB.
  10. Oh yay scheduling arguements. A last place schedule? You make it sound like they get to play every sub .500 team in the league. NFL's scheduling has been much improved since the re-allignment. Dallas and Philadelphia play all the same opponents, besides 2. This year that group of opponents consists of the NFC West and the AFC North. So the Eagles have to contend with the tough NFC East and the AFC North, Donovan will have to have his A Game all season to get the Eagles to the playoffs. The two different teams? Dallas plays Tampa Bay and Green Bay, two teams Romo has torn apart in the past two years. 5 TDs against Tampa in '06, 3 TDs against Green Bay last year. Philly gets Chicago and Altanta. Alright, I'll give you Atlanta as the gift on their schedule, but Chicago's still got defense enough to give Philly problems. So really the Cowboys and Eagles are running very similar schedules in terms of difficulty, with the Eagles getting 2 somewhat easier teams, but the Cowboys drawing two teams they've handled quite well in the past two years. Basically, Philly winning the division is hard to buy because the division consists of both NFC wild card teams, one of which went on to win the Super Bowl, and the team with NFC's best record last year.
  11. It runs off your the roster you have loaded, so if you want to use Favre, just throw him on the Packers before you do it
  12. Yeah but you're basing your prediction on Donovan McNabb, who hasn't played a full season since 2003. We basically have no idea what a healthy Donovan McNabb can do anymore. I mean they had a healthy McNabb last season through the first 10 weeks and were only 4-5. I agree with you very much that the Eagles don't need top tier WRs to be good, and Donovan McNabb used to be a QB who can elevate a team, but he hasn't shown that ability in a while. Look at 2006, he was again healthy through the first 11 weeks and the Eagles were 5-6. So its not like the Eagles only fell off after McNabb got injured, for the last two years they were struggling with him at the helm. The division is alot tougher than it was back when McNabb was younger and healthy too. Giants and the Cowboys have made the playoffs each of the last two years and the Redskins made it last year. In their division are the Giants, the Superbowl Champions, who while I don't expect them to repeat, certainly proved they're a formidable team, and the Cowboys, the team with the best record in the NFC, who's problems tend to only arise in December, generally after they've already made the playoffs. Could the Eagles win the division? Sure, but it'll take alot of things going in the right direction including McNabb playing better than he has in the past 4 years, which I just don't think will happen.
  13. Spoiler: Click here to view There's no way in hell all of those girls were 16, absolutely not. Its one thing for a person to just be short, its another for her to actually look like she's barely over 10. Synchro diving the Chinese won fair and square, they were doing the most difficult stuff with the best execution every time out.
  14. Oh I understand the criticism and yeah, it deserves to be there because he hasn't won one. But people go way out of line with it and act like he's 0-20 in the Playoffs
  15. Ugh, the Romo thing. He's played in 2 playoff games, only one with a full season of experience behind him. Know who else didn't win a playoff game their first two times? Eli Manning. Oh yeah Peyton Manning took 4 tries to win a playoff game. Fucking christ, with the amount that people kick that idea around you'd think no QB ever in the history of the sport has lost a playoff game.
  16. Um...we won 13 games without anyone drawing coverage from TO, I'm struggling to see any evidence you'd have to backup such an assertion. The Eagles went to multiple NFC championship games because they had easy seasons, as the NFC East was terrible at that time. They lost Jevon Kearse and Takeo Spikes, didn't replace them, one of their best O-linemen isn't playing due to depression, and Donovan hasn't played a full season since 2003. I'll give you the edge on Brian Westbrook being a better rusher, but Marion Barber is perfectly suited for the role he has in the Dallas offense, so that point is pretty much null. Please don't use the term overrated without explaining what you mean. Romo threw for 36 TDs, most in Dallas franchise history. Is that not an accomplishment? Yeah alot of people seem to think the sun rises and sets on him, but its absurd to say he isn't good. Its as absurd as giving him flack for never winning a playoff game, when he's only been in two. Manning took awhile to win aswell, and he's much better. DMN, you're usually pretty spot on, but you've got almost no stats to back you up this time around. Cowboys have no options besides Owens so that means we won't do good? They've got the same group of WRs they had last year and Romo threw 36 TDs, Owens caught a career high 15 TDs and had his highest yardage total since 2001. And this occured with as you say "no other option besides TO" We lost almost nothing on defense, adding Zach Thomas who washed up as he might be becoming is now in a much better situation than Miami, with a deep LB core and a 3-4 that'll take alot of the work off his shoulders. We added Mike Jenkins who's an upgrade over Jacques Reeves and all signs point to us having Pacman too, who's also a huge upgrade over Reeves. Wade Phillips, for all his failings as a head coach is still a spectacular defensive mind, especially in the 3-4. If we're making a big deal about coaching staffs, Jason Garrett is leaps and bounds better than Marty Mornhinweg. Its all well and good to say Philadelphia is a better team or is going to be a better team or the Cowboys offense has no one besides TO, but you really can't back that up at all. And yes, a healthy Donovan McNabb would give the Eagles a great shot at winning the divison, unfortunately they'd have to go back to 2004 to find such a person.
  17. Cause Pennington didn't sign for a few days after they acquired Favre. Yeah its stupid that they cut it off there, but its really not that big of an inconvience to put Pennington on the Dolphins
  18. Its a terrible soundtrack. Hammerhead by Offspring is edited to the point where I don't even know why they included it. Everything else is a blast of generic punk/emo/scene stuff the kids are into these days. Turned off Underoath and MSI and turned on all the NFL films music
  19. They hardly said it was broken, more like it works too well.
  20. Alternate cover is a full slip case you can put over or in place of the original cover. Has whats printed the back of the box attached to it too. Its over on EAsports.com
  21. Always with the Dallas hatred DMN. And this time for Philly? I'd ask you what you're smoking but we all already know. Dallas has the East in the bag. You can't tell me a team that won 13 games last year then got better in the offseason won't repeat as division champs, especially to a team that lost alot during the offseason.
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