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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. How the hell does Oblivion force you along? I owned that game for 6 months and did two main story quests, never felt the need to do more. Different strokes I guess
  2. You know, for someone who's been playing for 26 years, his career stats really aren't all that impressive.
  3. Its Square's first original in house game since The Bouncer. Its a turn based combat RPG, but combat involves "unions" which are formation of up to 5 characters. Each Union shares hit points and you give a single command to each union. So you have to group together your unions correctly, all spell casters together, all combat heavy characters together, etc. Sort of a combination of Final Fantasy/Romancing Saga/FF Tactics. Its Square, so it can't be that bad
  4. Fallout 3 is the only option. CLEARLY IT IS NOT! Why should I trust your opinion, the game clearly murdered your 360. Perhaps its awesomeness caused this, but I cannot be sure. I'll eventually be getting both of them, though.
  5. Anyone getting Last Remnant? Its between that and Fallout 3 for me right now, just have to decide which kind of RPG I want to play
  6. NXE is an interesting little upgrade but the fucking thing freezes like crazy
  7. I know you mean European Football, but the Dallas Cowboys had Chad Hutchinson and Ryan Leaf on their rosters at one time
  8. I'm having a hell of a time finding photos that need correcting for my class. I have none of my own, as for some reason none of my photos have ever produced a color cast. Anyone know of a site that as alot of photos that need correcting?
  9. Might as well give Sons of Anarchy a shot, its FX's new hour long drama/action series, and they usually put out quality stuff (The Shield, Nip/Tuck, etc) From what I've seen its pretty good
  10. 1-0 isn't possible because you don't get a shot at an extra point without scoring a TD
  11. Thank god Terrence Newman is back, the defense is playing great tonight and he's been a major contributor
  12. Always trade it, knock down the cost of the next game I want. I traded in Madden 09 to get Gears of War 2 most recently, got $31 for Madden, which is spectacular considering how quick sports title's value drops. I only hold onto games with really good replay value, so mostly sports games or multiplayer shooters. Conversly I have a friend who never trades in anything and has easily close to 1000 games, if not more.
  13. Jesus, did Dana tell the ref to let Randy get beat on a little extra cause of his contract dispute? That fight should have been stopped like 20 seconds earlier than it was, Randy was getting mauled. He wasn't defending himself, his arms were just sort of flailing around. Good for Brock though, if he can pull it off against Mir/Nogueria, I don't see how anyone can see him as anything other than legit.
  14. If Brock wins, its going to be by knock out. There's no way the fight goes to decision and Brock wins, if it gets to the judges Couture will almost definately have done enough to win.
  15. Might even be able to find some place in your area that has scheduled UPS pickups and you can just go drop your stuff off there. Thats what I did instead of scheduling pickup when mine bricked, just dropped it off at a Staples.
  16. Yes, an exceptional 208 yards and 3 TDs through four games. He's been out for over a year and from what I heard he's coming back ahead of schedule, which for someone as injury prone as he is, probably isn't a good diea.
  17. So, he can go back to being underwhelming and then get injured again?
  18. It was on its way out anyway, just need to decide which of my favourite sports teams' logo I want there instead Cowboys of course.
  19. Its The Punisher, you're never going to see some like gritty noir film because thats rarely ever been done with Punisher in the comics and its incredibly far removed from anything Marvel's film lines have ever, or likely will ever produce. You're all expecting too much from this film. I'll be happy with it if its got the levels of gore and violence the last Rambo film had. Anything else is probably asking for too much, considering the circumstances surrounding the film.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCIWQpeU5-c Red band, a little less goofy now? From what I've seen its pretty much in line with Punisher: MAX, which is ridiculously over the top violent and full of gore, so I'm pretty excited for it. Of course if they've neutered it, I'll be pissed.
  21. No more goofy than some of the stuff in the last movie.
  22. I heard Lexi wasn't actually off the project. I saw like a 2 minute trailer over the summer that was more violent than the entire previous film was, so that was good. They said they're basing it off Punisher MAX, which is the only way to go with the character. I don't even really see what you mean from that trailer about "goofying" it up, besides Jigsaw looking fairly ridiculous.
  23. So who's getting Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe, and why the fuck is it coming out on a Sunday, which of course makes me think I won't be able to get it on said date?
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