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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. What about tonight my gingery friend?
  2. I'm sorry, I forgot all about the Cardinals magnificent run defense. I look for Michael Turner to run all over the Cardinals. You can talk all you want about how the Cardinals were just playing shitty cause they clinched a spot, but a losing streak is a losing streak. Atlanta is a hot team right now and I really can't see the Cardinals shutting them down, because really, when have the Cardinals shut anyone down?
  3. Untrue Dragsy, there are regularly soccer related matchups. Also, I'm in. As much as I want to pick the Blackhawks today, I also want to win, so I'm rolling with Georgia today. Make sure you guys only pick one per day, cause it only recognizes one pick at a time.
  4. Just out of curiosity, did anyone ever mash up +44 and Angels and Airwaves? Seemed like such an obvious one and yet I've never heard of one.
  5. I've managed to figure out everyone pretty well. Ruki is very distinct compared to everyone else, sounds like a whiny ginger kid Rocksta, usually the loudest and the one screaming about being attacked by a hunter Dragsy, classy british sounding guy AD, lighter sounding Dragsy Toe, occassionally drops a nice canadian "Eh?" Hugar is the newest person I've been hearing, so its easy to figure him out cause I know how everyone else sounds Some more... Ellis, a very light british accent and for awhile I couldn't even tell he had it. Fitzy, sounds older than everyone else, sadly lacks a boston accent as far as I can tell LL, he'll make sure you know its him.
  6. Its cause they're all bias idiots right?
  7. Yes how dare the media doubt a team's chances when their star QB may not even be starting. Damn you media, show Charlie Batch the respect his deserves!
  8. Its nice that I can look to you to see what it'll be like to be a fan when your owner's mind completely goes.
  9. Your accent is quite thick, but you're also very quiet
  10. Otherwise I will leave your ass behind to get mauled by a horde of zombies. That may happen anyways.
  11. Haaaaaaaa. My gf plays Viva Pinata like crazy, and would kick your ass at Wii Tennis. She's also working on Rock Band. And in response to your inevitable comment that your girlfriend plays shooters and other cool games guys like: Your girlfriend has a penis, and is actually just a boy with an effeminine voice.
  12. Girlfriend is visiting, because she's real and tangible and not just a voice on a headset.
  13. Not in for anything tonight or tomorrow.
  14. Green Day, whole discography + Some bootlegs Alkaline Trio, same deal
  15. Point is, everyone deals with injuries. Maybe part of the problem is the fact that he stuck with Derek Anderson for so long, or whatever. Their GM was fired the day before, but it has been reported he may come back if they can't find anyone else to replace him. As for Mangini, reports are that he was told on Monday (a week ago) that he had to win to keep his job. Had he won, he would not only have kept his job, but also gotten a contract extension. After being 8-3 and being talked about the class of the AFC, possibly heading to Tampa to play the Giants, and then you collapse? Obviously Brett had a lot to do with it, but seriously, they catered their offense to him as the season went on (less motion/shifts pre-snap for example). I wonder how easily he will get a job after he came out and ratted on Belicheck about spying on other teams. There was talk that while some people praised him for it, there were also a number of teams that would wonder what he would say about them if he was hired, and down the line fired. As for the now what? Yes the Favre experiment failed (and deservedly so -- karmically), but the owner is in absolute love with Brett and what he brought to the Jets (yes, 2 TDs, 9 INTs in the last 5 games and all). So they will do everything in their power to bring him back. If he does come back, you still have an OK team, albeit an aging one that wasn't 1 piece away last year (much less 5 pieces away), so there's speculation that they will go after an older coach as a caretaker for a year or two while keeping at least the Offensive coaches (for however long Brett decides to stay). And if the Jets somehow manage to pry Bill Cowher away from his job at CBS, it will be because Brett isn't coming back, Bill would come in and start from scratch. As an aside, I think it's hilarious that T.O. & Romo were saying yesterday they were unhappy with the schemes. The same schemes that made Garrett the hottest commodity last year, that got them 13 wins and a #1 seed. Yeah, surely that offense had nothing to do with the fact that Tony Sparano was still on the staff. You know, the guy who left and turned a 1-15 team into division champs? He was Garrett's security blanket last season and he's been sadly exposed for his inexperienced and simple offensive schemes this season.
  16. Older than thirteen but younger than eiiiighteen
  17. And the Cowboys give the Lions permission to speak with Jason Garrett, probably because they don't think he'll take a job there. Personally, I hope he does. Then I hope San Diego gets knocked out in the first round and Norv Turner is fired so we can bring him back into the fold.
  18. Ha, Death Toll is absurdly long, but set up great for play as infected. I'll pay for the DLC, as I'd rather have DLC I have to pay for instead of no DLC at all, like Team Fortress 2
  19. Apparently the 2010 Pro Bowl will happen a week before the Super Bowl, meaning no players on either teams in the Super Bowl will be playing. It will also be held in Miami
  20. And if not, Ruckus, Abundant or Disturbed More Blood Harvest please
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