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The Donators
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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. We'd all play with you if you weren't like 15 hours ahead of us.
  2. Would anyone be interested in a little EWB World Cup of Hockey tournament? Everyone grab a national team, we'll make a bracket and take it from there.
  3. The lack of MMA in the game saddens me.
  4. And the Pats weren't on a roll last year? The Steelers aren't on one? If you're in the Super Bowl, you're on a roll. I mean I hope you're correct, but really, you can't exactly claim the Steelers aren't on a roll themselves.
  5. Defense always wins, so I'm going with Pittsburgh sadly. Rooting for Arizona, but I'm fairly positive it's going to be a Pittsburgh victory.
  6. Jerry Rice Jackie Robinson Jesse Owens Emmitt Smith Larry Bird
  7. Needs iconic pictures, like our last one had
  8. Seriously, how many times do we have to go over this?
  9. Islanders need all the help they can get, not just on the ice. The franchise is in desperate need of a face, a guy who'll get people to go to games again, thats Tavares. They need a guy free agents will want to play with, that'll be Tavares eventually. If they're going to be staying in Long Island and getting a new arena, they'll need a star to go with it. They can't really afford to pass on Tavares, even if they drafted Bailey last year.
  10. Nononono. Johnny is coming to save the Islanders
  11. Thats the excuse they give whenever people question them about it, perhaps they think they're more clever than they really are.
  12. You were already counted And on the DLC front...yes, it sucks we have to pay for what PC gamers can get for free, but at the same time, would you perfer getting nothing at all? Valve apparently thinks you would, as TF2 360 players are still waiting on updates. Criteron gets away because they add stuff in using patches, so while they fix bugs they add a couple of new features. I assume Valve could do something like that when it comes to making Death Toll and Dead Air playable in Versus. Of course, another way they could have done that is to make those two levels fucking playable at launch.
  13. Need one more for a game in 15 minutes
  14. Yeah no one cares which platform you think is better, so lets just shut the fuck up about it? Kaaaaay?
  15. Apparently Ultimate Warrior is in the game, thats reason enough to buy it
  16. The game's insistence on playing people in your way during Own the Spots is fucking absurd. I'm doing Mini Megarap Redux and there are people ON THE FUCKING RAMP! On the roll in, at the bottom right where you launch off, fucking everywhere. And they aren't doing anything, they're just fucking standing there.
  17. Maxx

    Friday The 13th

    Jason lives stands as the best one, IMO. Despite the fact that he gets brought back to life via metal fence post and lightning. Had the best trailer besides Jason Takes Manhatten. Both were way better than the stupd old counting ones. It was an okay gimmick the first time, but I think the first 3 film trailers are like that, its annoying.
  18. Maxx

    Friday The 13th

    Been hyped for this since it was announced a few years back. Huge Jason fan and I'm really happy they ended up going with Nispel as the director, as I really enjoyed his TCM remake. So I'm expecting it to be stylistically similar. Derek Mears looks spectacular as Jason too.
  19. Well at least you didn't mention Grant Morrison, you pass. Picked up the first Runaways trade for like $3, got a gift card to Newbury Comics, anyone want to reccomend something?
  20. Indeed we do. Ruki and I also blistered through the Mega Compound Big List. Well, me more that Ruki, I finished 12, he did 1.
  21. Those are two of the worst trades of the most overrated comic on the shelves. Walking Dead is so aggressively mediocre that it bugs me to hear people constantly say how great it is. Also, Secret Invasion, while maybe a cool-sounding idea, was horribly paced and plotted. The finale was completely lacking in any drama, suspense, or other emotion as the issue barely manages to have a plot before immediately shifting into "look what's coming next year from Marvel!" mode. I mean, to be fair, I hated Millar's finale to Civil War, too, but at least Millar had the common decency to be emotionally manipulative so that when America's REAL Heroes jumped on Cap it produced an emotion in the reader (even if the emotion was probably "Ugh"). Bendis just writes a boring, anti-climactic issue where a 'major' character death somehow manages to have less resonance than Black Goliath in Civil War. What kills me is the thing is so filled with promising ideas that the story could have been good. Instead, it was significantly worse than Civil War. Bendis always does this, too. Great idea, but it's like even he's bored with it by the time we get to what should be a pay-off. PS- Yu's art is atrocious, and he should never have to draw large-scale fights, since all of his characters are slight variations of each other. I also love how far out of his way he goes to not draw eyes. Anything you do like?
  22. Good for either. Why aren't you on MSN, we've already got 4 for L4D
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