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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Stupid Jets. Could have knocked the Pats out of the playoffs, but you lose to Seneca Wallace? Now I like Seneca, but he shouldn't be beating a 9-5 team. I think the Mangenius' days are numbered as he's blown way too many games. I believe Dallas is now win and their in? Or is it win and a TB loss?
  2. Yeah I've set to see anything Be or naiwf have said to you that would merit a warning. They're pointing out your inability to accept any other point of view besides your own, nothing more, and all you're doing it backing it up by not arguing the same point over and over and making excuses why every other point of view on the situation is wrong. Compare that to how I view the Cowboys failures. I blamed everyone on the team, especially Romo. If I were like you are with Ben, I'd be saying its the offensive line's fault he that he has to scramble around and throw into double coverage, and its the recievers fault that they're in double coverage to begin with. Thats what reading your posts defending Roethlisberger is like, glossing over every mistake he makes and finding someone else to blame it. You can do it with any player on any team, its natural to be defensive of players you really like, but you're still doing it, like it or not.
  3. Lions will likely go winless, I don't see the Packers losing that game. They've underperformed this season, but at least they can say they stopped the Lions from winning a single game. If it wasn't a division opponent they might have a chance, but since it is, I can't see them winning.
  4. Don't question my fandom AD, I sat through three straight 5-11 season, I've travelled four hours and sat in the cold to watch Chad Hutchinson, Vinny Testaverde and the lovely combination of Brad Johnson/Brooks Bollinger disgrace the organization with their horrific play. What I'm fed up with is this team underperforming worse than possibly any team in pro sports when it comes to must win situations. That was all written a few minutes after the game ended, so I was quite a bit more heated than I am now, but seriously I don't want to watch the team limp into the playoffs and then watch a team like the Vikings or Cardinals tear us apart because we'll play like crap. We had our chance to get in and we blew it, I can't be proud if we limp in because other teams blow their chances. Romo is starting to remind me of Vick. Everyone was in love with the guy, figuring he'd be an incredible quarterback, but after 4 seasons he hadn't developed his game at all. Thats what I'm seeing with Romo, he's still making the same mistakes and hasn't show any development at all. Parcells brought the guy along, helped him develop into a capable starter, but he's yet to evolve from there and I'm not sure if he ever will. There's alot of things holding this team back and thats what is upsetting the fans. We're tired of being pegged for the Super Bowl and barely making it into the playoffs. Me personally, I'm tired of the attitude the team has gotten because they're preseason super bowl picks. They haven't won anything or done anything of note in more than a decade and way too many of them are walking around like they've won back to back Super Bowls or something. Its frustrating to see, you think things have finally got on the right track adn the team's been built into a contender, but it hasn't and the same problems remain. It sucks. Wade Phillips is definately gone though, which is a step in the right direction. Sadly I don't see Jason Garrett as the answer anymore, he reminds me too much of Eric Mangini now.
  5. I honestly wonder how long Romo is even going to stay in Dallas. Jerry Jones isn't going to just let him hang around if he can't win anything of importance. I don't want us in the playoffs, as we have absolutely no business being there. I'm betting we'll see Tampa and Atlanta clinch the wild card spots, then Romo throw for 5 TDs in week 17 against the Eagles.
  6. Further out than that for sure.
  7. Or they get the two yards and then waste another 30 seconds scoring a TD, leaving them with no time to get in position to score again. Against a defense like that in a game where its an absolute fucking miracle they were even within 9 points of winning, you take the points when you can get them
  8. Its the fucking Ravens though, did he really think they were going to let us convert a 4th down when a stop wins them the game? Yes, he probably did because he's a fucking moron.
  9. We're down by 9, so in order to win, which wouldn't have happened anyways, we'd need to get at least a TD and a field goal. WHY THE FUCK DID THEY NOT KICK THE FUCKING FIELD GOAL?! If that pass to Roy Williams was a fucking touchdown, you'd still need the fucking field goal to win the game! KICK THE FUCKING FIELD GOAL WHEN ITS 4th and 2 with about a minute left to at least keep yourself barely in the fucking game. Nope, fat fucking Phillips must've been hungry and wanted that post game Texas Statdium farewell buffet to come as soon as possible, so he choses to end the fucking game as soon as possible. Fuck this shit, we're out of the playoffs, which is exactly what we deserve. I'm done with Tony Romo and his fucking terrible pressure performances, your 5 TD games in September don't mean shit, go fuck yourself. Grow a pair, man up, show some fucking passion. He spent have the game looking fucking annoyed, not angry mind you as that would mean he was showing some sort of passion, no he sat there looking like a fucking annoyed little douchebag with a completely undeserved sense of entitlement who isn't getting his fucking way. You haven't won shit, in fact you've done the opposite and have blown every fucking big game opportunity you've had. I want us to ship his ass out to Detroit since he loves scrambling around so fucking much. Goodbye Wade Phillips, please go join another team so they can get a great defense that'll underperform when it counts. Just like San Diego a few years ago, just like Dallas now. I feel worst for Roy Williams, an very talented player who Romo has been fucking over since he got there. Nah, don't throw to Roy, he might be open but its so much more fun to throw it to TO or Witten in triple coverage, or just chuck it up there and let the defense come down with it. Dump Romo, dump Owens, dump stupid fucking False Start Flozell and get someone, be it a QB or a fucking coach who'll light a fire under this team. And if we do get someone, it better be a guy who Jerry Jones is afraid to undermine. Jerry didn't give a shit about undermining Parcells, so whenever he came down on a star player, they'd just run off to cuddle up with Uncle Jerry who'd tell them everything is ok. Well its not fucking OK Jerry, this team is soft and its because of you, because you can't hire a guy with some fucking balls, who'll walk out if you fucking undermine him. Jimmy Johnson would be tearing this team a new asshole after this performance and Jerry would be keeping his fucking mouth shut. Jesus fucking christ, we're the Mets of the NFL. Thats wonderful.
  10. Ed Reed is currently listed as doubtful for saturday, that'd be a massive loss for the Ravens this week.
  11. On call tonight so probably not
  12. 894 yards and 4 TDs is a fantastic season? Maybe for Baltimore recievers See its a versitile joke.
  13. Well against Ravens recievers, our third string corner should look like a first.
  14. I'll be on probably around 10 or 11 tonight
  15. Huge win, terrified about Baltimore's D next week
  16. Hmm with a Falcons and a Redskins loss, the Cowboys can continue to limp into the playoffs without winning tonight. Edit: Motherfucker, now we need to win tonight
  17. I'm not starting him cause I thought Tennesse's defense was good, what the fuck? Oh well, got Boldin and Marshall later
  18. Way too much offsides on our part, thats what absolutely murdered us.
  19. And my box red ring'd last year.
  20. Ugh, first week of the FF League playoffs, Frank Gore is out so I have to use fucking Sammy Morris
  21. Come back to us Meacon, you too rocksta
  22. If the problem is in the new room, we should open it and confront it head on! Cowards don't survive zombie attacks!
  23. Its okay, we'll open just open a new room
  24. Yes, someone join our zombie fighting crusade
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