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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Ugh, so I've ordered my pedal replacement and haven't touched the drums since then, but my parents came by tonight and wanted to see Rock Band, so I figured I'd go through a song and just ignore the pedal parts. But whats this? Now the down on my directional pad doesn't work either. Zero response from it when you try to sign in, and it goes completely balistic at the song selection screen. So now I've got a whole new fucking kit being shipped out to me.
  2. Well there was no chance they were winning anyways, but with Orlovsky playing, that gives them covers them against any win they might get due to freak injuries to the entire Colts offense.
  3. Well of course, just wait till that uncapped year thats coming off because they CBA is expiring. Now thats when the Cowboys will win the Super Bowl
  4. Well Rosenhaus works the NFL, which means he can't get absolutely fucking ridiculous and absurdly large salaries for players.
  5. And the Lions confirm their winless season will continue, as Dan Orlovsky will be starting at QB against the Colts this weekend.
  6. And tryng to play off the Steelers as somehow being more saintly than the Ravens is ridiculous considering you posted that not more than a day ago.
  7. I highly doubt Sex Panther will be available, so you'll have to attach numbers to it, making it significantly less humorous. Go with an XBL randomly generated one, they tend to be funny in an irrational way.
  8. If I finish the paper I'm writing tonight I'll be on.
  9. Well I could just not be on at all, would that be better?
  10. I'll be on around 11ish, gotta try for another 986 XP game
  11. I absolutely love War mode, especially when doing it in massive ground war groups.
  12. Yes, most they should most absolutely do that. I've managed to talk myself back into the Cowboys chances in the playoffs, assuming we get there. If we're a wild card, we'll get either the Cardinals or whoever wins the NFC North, both of which seem like winnable games for the Cowboys. All I want is a playoff victory this year, Super Bowl seems an absurd thing to hope for.
  13. If the Skins win tonight we'll be tied with them. If we don't win next week, playoffs seem impossible.
  14. Well Romo relies on Witten way too much. He was banged up coming into the game, had to sit out twice and yet for some reason Romo's still only wants to throw to him in pressure situations.
  15. So whats War mode in WAW? Summers was playing it earlier
  16. I'm only somewhat worried about not having Barber today, I figured they'd be passing a whole lot today anyways. Colts beat them through the air, I still like the Cowboys chances to do the same
  17. Apparently they'll send me a new one after they put on a $125 charge on my credit card, which will be removed once I send the old one back, seems a bit ridiculous.
  18. Super, I get barely a week's worth of play time out of it, now I've probably got to wait twice as long before I can play again?
  19. Well my pedal doesn't register hits anymore, its only been a week, where should I head to get it replaced? Got it at a gamestop, but I threw out the sleeve that came on the box, which has the barcode, and all the cardboard inside, got a recipt though. Or do I go through Harmonix?
  20. I couldn't think of a better way to display whipped cream
  21. No miss LL cause I played other games with LL, same with ellis
  22. I have COD: WAW now, I've missed you Fitzy and Ruki
  23. Seriously, fuck the NFLPA. They're filing a grievence for Plaxico, saying the Giants treated him unfairly and violated the collective bargaining agreement. This is fucking ridiculous, he's being investigated for a fucking felony, he violated THE LAW, but nope, the NFLPA doesn't think thats enough to warrant such terrible and inexcusable actions like a fucking suspension. If you're looking for a reason why NFL players seem to think they can get away with anythings, its cause the fucking NFLPA will go to bat to them no matter what the fuck they do.
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