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The Donators
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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Want to try and squeeze one in before the game? 7ish with Dragsy and I?
  2. Cowboys are on tonight, so unless its a blowout, I won't be on till after its over. Though I suppose I can squeeze in a game at halftime
  3. Tuesdays are no good for me, I'm usually busy till like 11 Free tomorrow night though
  4. Going to try and get a game going tonight at 8pm EST, 1am GMT if anyone is interested.
  5. Shall we do a roll call for anyone who is interested in playing a league game tonight? Maxx!
  6. Yes, you should, absolutely.
  7. Here's some Dean Portman power for ya http://www.easportsworld.com/en_US/video/598570
  8. We'll see how much we can fill up on EWB first I'd say
  9. Agreed, I really hope Reesing gets a shot at the NFL level. He can be the second coming of Doug Flutie, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  10. I scored with a defensive defensemen too, so give me some respect. Yes, please someone else be a defensemen with me, so we can actually provide a solid defense. Someone needs to be a sniper too, that will certainly help
  11. First human goal scored for the EWB team comes courtesy of Maxx's Dean Portman. Remember it kids, its history
  12. He should still be allowed to have it on his jersey, just not make any for sale untill the Johnson ones are gone.
  13. I'll be there, just finishing up watching the Kansas/USF game as I love me some "Small Wonder" Todd Reesing
  14. Well, you and I are on, I suppose we could check it out. Gabe too if he's around
  15. 28 minutes? Well worth it. I'm ready to roll now if we have enough people. Otherwise I'll roll out Greg Goldberg and attempt to be a goalie
  16. I believe you can do trades and such, possibly "sign" free agents...people who just don't have teams. So Dean Portman's career isn't going so well. After 3 games with the Bridgeport Sound Tigers, we're 0-3. I've got 0 points, 28 Penalty minutes and 84 hits. Perhaps I shouldn't be a defensemen?
  17. Alright, just got the game, I'll pop it in so I can get an invite. I suppose I can attempt to be Goalie, being that I don't have alot of experience anywhere. It'll probably end terribly, but I can still attempt. If I'm a defenseman, I'm repping the Mighty Ducks with.... That goes for any position really
  18. Getting it tonight. I'll play wherever for our team, but its probably a better idea to keep me on offense. But I suppose I can enforce if I must
  19. Might be getting it on Friday, I'll join the super team, assuming we can all get online at the same time. For me, it'll be late nights and almost nothing else.
  20. No, the Pats for their blatant cheating and horrible attitude about getting caught, deserve this. They ran up the score because they thought they were fucking invincible last year, lets see them do it this year. They struggled to win a game against Kansas City, legit opponents are going to roll right over them and hopefully run the score up on them. You call off the dogs when you're up huge because you never know when you won't be on top anymore. Well now its time for the Pats to learn that lesson the hard way. I live in New England and had to deal with all their fans shit fo rthe past 7 years, so its nice to see them crying over this. Hopefully this proves to be a character building experience their fan base sorely needs. More likely, they'll go 10-6 with Cassel, sneak into the playoffs and have an okay season, but still, its good to see them have nothing to say for once. The crestfallen Bill Simmons also brought up the excellent point that Randy Moss has a lovely track record of completely quitting on bad QBs, so there's that to look forward to as well.
  21. Classy. Yes because the Patriots organization and Boston sports fans in general have been the epitome of class.
  22. Everyone is discussing them trying to bring Culpepper in. Oh this keeps getting better and better. And before people start defending that idea, stop it, its terrible. Yeah, Culpepper can probably bomb it out to Moss if he's got the protection. But thats just a very small part of the Pats offensive scheme. All the other stuff? The slants, screens and short passes? Culpepper would be absolutely terrbile doing that. Daunte is now just a big arm with no mobility and poor accuracy, not exactly a good fit in the Pats system. Chris Simms is the best choice of the names they've been throwing around and thats not saying much either. They'll be stupid if they don't stick with Matt Cassel, as he at least knows the system, whereas with everyone else they'll have to change it to fit around them.
  23. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
  24. I really hope Fox switches over to Atlanta/Detroit or New Orleans/Tampa. I'm bored of watching the Rams embarass themselves.
  25. Well the Rams are looking terrible too. If JT O'Sullivan proves to be servicable, the 49ers might make the playoffs.
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