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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Fuck you Wade Phillips, you emotionless sack of shit. If he's still head coach next season I'm not going to bother watching. He doesn't get mad, he doesn't even get slightly annoyed, he sits there looking like he's shocked to still have a job. Yes Jerry, your coaching staff is in place for your team to be fucking terrible for a few more seasons.
  2. Lions aren't going down without a fight apparently
  3. I look for the Dolphins to use the Wildcat destroy the Jets as Mangini stands on the sidelines looking confused.
  4. Haha, New England is playing Buffalo and there's 60 mile per hour winds which are tilting the goalposts and just destroying field goal attempts
  5. I can play now or in a half hour, depending on my desire to shower. Desire is currently lukewarm
  6. Gotta say, all or mostly all EWB member games are way more competitive than one team of EWBers take on a bunch of randoms
  7. Rocksta, I told you to come on and we'd work you in. I'll be back on in 10 if we want to try an all EWB game again
  8. Anyone want to join Dragsy and me for some Left 4 Dead in the next 30 minutes?
  9. With loads of times on my hands, I've been going through my trades and wow, The Walking Dead is just spectacular. I read volumes 2 and 3 straight through, going to probably do the same with volume 4 tomorrow, and I just ordered volume 5. Anyone else a fan?
  10. I'm in for some action tonight, after dinner...so probably in 2-3 hours
  11. Okay, this whole All EWB game is seeming more and more possible, hooray!
  12. Adding Speee, 9 to 5 and TEOL takes us over 8, but what are the odds we ever get online together? Pretty sure Summ has it too
  13. I only played campaign so far with 4 people, I'd like to try versus however.
  14. Looking for some Left 4 Dead players for now or within the hour
  15. So lets cobble together a list of who's got Left 4 Dead now... Maxx Dragsy Kaney Zero Ruki Toe who else?
  16. There's plenty of good DLC floating around that a guarentee you haven't downloaded yet. For instance, Headphones On by Miranda Cosgrove, why is it good? Its free thats why.
  17. Oh you weren't around for the epic "Fight Me Bill" game. I believe Ruki and I also combined for 200 hits, or something obscene like that in that game.
  18. Slogger, I don't want to play hockey with you. You're probably much better than me, and yet I'm not getting kicked off the team. Why's that? Its because I bring precious comedy gold, as hockey playing Great Khali is always funny.
  19. So if I get Burnout Paradise will anyone play? Well, Left 4 Dead is on sale for $50 tomorrow, so I'll probably pick that up.
  20. How much does a world series title cost? Well whatever the figure, add on anothere $180 Million, cause thats what the Yankees just paid for Mark Texieria.
  21. I've had to do one for each of my graphics classes, haven't done anything official though. Had a class that's sole purpose was to make an e-portfolio, but I hate InDesign, so I dropped the class. My friends who stayed in it came out with some really good, professional looking stuff, so thats one way you may want to go.
  22. But he can take your criticism, it won't bring him down.
  23. Yeah, but there's no guarentee Philly won't do the same.
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