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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. I'll play hockey with you if you give it to me
  2. Then it is very likely that I'm up for it
  3. Define "tonight" Yours or mine?
  4. Ellis, LL and I can attest that if you play Bots on insane difficulty in Submission, you will get your ass kicked.
  5. And that should about do it for the Bills playoff hopes. 3 straight losses, all to division opponents? Ouch
  6. Probably Alkaline Trio in Boston a few years ago. Against Me opened for them and were spectacular, then Alkaline Trio played about a 2 and a half hour set that included all of Godamnit and alot of B Sides. Then I went to Hartford the next day and saw the show again.
  7. Thats why I don't use the lancer anymore, I'd never win duels. I miss the locust rifle, hammerburst is okay, but its not the same. I'm not a huge fan of some of the new weapons, like the rail gun and the flamethrower, as those sort of takes away from the stop and pop feel of Gears 1. The mortar seems to be the new hammer of dawn, which I've yet to run into during multiplayer.
  8. Gonna try and do some Submission (capture the flag) in 45 minutes to an hour. Me, Ellis and LL so far, looking for 2 more
  9. Got the game, probably be on in an hour or so, who's with me?
  10. TO is just going to spit on him, then burn him like he did last time they played
  11. Yeah, but Hall isn't going to do much against a division with Plax, TO, Roy Williams and DeSean Jackson. Maybe Jackson only cause he's a rookie, but still
  12. Apparently the Raiders are releasing DeAngelo Hall, if TO hadn't spit on him, I'd expect him to sign with the Cowboys. Now he'll probably got to the Pats.
  13. Ryan or Pennington should be fine, Seattle and New Orleans lack defense lately. King, rolling the problem back 4/5 years eseentially keeps it from being a problem for Romo in the prime of his career, thats why they did it. It'll be a problem in 4/5 years, but we'll be gearing up for a rebuilding then anyways.
  14. Then you've got a Williams a WR in his prime and the need to draft a WR, instead of what you'd have had if we waited to aquire a new WR, a past his prime WR in TO and a much more dire need to draft a WR. Its to ensure Romo always has at least one stud WR to throw to. They'll always need to develop new WRs, but at least for the next 5 years they won't ever be without at least one big play WR.
  15. Roy Williams was acquired to ensure the Cowboys never have to groom a reciever after TO leaves, and you get at least 2 years of a TO/Roy Williams combination. It's what Jones attempted to do with Joey Galloway, but thankfully he didn't give up two first rounders. Williams is a proven player and is now locked up to 2013 to make sure Romo is never without a big play WR. Thats why I was okay with it, we went out and got TO's replacement before TO has even left.
  16. So I'm apparently a level headed middle of the road Cowboys fan
  17. Hail would you really have perferred the Cowboys draft a WR in the first round this year? Looking at how many WRs have been complete busts in the past few years, I sure wouldn't. With Roy Williams we paid for what we got. Say the Cowboys ended up with the 20th overall pick. Williams was drafted 7th overall. A move up from 20th to 7th would cost about what we paid, especially since that 7th overall pick has been to a pro bowl. We didn't pay too much, we didn't screw the draft. Its Jerry Jones, if there's a player he wants in the latter half of the first round, he'll get him. It was a good move, it'll pay off in the long run and its alot safer than wasting a pick on a WR who'll potentially do nothing.
  18. He's right sadly. Cowboys only do well when there's a great coach leading them and then usually the season after they leave. Great under Johnson, kept it going the year after he left. Parcells returns them to the playoffs, last year they go 13-3. Now Jerry is squarely back in control and we're shitting the bed, even worse I don't see Jason Garrett being a solution. He seems too soft spoken, too detatched to be an effective strong minded head coach, hopefully I'm wrong though.
  19. ^_^ I fucking love Gears. Look forward to playing with EWBers as I don't think I ever did in Gears 1. Dragsy, we may not play hockey anymore, but we sure will play Horde. EDIT: Oh yeah, I played with Kaney and Kraig, and everyone complained Kaney's lag made him unkillable. I never had a problem :-P
  20. Jerry is a great owner, average GM. The Cowboys quarterback woes since Aikman left are enough to cement him in mediocracy no matter how many more super bowls he wins. We haven't drafted and developed a QB besides Romo in about a decade, and we've been paying for it for the last 3 weeks. Jerry will go out and get sign players he needs to win, but he unless he's got a strong minded head coach, the team never develops anything. We've got Parcells to thank for Newman, Ware and Barber. Jerry to thank for Pacman and Tank Johnson. That Giants game was hideous, my last time seeing the Cowboys in person for the forseeable future too, thanks to the awesome management of the Giants and their $10,000 PSLs. We left after Bollinger threw his interception, and only stuck around that long out of some morbid curiosity. The team is chock full of talent but is completely leaderless. There's barely any spark in the offense, which was the case even when Romo was playing. We need to get Felix Jones back and way more involved, as he can be the game changing spark the offense needs. Romo needs to come back healthy and start airing it out immediately, then we'll really be able to gauge the impact of the Roy Williams accquisition, because I don't care how good a WR you are, its hard to catch balls thrown at your feet cause your 40 year old QB struggles mightly to throw a 20 yard pass.
  21. I figure Plax will see Jenkins and Hamlin on him all day, so thats still not an easy assignment by any stretch.
  22. Jeeez, in two seperate games I've been intercepted by Ed Reed at like the Raven's 20. Both times he then proceeded to return said INT for a touchdown, breaking no less than 10 tackles along the way. 4 lineman surround him and he just bursts through or jukes off of them, even if one of them gets him in a wrap.
  23. Maxx

    Fable 2

    Scars come from dying in battle
  24. Yeah but there's no way that play would have happened without the hold, so that point is pretty moot
  25. Wow the Giants are having serious issues putting away games lately. Just like last week they are giving away far too many opportunities to their opponents. And ouch, this was an ugly Steelers collapse.
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