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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. I have to get used to the idea of playing a game with Zero
  2. Derek Anderson is out for the rest of the season. lol, Browns
  3. Got my drums, so here's yet another game I can play with you lovely people
  4. Its a perfect season, that means winning every game in it, for the Pats that happened to be 19 games total and they did not achieve that. The Super Bowl is the most important piece in the season, the Dolphins got to it and won, completing their perfect season, whereas the Pats got there and cracked, ruining their perfect season. I mean its a matter of personal opinion what you're more impressed by, but I can't imagine why anyone would be less impressed with a perfect season that ends with a super bowl title as opposed to one that doesn't, thats just dumb.
  5. Yeah I guarentee every team in the league would rather have a 10-5 regular season with a Super Bowl win, rather than a 16-0 season without one.
  6. Must not read alot of Hail's posts
  7. Spoiler: Click here to view I think that whole sequence with Ronnie getting busted was intended to really push any Vic sympathizers away finally, it sure made me dislike him. But ultimately it seemed to me that Vic's final actions made that statement that he'll never be broken. I thought for sure in those last few seconds, right after the lights went out he's break down, but no. He grabs his gun and seemed to smirk, he might be caged but he's not broken. Brilliant.
  8. Amazing end to an amazing series, I'm sad to see The Shield go.
  9. Now I know you aren't from America, so that should have been enough to stop you from attempting to tell us the geography of our country, but apparently it hasn't. Washington, DC is basically located in Maryland, granted its considered its own little place, but by and large it falls in Maryland, kind of the way Vatican City is in Italy. Anywho, you have Maryland and guess what state sits right on top of it? Pennsylvania.
  10. Oh, its a fucking video game. Does that help? I know traveling such distances might not be as realistic as the other things in the game, super mutants, giant insects etc, but you'll just have to suspend reality.
  11. I'm not getting Left 4 Dead because Valve still hasn't put out DLC for Team Fortress 2 and I really don't want to watch as PC players get loads and loads of new maps while console players get jack shit again. PC players already have the mall from Dawn of the Dead on the way.
  12. Personally I'll find it hilarious if the Titans finish 18-1 with a Super Bowl win
  13. What have I done to deserve having to watch this hideous Philly/Baltimore game?
  14. So, just got the game. Victims of my escape massacre include: Spoiler: Click here to viewButch Butch's Mom Every Security Officer I Came Across Mary Holdman Mary Holdman's Father Floyd Lewis The Overseer Rendered Unconcious during the mayhem, via switchblade or baseball bat Amata Stanley Andy, the cake destroying asshole robot
  15. Well, my girlfriend certainly won't be attracted to that.
  16. Anyone think Rich Franklin deserves another shot at Anderson if he beats Dan Henderson?
  17. Remarkably it is playable, combos and specials moves aren't that hard and can be done on the analog stick. Consequently I'm selling it and buying Fallout 3, but I'm not a fighting game fan. Fun though, but for someone like me to be good I have to keep playing as the same character, and I got bored being The Flash. Still, at the very least worth a rental even if you aren't a fighter fan.
  18. They're going to build Bisping to gigantic levels and then have a massive payout in London for Bisping/Silva. Thats not a matter of them not challenging Anderson, its a matter of milking that potential fight for as much as its worth.
  19. How can you really call UFC an utter failure when it comes to challenging Silva? What other middleweights are out there that they could bring in for him to face?
  20. Visually it looks spectacular, but MMA hasn't really translated well into video games. The Pride games got close, so there is hope though
  21. Eww...someone get a towel.
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