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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Thats a great looking page design (Y)
  2. I hope its L4D and I hope one of the two is Barf Bagged, cause Ruki can't get it to save his life.
  3. You realize its only one a day right?
  4. He's Australian, he doesn't understand wins and losses
  5. Went with the Eagles today, that way I'll be happy if they win cause I can start a streak, and happy if they lose cause I hate the Eagles.
  6. If anyone is worried Flacco will be the death of the team in the playoffs, I say 9/22, 135 yards, no TDs and the team is still up by 11 and in a second, probably more.
  7. Now who comes off as a massive prick every time he posts? Oh yeah, you do. Seriously, no one gives a shit if you made a correct prediction, stop acting like a fucking twat everytime it happens. Don't say you aren't doing it either, because every time you're right you come back and start fucking gloating. No one gives a shit, you smarmy fuck. Somebody else said I'm 2-0 for the day yesterday, I don't see him getting bashed but it changes because I say I'm about to go 3-0? Admittedly, I was a prick yesterday and gloated and that "now who said that wildcat blah blah blah" didn't have to be made but I wasn't gloating by saying I am about to go 3-0. I was just saying if the Dolphins don't hurry up and score, I'm going to go 3-0. Isn't much different than somebody else saying "I've went 3-0". Yes, it is becuase you have a stupid arrogance that EVERYONE else can pick up on in your posts. No one cares how well you or anyone has predicted anything, especially not in this thread. You were an arrogant shmuck yesterday through the Cards/Falcons game and you're doing it again today. Cut the shit or fuck off.
  8. Now who comes off as a massive prick every time he posts? Oh yeah, you do. Seriously, no one gives a shit if you made a correct prediction, stop acting like a fucking twat everytime it happens. Don't say you aren't doing it either, because every time you're right you come back and start fucking gloating. No one gives a shit, you smarmy fuck.
  9. Hmmm 4-12 to Wildcard team or 1-15 to Division champ. Yep, thats a tough call there
  10. Well seriously, how the hell do they justify that? With Vick the Falcons were in the playoff hunt every year, all Mike Smith did is get them back to that level. Sparano took a team that won 1 game last year to a division title, in a division that the Pats had completely dominated for the past few years.
  11. How the fuck did Mike Smith win coach of the year? Sparano takes a 1-15 team to a division title and doesn't win? Thats utter shit.
  12. You're good, but is your internet connection?
  13. Then it wouldn't have been an officially sanctioned Undefeatables game
  14. We were having seriously lag problems with Ruki, didn't even finish the one game we played, don't be sad Zero
  15. We need to fix this board
  16. Double post cause the board went down
  17. That's what I'm getting at. You can't know from one season to the next whether a team is going to be healthy or if they'll suffer a massive injury. If Ryan or Turner gets hurt, the Falcons are quite pedestrian. Our star QB was out for a month, which completely fucked up team chemistry, cause Roy Williams was brought in as that was happening. Felix Jones was out midway through the year, Tashard Choice only got to play due to injuries and Zach Thomas is fucking old. Of those names, Roy Williams is the only one I'll give you as a guy who's supposed to make us better. Its fucking ridiculous to claim that having Tashard Choice somehow made us better when he didn't play until Barber and Jones went down. We still shit the bed, but please don't act like the team was so stupendously better than last year, as for the most part it was the same team. If we fail miserably next year, THEN you can say all those additions didn't add up.
  18. Booyah, black crack heads don't matter
  19. You guys run through campaign with him, there's nothing for me in campaign untill we jump up the difficulty.
  20. Go get acclimated to it so you can play with The Undefeatables
  21. Joe Flacco in that Super Bowl Vs the Eagles blitz frenzy D. Throw in the fact Flacco is a rookie, he would get eaten alive. Steelers offense ... But then again, Steelers defense .. OK. Eagles would get ate up. On another topic; Michael Turner needs to get going or Falcons definitely have lost this. Wtf, how can Roddy White drop that ball as well?! Oh right, I forgot you had such great evidence to back that up. I mean just look at what happened in their game earlier this season. How could I ever be so stupid? So you're saying a rookie QB could take the pressure of being in the Super Bowl and win against the 3rd ranked defense all at the same time? Plus, this is a wayyyy different Eagles team since that loss. Since then, Eagles beat the Giants, Cowboys, ect. What proof do you have to back up any of your statements? I've got an actual fucking game to back up mine. Flacco did just fine against the Eagles. You're acting like he's in the same situation as Matt Ryan. QB is not exactly an essential part of the Ravens offense. All he has to do is not make mistakes, which he's been pretty good about this year. Ryan actually has to score, whereas Flacco doesn't. Yeah, it'll be Joe Flacco struggling in a Ravens/Eagles match up, certainly not McNabb, he does so well under pressure and was just against the Ravens in the last game. Want to make any more arguements you can't back up?
  22. Joe Flacco in that Super Bowl Vs the Eagles blitz frenzy D. Throw in the fact Flacco is a rookie, he would get eaten alive. Steelers offense ... But then again, Steelers defense .. OK. Eagles would get ate up. On another topic; Michael Turner needs to get going or Falcons definitely have lost this. Wtf, how can Roddy White drop that ball as well?! Oh right, I forgot you had such great evidence to back that up. I mean just look at what happened in their game earlier this season. How could I ever be so stupid?
  23. I think there are quite a few teams in the AFC that can drop the Eagles. Steelers, Ravens, Titans, Colts should all be able to beat Philly.
  24. Hasn't been traded in yet. It is in great danger when Skate 2 comes out though.
  25. I found him one on Amazon for 35 of his dollars. And ones on ebay for even less
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