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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. That was a hard-fought win for Raducanu. Noskova played really well for the first two sets, especially for a 17-year-old. Barring injury, she ought to be a name to watch.
  2. Alice Cooper and The Cult seem like a very good pair of bands to see.
  3. Condemned: Criminal Origins is a good one.
  4. Forest have never won a playoff tie before. They've historically been very good at crumbling when it counts.
  5. You should try Sniper Elite 5 when it comes out next week.
  6. Jurassic World Evolution 2 has surprisingly been added to Game Pass today. I've been interested in trying it for a long time, so I'm happy.
  7. I hope this is the start of the normalisation process of coming out as a footballer. Statistically, there must be a lot of others, so a positive reaction to this could do them the power of good.
  8. I'm most interested to see what the full list of PS1, PS2, PS3 and PSP games looks like. There's not a lot there so far, but I'm aware that there are more yet to be revealed. Some of them will offer save states and a rewind feature, which is nice.
  9. Laura Robson has finally retired after years of trying to overcome wrist and hip injuries. It's a massive shame that her career turned out the way it did because she was surely capable of challenging for Grand Slams.
  10. I'd be surprised if Wrexham didn't join them, but my hopes are obviously with another team. Solihull Moors going up would be interesting for the neutrals.
  11. I quite enjoyed Heavy Rain when I played it over ten years ago, but a bit part of that was because decision-based narrative games weren't very common then. There are some compelling moments, but the overall story has so many things that fall apart under the slightest of scrutiny.
  12. I fully expect the UK's entry next year to be another plodding Capital FM no-hoper.
  13. I wonder if the UK will end up hosting next year's contest in the event that Ukraine can't.
  14. Now I want to hear him sing, "I'M A HANGMAAAAAAAAAAN"
  15. A UK entrant with some form of stage presence? This isn't right.
  16. I wonder if they'll go with the same procedure they do if Australia were to win.
  17. I just get a bit uneasy when a group of black singers gets booed by a football crowd.
  18. Abide With Me was getting booed as well. Is that for the same reasons?
  19. I may regret asking, but why are the performers all getting booed?
  20. Amir Khan has retired. He's only 35, but he's an "old" 35 by boxing standards because he's been in the professional ranks for 18 years and taken plenty of big punches. While he's had a very good career, I often think about what might have been if he'd been more tactically sound and had a better chin. His hand speed was quite astonishing at times, but he was always in big trouble when he got caught with even a mildly potent shot. Combine that with a tendency to employ gung-ho tactics when technical boxing was working just fine and you had a constant recipe for disaster. But those flaws made him very exciting to watch. He's made plenty of money and picked up some good wins over his career.
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