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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. Early indications suggest that Redfall isn't going to review well. I was worried that the game would lack solid focus, and it looks as though that has ended up being the case. More worryingly, people are saying that the AI is poor and the game just doesn't seem finished, which would seem to be supported by the fact that it's only offering 30fps at launch on console. It hasn't been a good couple of weeks for Xbox. I hope Starfield manages to be decent because 2023 will be a damp squib for Microsoft in terms of the big-budget releases. Mind you, it's been a long time since any so-called "AAA" (horrible term) game on any system has excited me much.
  2. I'm trying to work out how Succession could end in a satisfying way. The only thing I can think of would be everyone losing their vast wealth and having to live like normal people, but that's not realistic.
  3. That's a reasonably good Clown add-on.
  4. That 147 was sublime. I think Selby was showing signs of fatigue in the first session, but he picked it up this evening. I think the winner could be whichever player has the better night's sleep going into tomorrow's first session.
  5. This reminds me of those two 4-3 matches between Liverpool and Newcastle in 1996 and 1997. This one doesn't have any bearing on the title race, though.
  6. It seems to run horribly on PC at the moment, and not perfectly on consoles either. It sounds as though waiting is a good idea.
  7. Two dramatic comebacks in the semi-finals is such lazy booking from the snooker writers.
  8. He's done very well to take advantage of his opportunities, but he's been massively helped by his opponents' capitulations. He'll probably need to make a much better start in the final.
  9. Si is only 20, so he's still got plenty of opportunities coming up. This will be hard to take, though.
  10. F1 Manager 2023 has been announced. It seemed as if it might not happen, so I'm glad. With any luck, they'll add in some new driver/staff interaction features.
  11. I appreciate that Jerry Springer came to regret the impact his show had on mainstream popular culture. Sadly, it inspired the likes of Trisha and The Jeremy Kyle Show, which were unequivocally exploitative and nasty.
  12. Luca Brecel was often touted as a future champion when he was a teenager. Maybe this is his time. He's said that his preparation for the tournament involved getting drunk and playing FIFA. Whatever works.
  13. I've always preferred the 3pm kickoff for the final.
  14. It's interesting that it was the issue of cloud gaming that was the stumbling block. It seems that there are no concerns about the impact on the console market, presumably because the PS5 is outselling the Xbox consoles by quite a margin.
  15. The UK's regulators have blocked Microsoft's purchase of Activision. Microsoft will appeal, meaning that this whole tedious affair will probably continue for a lot longer.
  16. Bobfoc

    WWE 2K23

    I often feel like this. I could have so much more fun playing these kinds of games if I had other people to enjoy them with.
  17. I always found "classic" Resident Evil games to be more tedious than fun. All the backtracking to find and drop off items to complete obtuse puzzles just ended up annoying me, especially if you died halfway through and had to remember what you'd already done since your last save. While some people like the old tank controls because they make you feel more helpless against zombies, they make moving around the rest of the time really finicky. I got the Resident Evil 2 remake for free and got about halfway through. I was glad they put in a better control system and the zombie encounters were better, but the game still wasn't particularly enjoyable for me. Maybe it isn't supposed to be "fun" as such, but it didn't significantly engage me in any other way either.
  18. I think I see the "big" however many teams as the ones that you can more or less guarantee won't come close to relegation in the near future. Chelsea, Liverpool and Spurs are all having bad seasons by their own standards, but they're still comfortably above any kind of danger. Meanwhile, Leicester and West Ham could earn top six finishes in the last few years, but have been involved in relegation battles this season. There are a certain few clubs that have a safety net that realistically keeps them above water, be it through financial might or reputational pulling power. Most Premier League clubs can lose a few good players to bigger clubs and then be in the mire.
  19. Yeovil's relegation has been confirmed. Dropping four divisions in ten seasons is quite brutal. In the space of 26 years, they've gone from the sixth tier to the second tier and back again.
  20. I just looked that up. Budweiser recently partnered with a trans rights activist, so Kid Rock bought several cases of Bud Light to shoot with an assault rifle. It showed that he's well 'ard or something.
  21. The reviews are out and it sounds like a thoroughly middle-of-the-road big budget game.
  22. A protestor just jumped on the snooker table at the World Championships and threw some orange powder on it. Snooker is wild.
  23. That's the cheapest it's been physically, as far as I can see. I had a voucher I forgot about, so I can get it for £5. I wasn't going to buy it at launch, but I will now. If it's not to my liking, I can lend it to someone else or sell it for a healthy profit.
  24. I don't really see it myself, but a lot of people have reacted really positively to this.
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