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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Unknowns are never cast as villians. Heroes, all the time, villians never. Why? Because A listers want to play the villians, hollywood knows that. You really think if Warner had the choice between having Josh Harto or Johnny Depp headline as the star of their next film that there would be even 5 seconds of debate?
  2. Oh my god, I'm a dick. I thought I established this, I really don't understand why people still get mad about me being a prick when I think people are wrong. I was pretty reserved the first time I went over all this shit, but it was almost completely ignored, so I'm going to get more vindictive about it
  3. Um, I'm not. Everyone seems to think like I get pissed off about this and then sit around all day stewing over it. I'm annoyed it kept coming up, especially when I listed plenty of reason why it wouldn't work and why it doesn't make sense, only for that to completely ignored and in a few weeks we're back to "OMG Mr. Reese= Mysteries!" I act like I know more because no one seems to actually be throwing out this stuff with any basis in reality. We all should know how Hollywood works, we should know its completely absurd to think the main villian of the next Batman movie is going to be a C List actor, especially when the film its following is one of the highest grossing of all time. I can accept not everyone is a Batman expert, but really there's no way you can logically assume that the next Batman movie won't feature A-List talent as the villians. They aren't going to hand the reighns of one of the films focal points to a guy who's never had even had a major supporting role in a movie. Its completely illogical and it flies in the face of not only the established way Hollywood works, but it flies in the face of how this Batman franchise works. I'd say more, but Livid seems to be one of the only people that reads this. So hi Livid, I'm going to be annoyed when people completely ignore what I pointed out about The Riddler in my last post and how it makes absolutely no sense for the character to start out knowing who Batman is. Lets wait and see.
  4. Yes, lets just be blissfully ignorant of how Hollywood works. Because villians aren't ever the focal point of promotion for superhero movies, outside of the first installment. Love how you all ignore the giant fucking plot hole that would exist when using a guy who Batman nearly killed himself to save, as the next villian. "Hmm shit's gone crazy in the city I live in, there's psychopaths out there killing just cause it amuses them. Yeah, I'm gonna go fuck over the guy thats protecting people like me from stuff like that." Not to mention how absolutely fan boy bullshit desperate the whole "Mr. Reese" crap is. It only works if your specifically trying to make it sound like "mysteries" Use a guy who knows who Batman is, and you skipped to what was the end of Riddler as a villian in the comics. The biggest riddle is "Who is Batman" A man obsessed with riddles would be dying to figure that out. In the comics, when Riddler finally figured out who Batman was, Batman had no reason to fear him. He simply asked him "What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?" Time to get a new fence, its an answer everyone knows. And what good is a riddle if everyone knows the answer?
  5. The problem being that the first two movies showed the rise and fall of organized crime in Gotham. Batman has all but wiped it out at this point, which is supposed to make way for the freaks and monsters. I highly doubt we'll see a mob type character as anything more than background noise in future installments. Whatever villains they do use, will most likely come from the rogues gallery, and take some minor-to-major tweaking before they can logically fit into the universe Nolan has crafted. So while I wouldn't rule any character out based on levels of realism, because Nolan will tinker until it works, I would rule out the major use of any character who would be a part of organized crime. True, BUT... the "white knight" of Gotham that had a major hand in disposing of all organized crime in Gotham... is no more. With the almighty Harvey Dent gone and the police's forces all focused on bringing in Batman, it leaves plenty of space for a new crime lord to emerge, which could potentially usher in Penguin. The way I look at it, we could potentially see one to five villains in the next movie, with anything more than three being absolute over kill. 1. There is still a HUGE amount of story to tell with The Joker should they decide to recast him, which might cause some bickering. 2. Should they go the route of Joker being locked up in Arkham, there is the chase of developing the character of Harley Quinn. 3. If Mr. Reese was indeed intended to be a new set up for the introduction of The Riddler, I think that could work out rather well. Just keep in mind that his name "Mr. Reese" or whatever his first name was, could simply be a fake name anyway. There are multiple ways around that snag. 4. Two Face could very well be alive. They only said that Harvey Dent had died... and by all accounts and purposes, he had. 5. With Dent no longer erradicating the underground crime world in Gotham, it opens up the opportunity for new crime lord, such as Penguin to emerge. I don't know, all of those options I think fit quite well into Nolan's universe. I highly doubt we're going to see people such as Killer Croc or Clayface, or even Bane or Mr. Freeze this time around. I'd be shocked if Two Face doesn't somehow play a major role in the next movie, as well as another cameo from Scarecrow, along with the introduction of at least one new character... unless of course they DO recast Joker... ITS NOT ITS NOT ITS NOT ITS NOT JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ITS NOT LET IT GO. Oh I know Bruce Wayne is Batman, oh wow he saved my life. Lets fuck with him. Yeah thats some spectacular character development right there, clearly thats the direction they're going. And clearly its going to be the same guy because Josh Harto is definately the guy Warner Brothers wants on the posters for the follow up to one of the highest grossing films of all time.
  6. Mmm at 6 o'clock you gotta auto assign, mhmm mhmm
  7. There's a major flaw with that train of thought. Tom Bradey, Tony Romo, & Marc Bulger were all drafted by their teams (Romo signed as an unrestricted rookie). Now were they expected to come in and be a franchise quarterbacks? No... but after being drafted, their teams quickly realized they had something special in each of them, and believed they could help the team in some fashion. There were talks of Romo being prep'd as a started for about a full year before he took over for Bledsoe, so it isn't like either of these three guys blindsided anyone with being successful. Maybe to the degree that they were successful, but its not like any of these guys were thought to be complete bums once their teams saw them. O'Sullivan on the other hand has been on eight different teams in six years.... so I wouldn't say that the teams that he has played for hold him in as high regard as Romo, Brady, or Bulger when they were unproven. In fact, about the only "journeymen" type quarterback I can think of in the NFL right now who is even comparible to O'Sullivan in terms of being totally unproven, and played for multiple teams, is Derek Anderson (who Toe pointed out), who only played for one previous team... the Ravens, and ya know, it's not like the Ravens have a clue about quarterbacks either. Mmmmno, I'll give you Brady. Bulger was on multiple teams before lucking into the job due to injury, one he would never get otherwise. And it was Mike Martz that went and acquired him. Romo was just the guy who stuck around longest. They started fucking Chad Hutchinson and Drew Henson over him initially. I mean lets look at some of the teams O'Sullivan has been on, and why he might not have broken through. Saints- His first team, gets a pass on this one, alot of players don't instantly work out on their first team. Packers- Wasn't ever going to pry the starting job away from Brett Favre Bears- Alright this one I give you, but its not like they've shown any talent at picking QBs. Vikings- They were still high on Daunte at the time, he wouldn't have beaten him out for the job. Patriots- Brady. Panthers- Pretty firmly entrenched with Jake Delhomme Lions- Another team that has no idea what they're doing with QBs and loves Jon Kitna. So, maybe he's been in about two realistic situations in his career where he could have won a job? Add in San Fran and you've got 3 and look, he's winning the job there. The point is you can't judge someone as a starting QB if they've never been one. Sure it says something if they've never won a job, but as I said above, on alot of teams that opportunity doesn't present itself. Daunte Culpepper however, HAS performed horrendously as a starting QB multiple times and is now struggling to get a backup job. Todd Collins spent 10 years as a backup on a few teams, then he comes in after an injury and leads the 'Skins to the playoffs. He'll never win a starting job, but proved he's a perfectly capable QB. Same case with Damon Huard, granted he proved to be a bit of a flash in the pan, but he still won some games and put up good stats when he got the chance to start. So before you go saying JT O'Sullivan is going to suck as a starting QB, let him suck as a starting QB. Like I said, I assume at some point I'll agree with you about him sucking, but I'm letting him have a chance to do it.
  8. Lets play the game of name a QB who wasn't good enough to be a starter, and only got to see action due to injury or poor play by the starter! Marc Bulger, 3 Pro Bowl Appearences! Never earned the starting job and probably never would have if Warner didn't get injured. Tony Romo, 2 Pro Bowl Appearences! Undrafted, never won the starting job untill Drew Bledsoe proved inept halfway through a season. Tom Brady, 4 Pro Bowls, 3 Super Bowl Wins, 2 Super Bowl MVP Awards! And he never earned the starting job. You never know what someone can do untill they actually get placed in the role of starting QB, however it may happen. Some people are late bloomers, Drew Brees was bad enough that the Chargers were ready to replace him, then things clicked for him and now he's a Pro Bowl caliber QB. O'Sullivan is winning the job fair and square, you can't shit on him and say he's a horrible QB untill he actually proves that he is. This isn't to say I don't think he'll suck, its just stupid to claim that since he's yet to earn a starting job in the NFL he's a terrible player.
  9. He cost the Lions games by abandoning the run for no apparent reason. There were games in which Kevin Jones had gotten off to a great start and suddenly we'd just stop running. This lead to a loss of clock control, more three and outs, and by proxy our defense would be on the field longer. And he had Kitna throwing and Roy Williams, Calvin Johnson and Mike Furrey recieving. An arguement could at least be made that hey, we've got the talent to pass. No such arguement exists in San Francisco, not even amongst Niners fans. O'Sullivan is a better option than Culpepper at this point by far. They're pretty much equal nowadays, except O'Sullivan has shown less of a tendency to get injured. Career backups have been making good for awhile now in the NFL. Delhomme was just a backup, more recently Damon Huard and Todd Collins performed just fine. You can't know how good someone is untill they're given the chance to start. Yeah O'Sullivan hasn't beaten out anyone in the past, but it sure looks like he's doing it now. Granted its the Niners and its not much competition, but still. You're ignoring the fact that Culpepper sans Moss has never shown any real ability. Its entirely possible that with Daunte it was the case of reciever making quarterback.
  10. It looks like a bunch of "How dare you think anything America does is bad, everything we do is amazing don't say shit about America!" bullshit.
  11. Mike Martz isn't an idiot. He was pass happy in St. Louis and Detroit because he could be, he had the tools to do it. San Francisco lacks the quarterbacks and the recievers to run such an offense.
  12. Yeah seriously Sweeten. You do realize athletes don't stay in peak physical shape forever right? Their talents can drop off completely. Such is the case with Culpepper. Since completely destroying his knee and losing Randy Moss he has been terrible. Not okay, not satisfactory, not average, TERRIBLE. If you didn't know, this is the year 2008, not 2004. Daunte Culpepper since coming back from his injury hasn't proved he can do much of anything besides throw interceptions and be delusional about his ability to be a starting quarterback in the NFL
  13. Damshow selects Baltimore Ravens Defense
  14. Damshow selects Rashard Mendenhall, RB, Pittsburgh Steelers
  15. Probably because Daunte Culpepper is a shell of his former self, can't run, can't make accurate throws anymore. Hasn't thrown for more TDs than INTs since 2004 and has never proven he was anything more than a QB who benefited from having Randy Moss.
  16. Do you seriously miss field goals cause people "ice" you? Its a fake online game, you shouldn't ever be shanking field goals due to "icing"
  17. Romomania's 0-2 when it counts. 'nuff said. And he's in the playoffs. So that would make the Cowboys alot closer than a team thats been coming in last in their divison for the last four years now wouldn't it? And wow, Romo has the same record in the playoffs Eli after two tries? And Peyton Manning? What horrible company to be in.
  18. And we've won 3 since your last victory in the super bowl, and are a whole lot closer to doing it again than you are. You have to get to the playoffs to lose in them.
  19. I'd be more insulted if it wasn't coming from a Raiders fan.
  20. Heath Miller, TE, Pittsburgh Steelers
  21. Cowboys fans stick together (Y)
  22. No, Ricky has been confirmed as the #1 back. http://www.kffl.com/article.php/91177/512
  23. And Bowe was a better reciever last year with the Huard/Croyle monster than Gonzalez
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