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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. It should do. Your account can be used across multiple systems.
  2. Paul Gascoigne made his first Middlesbrough appearance in the 1998 League Cup Final.
  3. Chelsea need to buck up their ideas or they might miss out on him on this showing.
  4. I thought The Last of Us was just OK the first time round, but I preferred it the second time.
  5. I get annoyed when people act as though there's a statue of limitations on spoilers. Someone on Twitch casually spoiled the ending of The Last of Us and, when called out on it, smugly responded that anyone who hadn't played it yet was never going to. Plenty of people get round to playing games years, and even decades, after they first launch, so to throw out spoilers without warning is just inconsiderate. Even worse is when people assume that, because they've seen, read or played something, everyone else has, making spoilers fair game. It's something that fuels the "FOMO" factor that companies have latched onto as a way to entice people to pay ever-increasing prices to consume their stories on day one.
  6. I know of a few of them, but I haven't listened to some of them. BMTH is an interesting one because I've come across fans who only like their old stuff and those who mostly like their more recent output. I think I've found with rock and metal music released over the last decade is that there's often too much going on in the tracks. I understand that it's often mixed differently now in a way that makes the instruments seem to merge together more messily. It's a stylistic choice that's popular with many, but I prefer the ability to hear everything properly.
  7. Maybe it's a bit of a cop-out, but I'd say just the buzz of pressing a button and making something happen on a screen. There's this sense of awe you feel when you first try something out. Putting on a VR headset for the first time was similar, but to a lesser extent. As far as actual gameplay or story, I imagine I wouldn't get the same feeling as I did the first time round, simply because I'm older and more jaded now. The opening of Metal Gear Solid, with the operatic music and film-like subtitles still appearing on the screen as you sneak towards the lift, blew me away back in the day, but I'd probably find it corny if I were to experience it for the first time now.
  8. Well, it's not all bad. Slipknot are headlining. Any recommendations on the more melodic side? I'm not into punk or ska, but maybe things of the Stone Sour sort of ilk.
  9. It did until this year. Now it's gone all hip and new.
  10. Looking at the leaked Download Festival announcement has really driven home how little I know about that particular scene these days. Plenty of people are raving about bands I've never heard of. I really should try to listen to more new music.
  11. I find it funny to think that game developers would add to their already crushing workload to add in major unlockable features that required ridiculously labyrinthine methods to access. It's an especially odd mindset to have when you also consider that they were usually having to scrap to fit their games into the limited cartridge or disc space they had available.
  12. It's a Microsoft-published game, so you can rule out a Playstation port. A Switch version is probably unlikely as well, given that they haven't even put it on Xbox One.
  13. Bobfoc

    WWE 2K23

    Well, there are two Sean Waltmans if that's what you're into.
  14. Neil Warnock has unretired for the umpteenth time to take over at a Championship side. This time round, it's Huddersfield.
  15. It sounds as though Leeds will see this as one as a big missed opportunity.
  16. BBC is reporting chants about the Munich disaster from Leeds fans.
  17. That reminds me of the rumour that Street Fighter 2 had a character called Sheng Long. Ryu's victory quote was "You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance", which was a mistranslated version of "You must defeat my Shoryuken to stand a chance".
  18. Well, there's no better time than now to play Liverpool.
  19. This has to be Ireland's tournament to lose now.
  20. Both Forest's starting centre-backs have been injured in the first ten minutes.
  21. This is a bit of a niche one. There was a game called Hover that came with the Windows 95 CD. It involved piloting a hovercraft to find all the blue flags in a level before the AI opponents found all your red flags. Anyway, someone told me you could jump over the walls surrounding the playable area and unlock an entire new zone to explore. As it turns out, there is a way to do it by exploiting a glitch, but it just results in the player going out of bounds and unable to do anything.
  22. I stopped for the same reason when I tried it on Game Pass.
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